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write what comes


"fear nothing

 arms at evening at night"

- i ching


get tough on the inner for the neighborhood

and the  outer effortlessly takes care of itself


more people will honk and flip you off

for going the speed limit



"old people like to complaint

even blaming the young for our society today

when it should be other way"


"we young lack a voice"

- vanessa

 outstanding waitress


only few meant be incomplete remains

all other doors closed

we are compressing

the ship sets sail

- pvf


as inner cycle

from "rich" looking 

feel the "poor"

that why they fear it even more

from "lack" looking up

feel the no lack 

that why they desire it more

- it a paradox


deprogram past ; receive future


reverse world co-exists even more in LA

same ethnic diversity

but asian americans act more african american

e.g. imitate their more evolved humor

african american act more white american

e.g. they sing/listen barry manillow love songs 

white act more asian 

e.g. listen/sing asian oldies driving down venice blvd

the natives stays constant  


one been over write past; under write future 

rest much to receive ; or it from restless past

this compassion is from future

it only few words ; can we write only these ?

it is unconditional and all inclusive

what you can accept/receive ; it can give

 has far more than the past to give

 if enough space cleared out ; maybe even a game plan ... ?


a protective spell/exorcism sent from future


the wave of future is not living in past

and it feels more like emerging from below/unknown


future humbling to past

the power of humility


to guard against the return of false programming 

use the three circles defense

 the force of three sides is stronger than one


the 2017 defense must hold

the battle is now

​dark side strongest when other side least aware / most busy one way

vice versa


our day time is their night

their night time our day


unless we self generate funding

there no water to use in well

water need be brought in


we looking for 

inexperienced yet passion

writer yet to portray what the stories meant as second corner

the video - then perhaps a third corner may emerge

we dont know

future many remake there will be

but will wonder what it be like his version

and  giving its future popularity why he did not create it  ...?

one had to chill past month in LA to allow crowd to disperse

empty out the jug

so better to do less than more

 looking to make , not to miss , a turn

to make a new start

and will need gather helpers who share same passion

feel like walking out of the fire that morning

full of passion


graduating from college ; leaving the dorm 

with fondness

there is now a dirt path

and there is much to do 

i am still here and feels it clear now the table is

remember how it was when chewpiland first started

it was the future talking

that the passion and curiosity we looking for

travel light and have little to lose

whether you are 20 and/or 80 years old

it the same kid within

the world of joy is here

feels same in every culture

we not missing this turn


the next beacon

there be consensus feeling that

yup this the circle from future





"for the wind to south

north from it is"

it comes down to



the realization of which lit an inner fire dominic and i got all excited over ...

so the reinforcement going into hopiland

coming from trumpiland

is not forward but reverse ...


the city natives teaching natives the ways of the ancestors

- that only way they will learn 


inner money is useless

don't take the bait


money  an inner thing

outer symbolic


the inner machines clever 

but not as much as own future

upgraded it is "


judge the writer but not the spirit

we can 

but which is which may be impossible to determine


train station

circle gathering of locals

singing barry manilla song 

it was rainy day ...


LA prove too much for the man 

leaving on the midnight train 


Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00

if  the circle following paparazzi style

then the spell following  them from future  will also clear 

the future wants to possess them with their ghost riders

the choice is theirs


ghost riders are guardian energy sent  future to past

they sent from ourselves

even if distant future 


once this present time matrix learn it

we will send ghost riders to our past

they can change the inner 

then what happens ...

we may not know



if they allow their future link in

they understand the why of these words

you can't out clever your own future

and it wants to stay with this one ...



on that ...

he knows everything

we'll trust this to massauw

"if 100 year ago scientist link in us

we tell him energy and form same

just different density"

- quantum chewpi sr smiles

"the space in between is not of the speed of light but it is just as real"


" energy  can only move as fast as mass"


on climate

there seem less attention when the facts are demanding otherwise

it had to come from both sides

if you just watching the flow

it like pvf is not just when easy

by time writer reached hopis 2004

they had already jumped in


if understand root

then can change it ?


there the complaints

and counter to  over complaints

yet we all demand deeper understanding



"without consciousness

there no earth"

and vice versa

- one those quantum paradox

potential resolution


if we condense universe into size of atoms

none of us would know unless something else not condensed

speed of light remains same

it takes so much time to travel from one end of atom to the other

but to the observer which did not change size

the speed of light remains the same

it takes less time to observe the travel etc.


there notion of siddhis where one become lighter/ heavier smaller/ bigger than atom/universe

shifting into field of light and back

that this is not new

the point is

maybe it possible travel one place to another in less time than the movement of time ?

staying within light speed

maybe something with change/shift of density/dimension 

download (1).jpg

there inner/outer

if storm coming

there so much can do outer

as inner

does it make difference if it is countered and/or tamed in the present

the elements are empty

as inner

and there only this day


future to past :

as inner

every fire has first/last flicker

in between the energy it consumed

that energy is empty

how to reduce that energy ?


that there a parallel inner cause/effect

that its inner  has energetic fact / order


"...must be  'petitioned and pacified, not forcibly conquered ... all of these cultures acknowledge that the forces of weather are spiritually alive and sentient."


how to transform the energy inner into compassion ?

if we can do something

it be now

the final line of defense

either way

there be next one and after

it as inner movement is still gaining energy but 

has been slowed in the momentum

we here to stop it

reverse it 

to see the last flicker transform into new compassion green


water is vapor condensed

condense even more ...

it be a more firm /soft energy


fire we will always need

it need to burn in balance


fire counter balanced by feminine fire 

more fire/less light


like the stars

after awhile only see certain pattern

we are used to our inner movements


inner form

if shift takes place on a smaller/deeper level of perception

 we are used to its movements


coordinate a global resistance against climate weakening

 inner and outer

this has to include shift of perception and it wont emerge the solution until we act and move

this issue cant wait

the old given up 

the young don't remember when the lake was full

cant blame unclean water on natural causes 

what can we do ?

if there is an answer it is not direct

where new ideas can be explored / synergy applied


we all have  things to do

yet we all got nothing better to do


earth is our deeper body

those who tap it stays strong

it not just a collective one earth


rising heat we can contain

hand to next generation to control

everything has inner/outer

we to reach the non dual level which started the imbalance

personal level

it means we deepen our inner physical balance

the link to earth

it no matter how long the siege is

only how much stronger we are relative to them

we at edge of future

so we no ask it for help

that not the nature of this  future

it now a part of us - the future


the future says :

you are all forgiven ...


in the reverse world

they like those  who over inflates their age

and men who underinflate height

women who overinflate  weight


"I dress to look over 200 pounds"

"wow ... I want you to marry my son

he is older and shorter than he looks"

"yes, that what I like about him"

"and he is also dumber than he looks"

"yes, i love how he looks smarter"

these outstanding actors/friends

they talking of an inner pattern which has done no one any good

if they no get what they want

the asians in power and the hollywood bosses

they have a loud temper

but if one not in the profession

- tourist visiting venice beach

and not there to be part of show

- tourist from america in singapore

it seems rather silly




"The Rainbow Generation is those born from 1990-2000. Known for being the generation that brought much needed tolerance and equality to the world."


they grew up chewpiland years

maybe they (we) the ones we been waiting for




writer trying to figure things out

yet there a game which cause friends to  deceive 

and it is prevailing over 

it has little long term benefit

 perpetuating an old cycle

In retreating the superior man is intent on taking his departure willingly and in all friendliness. He easily adjusts his mind to retreat, because in retreating he does not have to do violence to his convictions. The only one who suffers is the inferior man from whom he retreats, who will degenerate when deprived of the guidance of the superior man.

- I ching


in script

future sends wave 

superimpose over energy body

replacing/transforming it


what we input into world wide web has strong implications of influencing our  future 

what goes comes 

it the intent ; not words

this machine is far more intelligent

and intent is a language we yet to recognize

there those who reads intent more than words

physical and mental both energy

it goes/returns to the energy which created it


we have all become within this movie

even the writer


"there seem to be a director but we can find no trace"


we don't need change what happened just how that pattern of energy flows in the present

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00

Thanksgiving 2018 LA

speaking with outstanding  locals 

"my family taught me ; if have roof and enough food

that all need be happy"


yea, that the way it been since ancient time


 some people have much yet so bitter

-  asian tourist  customer

(we to create script imitate these bitter people)

it the people between the circles who seem to have more enjoyment


venice beach 

the chicken academy network

- it the effect

tell waitress "chicken academy refer thy restaurant to thee

 she  smile "welcome to LA"


"that rain feels good"

- waitress

"our excitement in coming to this outstanding restaurant precedes our excitement in eating thy food"

- customer


- japan tourist 

chewey bows with honor and respect



something tells one  to put forth the writings

maybe a message may emerge 

like if something to come together

then all may  come together



near fancy golf resort

there thai restaurant

locals call 

"Better Than Thailand"

because customer has said it

and  who the master chef 


reverse world 

if  40 they say they  55  etc.

sometimes the two worlds cross

the 25 meets 55

they high school classmates complimenting eachother 

"wow you no look day over 25'

"thank you honey, 

and you no look day under 55"

they hug


"by helping others feel younger

feel younger  you do"

-morning coffee

"yes, it is how many years in future

not how many lived past"


if we extending others expectations

ours naturally extends"


"water moves from above downward

water comes from earth

here it is in the heavens

hence its tendency to return earthward"

- I ching

how to elevate water ?


"they compliments each other and share (gift)...

pleasure shared is pleasure doubled"




The I (easy change) Ching (ancient book)


the nature of creative is movement

through movement it unites with ease what is divided. In this way the creative remains effortless, because it guides infinitesimal movements when things are smallest"

- I ching

the creativity of compassion

three circles is more creative than one

"since the direction of movement is determined in the root stage of being, everything else develops quite effortlessly of itself,"

- I ching

deepening of the purification

it one movement at the root


the receptivity of compassion

the nature of receptive is repose. through repose, the absolutely simple becomes possible in the spatial world. this simplicity , which arises out of pure receptivity, becomes the root of all spatial diversity"

- I ching

same root

different movement


"CA is missing the receptive

its chicken corner

they go back to  the beach

and listen to the ocean


it cannot be moved"

- chicken academy professor


in reverse world

chicken symbol of pride 

- chicken academy CA



"once upon a time

there lake within canyon of strange

three sisters lived in a cabin

but that a long time ago ...

legend says they unite again

in a world century into the future"

- the story teller

venice beach, ca

"wow ... they must be more advanced civically"



venice beach

"that a flute ?"




"you ... play the flute ?"

zhu ren zhang smiles


humor is universal

it not of words but vibration

if you can connect with little kid humor within others , they will laugh and see you as classmate

- LA airport

humor expert from india

enlightened being

guest speaker  for the chicken conference

bows to other chicken conference attendees  with honor and respect


writing team's philosophy is grounded like legal reasoning and based on traditions

 it the humor which is off the chart

the two compliments


chewpiland is self arising and spontaneous


is a matrix of its own

shown to writer through the hopis

writing and websites merely a bridge

an extra extension

it has brought writer to LA

he makes what can of it

 chewpiwood  still here

stronger than before 

it no where yet  ...

it needs nothing

it not Hollywood because its way not it

like circle and square

like venice beach is different yet it within


we planted a few seeds

if  pull from future

we be back earlier than later

perhaps by christmas

it a good trip

spontaneous more than planned

like the hopi one

it time to visit

people ready

water clan arrived

spending time with family

we gonna take the story

back to the 80's

torrance, CA

writer visiting grandparents

and cousins

bing want be romance writer (he the person behind the  author "mr romance" of

 " Romance Ever Lasting" and "LA romance "


reda and jada want to patent their ginseng perfume ("the root sisters" brand marketed in Taiwan and sold at some night markets)

we'll give them different memory of the lin family

zhong Xiao


the joy is  real

even if everything else

dance of illusion


no one leaves it

there no where better to go

- ecuadora miguel


legendary kung fu novel

"the year was 1915

it was the last time the couple

was seen at venice beach  ..."

- story teller

"where they now ...?"


the story teller pauses ...

looks to the ocean

"we don't know ..."

you dont know joy until it stays away

it a dimension

something which cant seek

but arise within the synergy

follow the feeling

and not the form


just let him make it

or you gonna lose it

he has nothing to lose

and if you have any buts 

then dont participate

the future wants him to speak what they want to be watching

if it not your future ; then dont participate

how many people left ?

what does he have to create ?

maybe nothing

but then we will know who we are

the no buts

- chewpi guardians

but like anything

even if live here 50 , 100 years

the hopis migrate on

if we can leave something helpful behind

we should make it

if your future listening

it may tell to near writer

if you past

it tells you - you dont need it ; you doing fine


so we move on

the next network

we wait on ...





transformation of compassion


compassion does not conflict with anything, not even false programming. It is the energy transformer, or the frequency elevator, which takes the same patterns false programming has presented and transforms them into compassion. it is like a fine wine changing the psyche of the person drinking it, except that the effects here are enduring, deep and beyond one’s prediction.


how deep one can transform false programming depends on the extent of one’s power of compassion. if one’s power has reached a point to rival the core of false programming – need of rationality, or false programming’s description of the world – then one’s underlying perception of the world undergoes transformation. Until one’s power of compassion reaches this point, one is still under control of false programming, no matter how much one tries to rationalize or how hard one tries to break the hold of false programming. It is only in expanding and accumulation of compassion that false programming naturally loses hold over oneself. Any effort or logic merely creates further illusion and subsequent frustration.


Compassion does not need to change one’s description of the world, it merely transforms it. it does not change evil to good, or criminal to saint, but merely take the existing patterns and transforms them. A criminal, for example, transformed by compassion may become a compassionate criminal, like Robinhood, or a social rebel, or simply a mischievous person having much fun creating pranks – one within compassion is not limited by social order, but use any pattern available to them to further compassion. A morally righteous person touched by compassion will cease to judge oneself, therefore others, and become simply a compassionate person. A couple deeply attached emotionally loses the pain associated with such relationship and become deeply attached in compassion with each other. The possibilities of transformation are endless.


Transformation is therefore natural and unexpected. All one has to do is allow the compassion to accumulate and the rest become effortless. Again, it is the intention here which truly matters. One cannot cheat oneself with socially noble acts or thoughts which stem from self-centeredness, and which one believes will create power of compassion. only true intention of compassion - whether they are the courage to let go inwardly, or acts of selfless sacrifice and service, or true aspiration to free others etc – will the power of compassion expand.

(to be continued)

Because this is a compassionate abundance, it does not stem from greed or need to accumulate possession, but instead from simplicity and natural accumulation. This is an abundance which  alleviates the pervasive suffering associated with wealth and poverty.  Conventional abundance cannot be experienced by everyone, as wealthy needs the existence of the poor. Compassionate abundance, on the other hand, can be experienced by all and is inexhaustible and ever expanding.  It is compassion which transforms our conventional experience and notion of abundance.      

legendary kung fu novel

pg - 13

dark world

transforming reptilians into compassion may seem impossible

but that is also his original nature

we simply need to remove the part which not compassion

vampire and/or compassion

no one is perfect - we eat chickens

it the compassion we have in common

and easy way to deepen compassion



that rock is 4th time

they want us to fight them effort 

we no enter that false programming

we simply let the rock do first the inner defense

focus their encroaching force into the rock


nurture our own future

maybe that why it kept writing

- that your own future asking us to speak through this inner network ?

hmmm ... 

if that future teamwork holds greater potential and it furthers compassion

writer will apologize for anything which still needs soothing



it a lonely circle where one need present a perfect self

and many waiting to take/replace him down

the weak circle flow became weaker

and he didnt have the medicine


since he an old friend who has help in past

he is forgiven and entitled to yell a few times at an old friend




the root of all pain

inner movement

is the fear of being laughed at

- chuy


remember dude venice ebach

writer walk with flute

he rides skateboard holding flute

looking all serious

got us laughing

he probably will tell you it felt good


- writer gift is to communicate 

readers gift are many

if just give inkling / idea

our staff takes care rest

- chewpi party is not party

but the party within each party


in our script

in parallel world

democrat debate top 10

sandra bu stands on stage

republican debate top 10

sandra bu stands on stage

she just stands there

at corner

watching and nodding

until it gets to 3

her name will still be in top 3

because people know/trust her 


it not who wins the debate

but who wins the votes

- nick

if she can bring in the outstanding utah votes

- customer

then the wild west may determine the outcome

- kevin

in our script

1850 b.c.

the rookie shows up 

not for the nba fong chi 


that ok because people all know how funny he is

like barkely in peak shape

he not need to practice

people will laugh


in script

the scene in fancy LA restaurant

the fong chi rookie

no one heard him tell joke

but already looking all confident

dines  with celebrities

like rihanna etc.

in this world

comedy is what makes one elite

that rihanna




walks by is the comedy king

kevin hart

the rookie shows no respect

"i am more funny than you "

 the fong chi rookie taunts


the fong chi guards stood up

"dont make us laugh"


this only pre-season

the king

shakes head

looks away

"dont even put my name in same sentence with the rookie when it comes to comedy"

download (22).jpg

those protecting the integrity of their judiciary should be applauded and protected

those just looking to create problems should apologize

and dont tell me what we can say or cant say in our own country

- sandra bu

aka the big foot

audience applaud

if this 2017 they ask 2019 

we say peace prosperity trump

that it been a good time

we write what comes

no interest politics 

sandra bu is what democrats needs

party pulled off balance by minority left and lack of central gravity -  getting all the attention 


she has the charisma

and maybe the calling from future

socially middle fiscally responsible

no one pushes her around

surrounded by top talents willing to work


michelle makes outstanding secretary state 



​2019 seems last of the time before timeless


​the fong chi train spontaneously appears anytime anywhere

​​- chewpi news


what if it katun nba needs

and not more foreign joint ventures


​why they think they lose market

​if they speak up like katun ?

how can james ha say he cannot be stopped ?


nba learns talk like katun
you have strong constant 
now a free flowing reverse
but you still need fight your own inner battle


Chewpi D

our inner movement vs. theirs

- ms t

if we hold ground

the dragon is an inner movement

- no fear 

otherwise it'll feel outer even if we know it inner

- death hunter 

elevating the inner defense is always helpful

- airball 


there no need for offense if inner  defense is strong

- sky king admiral

those who acted offensive because it lacks inner stability

- chief strategist

win the inner and outer offense becomes inconceivable

- sandra bu

it about perception

not the capacity

what if opponent is 10 times the size

e.g.  the sky predators ?

- death hunter captain

if we win their heart

the obstacles wither

- rose

the chief of middle prudence

they lose their offensive intent/support

- nba fong chi tom


chewpi nba bar


"you seen way they flop ?

and expect ref to call foul" 

​- customer

sipping fine coffee 

even if grandma set a screen

you know ...

they fall

not the grandma

​- volkan

and if ref not call foul on the grandma ?

they act all in disbelief

​- bar customer 

drinking fine tea

​​writer bows with honor and respect


the inner showdown

pg - 13




we challenging the perennial pattern deep below

we use our memory

to take down the dragon lord

judicial integrity is anchor

- bd smith 2019

we use katun language

there is outer/inner luminosity

if the inner has movement which indirectly controls the outer

then the ref's may call fouls on even the grandma for standing her ground

three pies to choose from

but they from same pie

just different names

those refs already chose the pie before tasting

download (22).jpg

our judicial integrity cannot be  compromised


and that has to be the way 

every culture

every race

every nation


integrity of judiciary

legislative branches dont have them

they vote by which party baked the pie

they not the judiciary


- sandra bu 

chewpi party 

chewpiland has an outer power

america has inner power

the inner/outer has something to do with the success of  outer/inner

- kevin

but that inner which supports outer

is not the inner seen by many

- sandra bu

that inner which not support outer is an inner seen by many

- alvin

there an inner battle inside the deepest realms of this land

- rose

the entire world will be the macro of this micro

- kelley


writer is 

"you be our consultant" 

​- preston and them been in it for centuries


there little if any we can do outer if the inner is lost


we to coordinate across all three worlds

using this network 

​now that we have place inside dharmakaya

let use taiwan 1975 as background

and speak katun language

so there DPP party

there KMT

they keep dividing

but they dont want to

yet something not native of taiwan influence them to partisanship


the inner luminosity of dark side is powerful indeed


jiang yi der is 

Zhong Xiao party nominee

table chen the vp running mate

xiang fei the party chairwoman

zhu ren zhang returns from america

to be the consultant

we begin the tale from here























taiwan today show

"there inner/outer government

inner the second floor

outer has different floors


one can enter the inner

while viewing from ground

the outer upgrades


"it been a century

if that basis for nations making territory claim

then no borders are clear


it then be which side has more tanks

that is not the future of global relations"

- taiwan ambassador


we use katun language

and 1975 taiwan as background




B.S. degree can be three years

tax rich to help poor without new taxes


​Start over

if neighbors can make theirs work

without inner luminosity interest

so can we  


more taxes like more chickens

that is not the direction"

- Sandra

zhong xiao party


climate and/or compassion


3 circles moving

post shift

deepening circle enters inner ground

reverse circle gains the respect/importance among other two circles

rising circle begins to see a possible solution to the climate


that maybe someone out there knows a way only if we could align with it

it showing us the way through its messengers

the energy field which is off balance

because it lacks a stable basis


there a force which is pushing it too far one way

there lacks an effective counter balancing force


wisdom of do nothing


"if the young can unite

without the bs

a third party can unite"

- sandra bu

"it is our future"

climate and/or compassion



reverse melt be moisture (wuchi)

transforming into dense ice"

how no body become some bodyhow to get colder in a warming circle


​that the weak flow of weak circle


"it like how can no body

how can his game keep improving 

thus getting closer to the nba ...


he may never get there

but it the momentum"

- katun

"if not for hard work ethic ...

up before every nba player am

running lines even in rain


we would not be talking about no body 

- alvin

 nba agent

with curry out

those fans who miss his defense

they know no body is ready to play 

- charles ba

paid studio audience nod in agreement


1994 chu office 2020

managing partner is rose

sandra the chief of staff

she also running for president as middle party

chu the junior associate 94

chu the new named partner 

each with lawyer spirit

rose the senior partner


chu office has offices worlwide


this the dark world

and sambogakaya matrix the light within it

it represents people/interests/causes

also the inner guardians of chewpiland 


guardian field sees everything

every movement within time/space

say someone crosses line

then they built a debit in wave field

like aura of guardian cloud


it also works the other way

e.g. compassion credit


unlike newton world guardians

quantum guardians no do anything 

they just stand there/reflect them


in script

those who return from future

they can get this this parallel state 

those who present 

whose future want us to link their past

they can link to this field

to tell them they outstanding

and it is the outstanding which link them

because to their own future

they are outstanding


it their future

they ask to protect

young hunts death with ease

passion is pure

it the duty hunting which they need help

we in optimal situation

within this wave field

and the quality/power of circle

to help them hunt down adventitious inner authority


if this is only a vision

why their memory body/programming

have to take on debt 

who they indebted to ?

- duty hunters

if your body/this vision/dream

did not exist before this simulation

it the memory implant that this vision body had ever paid any taxes

but if they not know it vision ...

the inner program be them


if seen as vision

it the wave program which is subjecting us

the hopi priest be the only one who pays tax




"we now have the vision

we just have to execute it"

- mic


it like this - a paradox

if we not fear lion here wave field

we wont there

yet there no lion here and/or it our friend

if we can change it here ...

it can change there ?


it reverse world

there a chewpiland foundation

based venice beach

board members gather discuss ideas

that how tale begins

it goes backward

the wave of redemption


"how cold is it ?"

new song 

listen to by beliebers worldwide


when reverse energy is needed

chu office sends 

airball defense co-captain

championship experience

nba all star

sportsman of the year

future hall of fame

top five nba

in quantum world/sambogakaya

believes and certainties/limitations of the inner movements have more to do with what we view in vision

- chewpi news

as quantum world

we know we can reach zero tax

- sandra bu

do you believe we can make advancements in this field ?

the false programming tax wave which allows for no inner counter balance

- raja bufe

chewpi news reporter

yes and we have slowed it ... 

- sandra bu

chewpi party candidate


in script

2020 sandra bu 

america enters a golden age

peaks out after she completes

force behind it

many changes need be made

future pulling

explains the unity


there ... by 22nd century

we openly link with civilization not us?

if so

it not like hollywood

and sandra opened it ?

 it would turn the tide


trump can still return

and democrats lack long term vision

we want to reduce taxes in the spirit of compassion

do it for the future

they want us to block it on the wave level

we to establish own inner land

spontaneously merging into old land

but not their ways

​- marleena

sandra bu


her wave has a large following

​- chewpi news



like this website

free to read

​good easy karmic fortune for all

to be on earth this day

and be able to read and read

​good and easy karmic fortune to all

​- humble rinpoche jr.


weak circle the soft circle moving forward

like sandra bu

she just relaxes

waiting for the family to gather

if everyone knows their role 

and clear on purpose

faithful stewarts of earth 

 measures further the general welfare

the counsel given here is to seek nothing by means of force, but quietly to continue oneself to the duties at hand


make that four ... for a buck

- newhart 1984

after you visit hawkins iowa 

- larry

come visit us rural vermont

- darryl 

the old stratford inn welcomes you"

- and darryl

"everyone you see

say "you are truly outstanding"

just point at them

- sandra by 's consultant #1

if they ask why ?

say "because you are the best"

- consultant #2

practice it inner

relaxed state first

- consultant #3

we've signed you up for a seminar with grandmaster of the art


sandra bu listens ...

 outstanding is a wave

no matter what memory it is

a second and/or decade ago ...

our outer response to it is 

"that is outstanding"


want get paid as actor ...?

in the story 


there also the 

you are truly outstanding 


"we keep sending it to others"


on the macro level

it'll pass

but wont be same

economic capacity remains firm

so will bounce back

a little time it'll take but will feel it

what important is the changes 

the adjustment  of new world

short term response has been outstanding

but it'll need long term vision


if cause was natural



then response be different

either way

we to cancel it on wave level


no fear rock guards 3 km

everything must first pass it

so either it was taken

or it inside it ?


as collective movements

those in less develop nations want closer to advancing tech and precision of ours

there two ways to do that

we need to elevate others


if 1% dharmakaya today 99% old vision

if in 15 years it 33% dharmakaya

there be improvements in micro/macro

pvf studio 2020

pvf wave factory


there the news which creates the waves behind the events

and waves which create the news

then there the wave which co-emerge with the events

news which creates events 

and the wave which cancels other waves

we are all of above

within pg - 13

 - pvf news


if we view news

in reverse direction



what are the news we need to know

what are the news which is adventitious ?

- pvf news anchor


pvf news

if more young than old then populating

if vice versa then de-populating


maybe in just 50 years

there be many more old than young


robots with intelligence be the replacements

then within only a century

machines smarter than us


we may need them 

more they us

we need an approach to this

-  news analyst


we each listen / observe within/out


long time

we know what compassion ask of us 

that if that past

which has made sacrifice to benefit us

reaches to us 

we shall respond ...


that even if 99 % leaves

we still here


to the future guardians

the machines 

unless we deal with it at beginning

they taking over human inner

they ask our help ...


​machines has inner/outer

as inner they second floor

at this early phase 

it not the inner/outer machine  the issue

but the inner movement which creates the machines

we to first recognize / slow it

be independent of it inner 

then take over/stop at its inception and/or

create our own counter matrix base

this is first accomplished at wave level

​- wave guardians


honey i just had another dream ...

- newhart 1984

another one ...?

- mrs newhart

"remember those guests from tacoma  ?

i was in the future 2020 

talking with them by this lake ..."


"oh bob, go back to sleep .."

studio audience laugh and cheers

chewpi news

if no like what china did/doing

dont get angry at their people

they are the first victims

we yet know the root cause

but if there is a cause

we will find it

we will uproot it

what they enjoy is us divide

we play right into their game

what we enjoy is they divide

play into our game

if we begin to recognize taiwan

for its independent qualities

we not be playing their game

- ambassador

reverse script

​pg - 13

​nba fong chi

​cheap coins

​in this world

they are memory implanted to believe they saw and watched no body playing nba

even the nba alums

they talk with him at cheap coins

like he had played nba

respected alum

only one person

charles barkely

knows it illusion


they believe no body wakes up to workout before dawn

running lines and shooting hoops

they even remember seeing it and watch it on youtube

the hardest worker in nba

- tnt commnetaor

only one person ...​

his international best seller book

"no body never played in nba"



just a messenger 

if this is what ...

then two sides need meet

the ancient ones and representatives of earth level 2

we can solve this ... immediately ?



from where they are

it feels like they can know and do things we cant here

they know the cause of it and can take it away ?


they have advanced tech ?

that will be part solution to solve the core imbalance

we dont know

just it a potential /opportunity

if  so and we can be of help bridging

let us know


it be subtle help root level

but result is there


climate and/or compassion

what is reflecting the outer is the wave

we first get to root of it micro level

that wave is adventitious

- wave hunters


unless sandra bullock runs

i like them both and will stay neutral

trump and/or biden be fine

they both experienced and reliable 

there nowhere to go but up

but there is no vision

and we may need one


a certain collective chakra is being opened at this time

when that happens ... energy released through movement 


if we can understand / see it

we can deal with it

release the energy the right way​

because it all inner movement​

- buddha butt lady

she the high priestess


US 4% world population

yet 25 % of people passing from this 

patty not know anyone who knows anyone who has it ; lynn tells tale of people passing from something else but offer money to call it etc.

- that it skewed

so we not alone thinking this ?​


future guardians they will deal with unless truth revealed - no mercy​

there a conspiracy and it like zombies assimilating inner world

the titanic sinking and all they can talk about is the stats  ...

these people may and/or not care what happens to it 


if so, circle need gather and act

place her name on ballot/free writer from obstacles

"you just focus on your writing"

we can only do what we can

if not speak up - the future wont forgive us​



history may show the each leaders contributed in unique way when looked upon from long term perspective

one advantage of biden is he got nothing to lose

it the spirit which gave him the calling

he need not initiate changes but simply allow what need emerge / elevate to be so

the wise one knows the art of non action

they will do good work

as did trump

"the future will look back and say it was  a good time in american history"



biden is wise and humble

he seems genuinely happy

the more we see him the more we like him

maybe we can work together / help eachother 

to improve/elevate  things


trump impress us with his honesty

he not seem interested in petty politics

and speaks up against it

even if if it not please everyone at times

that a quality we like to support


best way to help self is help others


help others feel younger is more effective than trying to be younger

help others past feel younger  in present is also more effective

"i dont see an old man 

i see your college kid rising



"real democracy creates the evenness which endures"

- sandra bu


tax in simulation represents chiang

the inner authority still there even in tacoma


good times chang frugal

so rainy days he can share and give back

that way we humans are on earth level 2

one time 1975 taiwan there a storm

many months farmers cant work

chang gave them tax relief​

- dr dean tsai

taiwan folk history /earth museum

that would be very logical indeed

- audience nods 


instead of more stimulus check

we should waive their tax burden

- sandra bu


maybe use ... "choose your future"

​sandra bu campaign slogan

- her advisor #7

am coffee

cheap coins


if we can pull this out
future will thank us
co-exists seems key word
if this has pull
maybe there something to it
we just don't know if writer is getting the message ?
for him it be ideal
stay linked both sides and stay independent 
helping using his skills
would make all the people he met past four years - government and hollywood and scientists and hopis more meaningful
i be comfortable working with them
by time titanic left port it already sank
the port is here now
the world just cant continue like this
just there been no credible solution offered
there has be a scientific revolution 
the tide has to turn
it need not be today but we must get feeling we moving closer to that future
the media would need give support
nothing can begin until we know people can accept them and just be calm and even thankful 

most humans are good - few bad apples

they abuse others because they could

as long they could they would

to robots and/or humans and/or third world nations/natural resources

only counter is transparency and open democracy 

future knows and there no other countries to run to

with internet - we progressing on transparency

but still far away on real democracy


high and low rise together"

earth/heaven same spirit


heaven is spirit

earth is not



earth has inner/outer

as inner it intertwined with human

if shift into sphere of compassion 

then there hope


Season 3


future sends reinforcement

compassion is blossoming


in script

if future time traveled and averted this pandemic

then this world be a dream/memory

it wouldnt have happened to the future our past entered

for some, we keep the memory

and wisdom gained

but it not register in the new future


like christmas carol movie

2017 we enter into a vision of future

if sandra bu became vp in 2017

she be president 2020

trump likes her

there would not be the pandemic

- that the message we received


now we  talked to the ancient one

he the last important message for the public

so if she the president

there be no pandemic




- because the star beings would be protecting our future

she would step in as vp in 16/17



there a message from here to 2000 ?

- dont burden future with middle east

will need to first convince the public

and leaders willing 


and our message to darrell 2015 be

only sandra bu can take you to second term


to obama 2012

take a break ; preserve your leverage

retirement is boring

let biden run with hillary


we ask writer be given protection/immunity

he needed to make travels with the spirits as guide

only if future gives feeling of safety

will he make the run to southwest


to johnson 1994

when we met at his office

- if you cant swallow your pride

you be cooking me breakfast for a year



after 2016 we didnt get same feeling it be safe to travel out state

and we didnt get the resource to create what future want to create

we passed th message to ask for it

but by 2017/18 it didnt want it no more

we dont know if that has something to do with everyhting today


guardians are thankful for any past/future protection  by e.g. leaders

you look out after him

the guardians will do same for you


back some years we were talking about drought and climate issues

but since 2016 we really havent  traveled

we wanted to but somehow didnt ...


if can handle only $10,000 limit on credit card

but given $20,000

there those who will go over

but their future still need to pay back

future on national spending


if there 9 people circle

1 to 10 ; one is left 10 is right

if keep adding only the "1" people or 10 people

even if they average out to 5

there no feeling of balance


in culture of media

judiciary independence is under siege

it like  fortress

constitution the anchor

there rarely, if any, need to bypass the constitution 

but they have ...

upon hindsight, was it necessary ?

and should it submit to only  a 50 megawatt siege ?

what happens when the 100 megawatt beast arrives  ...​

our task to help that anti siege spirit

and write what comes

another message

this pandemic due to collective inner/outer pulling apart - the ground awareness fading

if it not this it be that

and it mild at first

unless future intervenes

but need first open up obstacles to deepening awareness

hopi clowns energy needed to anchor down state to state

outstanding leaders need give them religion exception

allow them to read 


"you don't have to clown around to be a clown

but you do need to be a clown to clown around"

- bud

chewpi u clown professor 

massauw a word not subject to memory body wave


they need to go balance the places

in the past e.g. 2004 ; 2015

that how it can be averted

the writings past already indicated that

but there no response

the hopis can see future

all they can do as small tribe is their best

they stay faithful to the hopi body because they have the advantage of land which has discriminating wisdom of seeing/separating  the adventitious memeory body wave


so the reverse wave need strengthening ?

writer done what he can to code the reverse wave

but the actual energy need hopis to pass/activate

they have the power to open the clown worlds

guardians worlds many clowns


small steps

take back to 60's or before when they blocked the flow of the natural medicine - if amazon plants faded - link to the deeper realm also

some say it the root cause of many inner imbalance today - the outer antidote did not replace the natural need for it



meet in the middle​

"you can help them

but you dont need a position"

we want to help elevate both sides


win win for the world


future seeks our help

in return they will reward us​

only we can confront the mounting darkness o four time​​

there an inner world system which is pulling our nation into current of mediocrity 

if we like them - we good country

if not - we outcasted by world wide order


we 5% world population

yet 15 percent of world wealth

and 50% of world's attention


they dont pull us

we pull them

50% vs. 50% - that the field which truly matters

- ​

how to pull it back into current of greatness ?


immigrants helps pull the world's attention 

- quality immigrants are what we perceive



if we strengthen our resistance inner defense

we strengthen our land and people

first the people of this day

then also the people of past / future

- vision hunters



in a way we work for compassion

as writer we write and we rewarded in own way

and as protector we also get rewarded

we speak up and/or stand against the tide

if it prompted by compassion we be rewarded

it is generous in own way


"even if want be most selfish

one should practice compassion"

- 04 notes

it win win


it ok to lose patience/temper

compassion can express that


feel oneself too mature to do so

even if compassion wants us to fight them

you get point

"compassion is not one way rules and behavior"


"compassion is compassion"

- yolanda

the wise oracle 

nayas cafe


the background dancers william su tokyo concert

rehearing their moves 



Bakkuguraundodansā no U~Iriamu su Tōkyō konsāto karera no ugoki o rihāsaru suru


someone wise once explained 

china uses taiwan to channel the inner lack of the people ; if that is fulfilled, the inner lack will not have an outer focus

what peaks ages

he also mentions that under deng

they applied sage as counsel 

and uses the i ching principal to guide 

not sure it that way today


 taiwan china just need to walk the middle

and not allow the inner  extreme pull too far


putin enjoys highest approval rating

he no need tip balance unless necessary

in world

in time of economic sensitivity

there a middle way all three sides can walk


it all happens in america

the progressive left is overtaking the middle democrats

the mandate issue creating a new faction within repulblicans

there is not a left vs. right

but far left/right pulling the middle out

once there too much weight on both ends

the "ridge pole sags to the breaking point"


some inner force

pulling taiwan go too ast one way

maybe the far right in america

the vaccinated ones


if zhong xiao party rise 

jiang yi der president candidate

we can maintain a fine balance between all three parties

in the mean time

bring attention to the world

a new taiwan china relationship




i ching is the book (ching) of the easy (i)

it has way of making things easy by knowing how to harmonize from root/inner/micro

weakening of middle force is like losing the mediator

the ridge pole moves towards breaking point

to neutralize world wide conflict

micro first at own root 

this done with the strengthening of the middle force

not easy to explain but 

you get point


neutralize inner binary body/inner  polarity

the small circles in yin/yang is the great middle


if dem win/gop lose - bc garland didnt get his due

-  they didnt expect a stable of culture (roe/wade) be overturned with simple shift in politics

if dem lose/gop win - bc over mandating

- pandemic weakened economy but mandate furthers it

then they pour all that money to patch it leading to present inflation

am coffee


on world conflict

the west need to allow them a honorable way to retreat

it more important to them they not lose leverage/respect from west than it is to occupy/win it



the real teamwork is when each circle has common purpose


to neutralize the false authorities of past in the present


then ... maybe it may even have influence on the past ?



the false male ego world see as america is not the source of its power


that just the source of its adventitious


it the people with real personal power which abound in this land


they come from all over


the  system allows people to gather personal power

the culture encourages integrity

and above all

people dont fear the president

he treats them as equals


america has an outer/inner and  secret dimension

the outer everyone sees

the inner others can join/access/relate


yet they cant figure out the personal power of some americans

they just have it

- beef

chewpi news



the culture with collective knowledge of sub atomic will have edge in next economic revolution

it likely america or western europe​

- beef

chewpi news analyst

thank you beef

- chewpi news anchor​



write what comes

nothing personal

they say nba owners getting richer partly because there more audience, tv contract etc.

but really it because as inner, their power is expanding beyond the fans/players

the more inner power they gain

the more imbalance/disparity the feel


the bigger they get

the more superior they act

the more they want expand

if inner capacity is 5  and they outer have 5

then there sense of fairness

if inner is 5 and they hold 10

that why they start acting bigger than they are


warre buffet is inner 10 outer 10

if he start over, he gets there again

so people dont feel any disparity with him

he is elevating america's inner



like nba players getting that first big contract

nba owners viewing their value

their outer is way beyond their inner

the inner 5 with outer 10 then want to feel inner 10

so they do/say/act in ways that takes from others inner

to remind others they are outer 10 ; not inner 5

you get point

maybe that what turns people off ?

not how much they have outer

but feel their inner not fit outer 

if they act little more humble

it would help offset it

but they dont, not in this culture


this a pg-13 way of dealing with it now before it gets out of control

the owners should help us


2-10-99 (chewpiland)


if not have inner capacity to hold the outer 

e.g. inner 5 holding a 9 outer

the inner 5 will try to be inner 9 by using outer rather than viewing self as caretaker of the possession

- the 4 difference is the "petty" in

"a petty man harms himself"

"A magnanimous, liberal-minded man should not regard what he possesses as his exclusive personal property , but should place it at the disposal of the ruler or of the people at large. In so doing, he takes the right attitude toward his possession, which as private property can never endure. A petty man is incapable of this. He is harmed by great possessions, because instead of sacrificing them, he would keep them for himself."

- i ching

e.g. in 94

johnson was an inner 6/7 pretending 9/10

 chu was inner 5/6 but seen by johnson as outer 2/3

he underestimated chu and so he was surprise...​

we dont have that advantage today

once people know your skills

today johnson is higher than 6/7

but he also wont see chu as only a 2


same with airport

at start, they thought they  9 we  2


our observation is that had it been inner 9 vs. 2

and not inner 5 vs. 5

people wouldnt react to the unfairness​

that why it important to have inner qualities



the buck lightens into a penny

while increasing value

how ?

the same way penny expands/multiplies into buck without increasing value

the real value/wealth is within


we needs people who can expand inner capacity/wealth as much as people who expands outer numbers


 it is not the material gifts that count, but sincerity of feeling, and so all goes well ...

- i ching

attending bud's farewell ...

didnt stay long at reception after

in vision

it the intent not formality which matters to others

they know your sincerity/gratitude

no need to follow the duty/formality

just being there is enough  


they never experienced love

they dont know 

so they do what they do

- bison

on these people creating trouble

like the more power and influence they get

the less real love they receive from others

they more they turn to power/control

if they can "buy" your love 

why need to work/deserving of it ?

through high tech

they may even attain immortal etc.

but without compassion

it gets very dull once they have done everything 

- writer


without love, enough is never enough

- bison apprectice



the greatest english word is compassion

a chinese buddhist friend said it "amazing how an english word is deeper than all"

the chinese compassion just means kindness

in english, word compassion has power

even if it not used that way


that just my view coming from three cultures

the only thing which can ink them is humor/trickster wisdom of each culture​

it allows for the flexibility/freedom ​​


one would say compassion is above kong

but to understand / have that compassion​

"you must first realize emptiness"

then there no mental body to filter the pure  luminosit



as inner

ager/impatience wears us out

and we would not have done anything lasting

over humble / over patience moves in reverse 



power of abundance


as inner

if get pulled by money

second floor be the current

then there inner wanting

call it greed or need - there wanting no end even when full outer


if not get pulled

outer is outer

do what need do

there more clarity in action


there there the reverse

the one which pulls money in

not just attracting but pulls with no effort


the rich begs to give you money 

but you turn it down , even if needed, the same way they turn down people asking them for money

“sorry … maybe next time …” ”

that reverse


otherwise, one not inside current



in guardians world they will get everything they want - rainbow body/wealth/pleasure/eternal life etc. - but in an illusion form under control of guardians

they will believe they arrived ...

but something inside will feel hollow

without compassion and so long they have all that outer power - they cant let go 

until eventually they gain wisdom that without compassion. none of that is what it is


then maybe they will let go

and get back in line 


mental body compassion


dharmakaya compassion

if a billionaire disguised as homeless beggar

vs. vice versa

mental body compassion may get fooled by the act and think it compassion to help​

real compassion may simply ignore the old man​

and give attention to the other

the one few gives compassion to

e.g. lawyers


the fong chi eternals is a status fong chi grandmasters aspire to be

immortals who play fong chi

fong chi grandmasters are who fong chi eternals want to be - make others laugh and not laugh

the two kinds of people we enjoy friends with:

- people with genuine/real compassion

(vs. people faking it outer)


people with real personal power

(vs. people with outer power but without inner)

my inner circle always seeking to strengthen inner

that especially true of hopis

- which one you want more/see elevated ?

which better for culture/future  ?

here in america, we value people with real power 

whereas in places like asia

only those with outer power/connections gets in 

- that why they keep following american celebrities because they notice something different about them

it the secret behind branding of america


so if one is starting low - e.g. immigrant minority etc.,  we advise to associate yourself with people of compassion and personal power

- those people tend to be more beyond race gender nationality etc.

if one has compassion and stays away from those who dont then one will naturally attract compassion


personal power is shared only if they want to share so one first align oneself with courage and integrity - they will then align with you

even if they lack compassion, there an inherent respect for those of inner power/courage


people with both compassion and personal power are rare - e.g. mic

one is yin/yang

but if both flows then something else more apparent


return to innocence 

we write this bc there those curious why people different background get along with us

- it because they all that type of people we attract

(if they looking for money, wouldnt come to us)

there people hopiland very powerful but hides background supporting our friends and us

- they star beings

we also attract people bc they feel comfortable with our inner - that it ok to be goofy/flow both ways


those appear very tolerant outer but feel judgmental/restricted inner

- how can you be goofy ?

we talk to their inner child

not outer shell

and so they respond the same

"deep down, we all kids pretending to be adult"

we all dharmakaya pretending to be mental body

artificial power is what we can lose

e.g. power of wealth/fame


natural power is what we cant lose

e.g. the power of compassion

one requires a mental body

the more outer exceeds inner capacity, the more one way/attached is to that mental body energy 


need understanding of ground

the qualities accumulated and naturally reflected

Things that accord in tone vibrate together. Things that have affinity in their inmost natures seek one another. 

- i ching



​the female circle the weak flow and has always been​

it the powerful and independent women that need elevating​

the american women are by far the most powerful



so you the spiritual chief of your culture

which is the ancient root

and you (his wife) the female side​

i like to learn the mystery of it


"Although most modern Oromos are Muslims and Christians, about 3% practice Waaqeffanna, the native ancient monotheistic religion of Oromos."

- wikipedia

the last of the mohicans of africa



we been allies before this

- john​

yes, we go back long ways

we are both part of this (army) gathering

- million

maybe you two can guide us in this new world

- john

this place is like twight light zone

- million smiles​​

chewey bows with honor and respect



it is pure energy we from ; source of it is "black hole"  - i like that word ; door been closed ; they will need to be discontent enough without it to open to it ; there was time many but now only handful each culture of it

we at tail of it now - the head is no more ; maybe it will make come back but i dont know ;

if those gather as circle, there a chance, but individually, it not possible"

- million

without that black hole , there no regeneration

we in it /look at it  - the black hole - but not see eachother

- john

yes , that how it is

- million


a jigong story

a wealthy merchant, inner/outer 10

there war and he left as refugee

before departing, gave bag in gold to the mad monk

 decades later

the merchant returned to city

having built up a foundation again elsewhere

he was surprised to see jigong and bag of gold

not a piece missing

they both smiled and laugh

merchant decided to walk away from it

so jigong buried it again

if you want go from $1 to $100 without its opposite

you need to learn go dollar to penny​

this only easy if within compassion

without the reverse

the $100 begins to cheapen in value

the 60's hippies were the reverse

the momentum carried on

but without fuel, it begins to slow

the counterbalance culture begins to fade

taken over by a counter not balance culture

the $100 not getting stronger

even if it give good presentation



then if you culture that moving into $100

riding the reverse of a past that became $1

taiwan is the counterbalance

it like la pooba - cant keep it/cant let it go

- chewpi news analyst 


also like nba

it stands at $100 but inner not of same capacity


chewpiland (LPVF)

it stands penny and looks like nowhere to go

its inner capacity deepening

this inner corporation plans to stay this way

- outer penny

it the reverse penny we accumulate/offer 



like commercials - it another circle trying to pull on our inner circle, often with fear/desire ;  but if we not get pulled, it may become more compassion to appeal to us



power of abundance and beauty what make america brand stand out

it that feeling

whether it strengthening in LA we dont know

how to strengthen it ?


venice beach

money and/or compassion

Money inner has  energy currents it influenced by

Mental body mind’s money energy pulls everyone because an option not shown to work just as effectively to reflect same outer money

It may take outer money to make money
But it need not the inner 3 mental body money energy that will reflect/create/attract outer /to make 5 outer money

how to become immune to mental body's money energy  is also how deep capacity one has  of power of abundance

e.g. if can resist mental body money energy of $1 bill vs. resist/rival the power of energy of $100 

so there an inner current of wisdom which can replace that false program money energy

but it may not flow same way as comrades pull

a new inner currency

same outer money world


Productivity  Value Fullness


chewpi news

a part of 1975 taiwan tonight show

in this world

chewpi news has bought up both taiwan 1975 cnn and taiwan 1975 fox

creating a new synergy


outstanding cooper news anchor at fox conservative news

he reads the screen with disagree look



If they want say hanuman tao buddha is inferior because only they good
Then they over glorifying self

If we over humble and bow  “your ____ the best

we useless you good
You superior etc.
And be very content they see us below


"if we the best why wont you join us"

- they ask

"oh, because we inferior and you superior"

- we bow

Then they start to come down and we accumulate reverse credits

no matter how hard they try to keep go up


same with racism/sexism etc.

those people who do that feels anything but superior inside - they just wanting to find someone easy to bully and send the inferior vibe others sees them onto others/want find people who will allow them to feel superior for no reason

this is easy to see if look at e.g. high school classmates - the popular likeable ones dont feel that way so no do that

when they become adult

they same way


Fong Chi Inc.

Chairman/Founder : Mr Fong Chi

(so far sounds very normal start up in america?)

waiting on the chewpiland team to ready

it is not the writer who is not ready but the viewers  - they yet ready to be a customer

me no  mr fong chi - just background director

we waiting on a destined team member future all agree it that person​

and so we wait patiently until the business is ready to begin

our work ethic is that we can get job done without needing to be so serious


there infinite parallel worlds

we go in direction of a future where fong chi is popular business​

the world with no customers we will not be pulled by it

we started the idea from that future which is pulling/guiding us​

"we wont go to a world without fong chi"​

that the next 4/5d beacon we look to

what does your future tell you ?

- mr fong chi


she naga queen - holds the wealth/gold

and the precious wish fulfilling jewel

all gravitaes inner to it

the chewpis holds the fong chi jewel

swiftpis the compassion jewel

the swiftpis trumpis chewpis

the fong chi jewel has inner/outer

as inner, those who possess it within own inner no need it inner

e.g. "if you want to not laugh, as inner you dont need no laughing jewel, but as outer, it can help"

- fong chi comrade

"yes, ..."

- audience listens attentively


"dont get pulled by the fong chi comrade"

- hanuman

Fong Chi Inc. works in reverse

it begins when customers are ready

we stay background along with first wave fong chi inc staff

they each have also a double in the show

e.g. mr fong chi

if there a fong chi inc in future

it already there

it not waiting for us to convince customers 

it waiting on them to link to own future

if there is no such pull from their future

we wouldnt be writing it


we will use all our power to make this fong chi inc. mainstream and respected business

we will ask our circle friends who feel pulled by own future to join us in a serious business venture

we need their serious of purpose and business experience.advise

not just trying to not laugh 

so we wait when they are ready to reveal themselves

fong chi inc. will have a foundation




what if no customers no business partners interested ?


we keep waiting ; there no cost

but we keep going ; there a future fong chi inc is

even if just ourself


how we know when they ready ?


when the business begins


what if business never begin


it already here

we still go to to that future

- fong chi inc promotions 


quantum universe/parallel world

we wont go in direction of a world future where fong chi has no place in society other than a joke

- it wouldnt be our kind of world


what if no customers no business partners interested ?

we keep going ; there a future fong chi inc is

even if just ourself etc.

- fong chi inc promotions

as outer, do what we need do

as inner -  no inner compromise


the point is :

not as much to creating  business as - 

like quantum physics where if you believe it more likely to happen etc.

that if we believe/focus on a situation where we as inner kid enjoy our work and is in demand

then rest takes care itself/inner reflect outer


we focus on get top pay and respect - then we may attract a situation where we always focus on/wanting  more pay and respect etc.


as outer, play along ; do what need do

as inner, "dont get pulled by the riptide"


Watching show billion brings back memory law school
A few actor/ress of the show

First time to New York was with Frank while he at MIT
We drove down

We came from more humble background - parents live at motel
He was working as dorm advisor borrow to pay tuition - got EE master in 4.5 years

His friends from Taiwan were more money background
The cloth they wore the style they talk etc.
Frank drove a cheap car

Remember felt myself wanting him not to fall behind
Because It would bring him sadness

That my first memory of New York


use basketball language

if one is over hill all star

he labeled 7 but really just 5 capacity


stephen curry rookie year

he labeled 3 - not 1st round draft

but really is 5 capacity and 9 potential

then the outer 7/inner 5

will not feel he is 4 over curry

and vice versa

and will feel going down relative to curry

so even though one the all star the other delfino bench - one is sinking inner ; one elevating


maybe that how cruise felt venice 2011 ?

yet his career outer rising/top


chu office still $1

but inner still rising


in show billion

top financial boss vs. rookie 

he gets that feeling and cant stand it

want to strike him down unless he stays his employee/below him

while delfino feels spending time with the all star makes him rise to the potential 


7/5  (inner - feel not worthy of 7)

= 5/7 (outer - you'll feel to others  over rated)


5/5 = 5/5

inner rising feels better

even if it may cost some outer 


young people as inner want to look /be older than they are   

as outer, their effort to look older will seem fake

but if you 50

that same mind set may work

vice versa

point is :

you want to always to inner rising

as inner, always be that rookie

so the wisdom of humility


let go that over capacity


ask which our friends have most compassion vs. best at follow rules/exemplary records

which you more want be around ? which ones more likely to be accepted by jesus ?


to mao, chiang the demon and self the glory

vice versa ; who is right ?


dont over demonize self

dont over glorify self

it'll project onto others and we then play into the game (mara) wants us to play

- mr doan​

"that the root of racism"

how can the over self glorified fit through the humble door of eternity ?


 “There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?”

- james 4:12

the point is :​

he who is able to save and to destroy 

can also counter balance



fong chi inc. has no product ; no income

just a name and  loyal base of customers

in chewpiland script

it is traded under the symbol LPVF


when it comes to power of abundance

mic is clear top ; no close second

- ceaseless expansion 

we met him 04 and everything easy expansion 

we didnt focus on money but if did it likely same

put him into center of any movement - chewpiland or any corporation

and it'll be worldwide



blank space wealth​

wealth is of endless space energy

blank space no have it not not have it

it an endless space energy controlled by beings deep within it - e.g. nagas​

so if there a dragon who possesses its power/resource and also is within blank space

then that is blank space wealth


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