top of page

same home

but not of memory kaya

there people here

but they not of memory field

they at portal

meditates into our world

a middle space between the two worlds

we call them our future

we to receive help /send to 21st century 

they call us their memory body

they to send compassion wave

the more empty we enjoy the wave

the more efficient the great transfer


there a world not made with hands

has equal compassion every corner

compassion is kind

compassion is generous

gifted us a land/estate

a space of our own


this house was built by hands in 20th century


here ... 

"it is a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."



The Village Cinema



“If ye realize the Emptiness of All Things, Compassion will raise within your heart;"

- Milarepa

“yes ..."

- old man zhu agrees

this the pvf wave side



you've seen it few times

how those behind not see us anymore

yet outer appear same

2005 / 2017

even our memory of past 

it replicated in present

they not us

the body which holds it is no more



"as a precious gem ... fully bestow riches (compassion) onto others, doing so without any effort"



"without moving from dharmakay

we are seen in all spheres of this world by being of karmic fortune.

the vision incites them to dispel all their pollution (purify the root)"

- uttaratantra 


good and easy karmic fortune to all


"The Joyous ... is the eastern pure land"

"Though even bodhisattvas do not see the fields that appear to the buddhas, for the buddhas themselves they continuously appear.

That is because they are the intrinsically and spontaneously present appearances of the space of the dhatu.


The Secret Essence says:

Within that same bindu of wisdom is that wisdom bindu’s appearance.
Inconceivable and unthinkably excellent,
There are the perfect, unthinkable, utterly pure buddha fields,
Throughout the ten directions and the four states of time. ..


When all these mandalas, beyond the scope of thought, Have all been apprehended, there is perfect delight."


Self-appearance as empty form is unthinkable.
It is the self-experience of conquerors of the three times.

the fields of self-appearance are of luminously radiant rainbow light.

They are “unthinkably excellent,” because they are measureless "The limitless pure fields" are the buddha fields of self- appearance. 

- longchenpa

 New Matrix (7)


gathering forces wave hunters front line

as defense gaining strength and number

we yet ready to advance

but we will

we only need purify the root

then task done



wave hunters


the army of compassion


"we practice the dharma in order to exhaust all impure appearances, all delusions of impurity.


As long we have not managed to do so, these impure appearances will be there.


Once all delusions of impurity has been exhausted, everything will shine forth as pure physical forms ..."

- buddha nature

wave guardians mission statement


if we help clear their wave with our time here

we accumulate much power of compassion


compassion as element


"the form kayas are not made from the elements


... the sambogakaya and the nirmanakaya"


(like waking within dream) only in terms of mere appearance, in term of something relative or nominal:"

- buddha nature


rainbow body of the great transference

master hu is reverse

he leads the anchoring circle

​he tells you in few words

that his body has no elements / rainbow light

​​just to demonstrate

from his view

no body read a book

it memory body wave 

he enters to show optional view 

​"buddhasatvas only need be seen"


ground appearance in second floor

memory body subject to memory wave

false programming/second floor cycle of begin/rise/fade/end etc

essence body does not

it has no form/no body to experience such limits

yet it can take shape



they appear and allows us to understand

"... for manifold sensory objects, such as form kayas and so forth, to be perceived (and yet known) as being merely relative

the objects perceived are non-arising in that they are not made of elements

one beholds (pure form)  , hears the good and pure speech ... smells pure scent  ..."

- buddha nature

the buddhas as appearance


"the buddhasatvas who dwell on the ten bhumis perceive form, sounds, odors, tastes, and contacts that are beyond the elements  ... They appear through the power or creativity ability of the dharmakaya"

"displaying the illusory appearance ... the reflection of the sambogakaya ...

all these appearances are not made from the elements  and are seen by noble buddhasatvas whose sense faculties have been transformed through the path of seeing"

- buddha nature

because they are not made of elements

springing from space

it not subject to same rules as elements



it sees the lights as second floor

if vision/dream

wherever we are

whatever we see

it lights moving

the waves are inner movement

same empty


formless body and/or compassion

body is  seen as dance of lights

accompanied by the empty wave


what shape lights dances - big small old young

not as important as quality of the wave


"are you certain it happened "

not it didnt happen ; just whether we  "certain"


compassion as element vs. second floor

"the unmixed qualities and worldly beings have nothing in common, not even as much as a single atom"

​- uttara tantra

just as "... the properties of the four elements of earth ... such as being solid moist, and so forth, are not native to space ..

the feature of space, such as not obstructing other phenomenon, offering an opportunity (for their arising), and so on, are not native to anything visible ...

the great compassion of buddha pervades all beings and yet  his unmixed qualities have nothing in common with sentient beings"

- buddha nature

that the elements which spontaneously arise from ground not same as elements which arise from cause and conditions

it has a third - emptiness

we examine structure of this sphere

it easy to get trapped promise of "enlightenment"

they all stuck penthouse

some higher than others


follow our writng

it says to listen to universal compassion

and we all know what that is

even if it sounds illogical


deepening of compassion is why we came here

not for any personal benefit

with that intent we safe


dont know how many we have ... ?

compassion given sign

you want to deepen and improve

go clear the wave


just begin

and everything will follow/happen 

"we ready"

the revolution of joy



NOTES 2020






The Great Compassion


- compassion is the essence/energy/form of deeper nature


- it is not of the false programming elements yet can appear as elements within it


- it is unchanging pure and cannot be tainted by false programming


- like the sun, it is pervasive as being everywhere at all times so not something which need to seek


- the compassion within each us cannot be polluted


- the false programming within us can only be pure in a relative way


- elements underlie/create the forms ; compassion elements create/underlie compassion forms ; it the quality which is important


- what is not pure is easy to see, even if it all we can see


- to purify it at the root - compassion is the essence/energy/form of deeper nature 




power of humility


- nothing is as humble as innocence


- it is simple earthly and accessible


- it cannot be tainted ; otherwise it would no longer exist


- it not hidden in temple yet is protected by all those who treasure it


- without it the sacred would not be sacred ; the inconceivable not inconceivable


- yet it is so simple and we all know it


- there is no ritual or religion which has exclusive claim to it


- innocence is not of the false programming elements yet any element which has it is purified at the root 


- and vice versa


- it is the ground floor because nothing is as humble as innocence



the appearance of compassion


- compassion as essence can appear as energy and as form 


- if it appears as energy, it has the qualities of being pure and unstained as well as quality of purifying


- it is unchanging and therefore not created by any other causes 


- like the sun light is just there and the qualities of it remains unchanging


- it was not born of any false programming causes and therefore not subject to its effects


- false programming like artificial light. if it begins it also must fade. There many different versions of it


- unlike artificial light, sunlight is always present,. Unlike false programming energy, it is present even at night


- if sunlight cannot be separated from our nature, then the forms and energy of it also cannot be separated 


- if there is form there is energy ; form cannot be separated from its energy


- forms are ever changing but its energy need not be


- artificial light cannot remain unchanging. no outer technology or power can change its relative nature 


- compassion as form merely reflect its energy, which is just there, unchanging and unceasing like sunlight


- just as how compassion appear as energy is not subject to how false programming appear as energy, how it appears as form is same


- compassion as essence can appear as energy and as form 

here a message from future guardians :

- he knows this not his place

- the tax filing burden is our sign

that it time to exit

- the computer generated people not his ally on this

- he is happy to help clear the wave

and not mind the stay in order

- but this place is not his world

and unless he is allowed to exit freely

and/or agreement to his satisfaction

by 6-21

we will be allowed to cast spell to any sentient beings behind it into their past / future and to their circles 

and/or anything else we can do


and only if he tells us to cease

will we not able make the spells mature


if they not let free once he asks ...

then there a word for that ...

we will then have no mercy ...

- guardians


"just ask for our help ...

trust your own future"

- future guardians

- like inside of cocoon 

we yet seen but they can feel us


sales pitch

we here to gather helpers for return

imagine there two identical you

one goes to help one stays

​after 10 years

the one who accumulates power of compassion is more advanced

​which one you want be ? 


gathering helpers

programs doing what they to do

the power of compassion allows programs to participate

what they benefit is between them and compassion

the essence is capable of anything


we entered to further compassion


- no program can trap compassion

it cant simulate space

maybe compassion entered to take it over

​and programs are beginning to remain neutral


wave conquers

we need first conquer the vision/wave by establishing own ground within

gather helpers to take on the adventitious waves of 21st century

only by defeating the waves here can we have any influence there

only by gathering forces can we have strength to conquer the wave

so how many do we have ?




the sphere of compassion (1)



- compassion is everywhere and so this sphere is everywhere


- it often can seem different or reverse of ordinary sphere, like a different root which creates seemingly same branch


- it the result which upon reflection we know it compassion. It does not mean that it what we want or opposite of what we not want 


- the energy of it is same, whether here now past then future there. The wisdom of it is what is profound.


- it knows how to get things done within compassion, but may or may not be what we expect


-  knowing compassion is our primal instinct. Everyone knows to recognize it especially as a feeling


- its wisdom may seem zig zag, especially to those who know too much


- it not have definite size place or image, but it can appear as place with appearance. 


- everything is equal within, like childhood play ground


- there not a place time it cannot access as it is of different basis.

- those within the sphere may seem foolish and naïve yet they seem to have different experience and reasons for their actions


- it can take one into the darkest of the canyon within compassion and we would be awed by its wisdom


- to show us that compassion is everywhere and so this sphere is everywhere



the transformation of compassion


- the root can be transformed into compassion


- same root remains and need not be replaced


- the transformed root need not take credit for the above changes which follows


- within compassion root, branches may renew or be replaced, but the root remains the same – there need not be destruction for a new world 


- false programming is the program of the root, the energy which underlies the forms of the tree


- without transformation from deeper source, the new branch merely reflect the same, again and again – the continuous wheel of false programming


- once its root energy is transformed, the new branch merely reflect the same, again and again – the continuous wheel of compassion


- if elements makes up the energy of the root, then compassion becomes the energy which makes up the root


- without transforming the root, the wave remains same quality even if changed into another wave


- the paradigm easy to understand – the root can be transformed into compassion




without moving away from ... displays a manifold number of different physical and verbal appearances in accordance with his own aspirations . and yet does not move away at all from the unpolluted abode of the dharmadatu 

-buddha nature

similar to space, his body is pervasive, formless, and permanent ... like the earth, the buddha is the ground holding without exception

- uttara tantra


the essence body has own sphere

 from it forms and energy of compassion can appear within other fields


it just a challenge

if this truly just inner movement

programs of verbal and physical appearance

then we - as team of wave guardians - need to take it over

once we reach the ground / dharmadatu

we now know it a vision / simulation

we dont need to change anything

nothing needs changing

within compassion both sides can exist

there a middle circle

and we not backing down from an illusion

chiang/united states is not the authority in tacoma / olmo lung ring

which the authority here is where we are



we know the issues and we can see the battle field  

​we have the supporting team here and there - inside wave and in the physical

we dont know yet  if we can stop it

but we know we can slow it

​you get the point

​​lets prevail here first ...


strategy is simple

this just wave

there false programming wave

there compassion wave

​then there is the authority which has wave

if they are 40% compassion/60 other

then what is important is direction 

if they be 41% /59

then they will eventually join compassion sphere

in their/our future


like pvf writings ; there pvf wave

there other waves

readers gets introduced

they themselves will choose the direction​

like pretty womanshe not need the attention

energy compassion

"it has no actual border" - sole panacea

empty luminosity

non dual union



wisdom of compassion


​unevenness arising from evenness

​"in evenness, the occurrence of unevenness is arising from evenness space"

​- longchepa

means that it pg-13 way to clear out memory body wave

​we fine


​within uneven arise even

​- everything only seems stable


separate out separable

​the borders of memory body wave


the notion that future can change past is not possible to false programming basis 

but if that future is the essence

then that future was here before our beginning


like same house with different energy

​energy of compassion is the presence

once we replace our old energy body with it

house naturally changes

it endures and benefit self and others

if unevenness like roof leak, old deck etc.

it just wisdom of imperfection arising from evenness


what is the matrix ?

program which can receive compassion becomes more human and vice versa


flame of passion eventually burns out

not flame of compassion /love




compassion as essence


- compassion as essence is beyond energy and form 


- if it appears as energy, it can be seen as energy ; if it appears as form, it can be seen as form


- if it is seen as energy, it has the qualities of sun and its light which has been there before the beginning and after the end


- it did not come from the same source as false program energy and form yet it can coexist with them


- the energy of compassion has its own sphere ; within it the elements of essence function as one energy within space 


- that space is not separated from the qualities of five elements and/or elements not separated from space


- that whatever arise from essence is not separated from ground and what cease is also not a separate energy/form


- unlike false programming where form and energy are divided ; within compassion they function as trinity


 – the energy and form of compassion are inseparable as the essence of compassion – but any form or energy are relative  and so not the ground essence


- any power and qualities of energy/form come from the essence, and so in that way it cannot be said to be the same


- for those realized compassion as essence, they see they are not energy nor the form and don’t need them as basis


- this is because compassion as essence is beyond energy and form 








the wave of compassion


- compassion as energy is the luminosity before the world of form


- it is inseparable from the inconceivable essence, the ground which has no visible wave nor vibration


- it neither is created nor ceases from the ground ; it is just there, along with the ground which neither exist nor not exist


- because the essence of compassion cannot said to exist nor not exist, pure nor not pure ; relative nor absolute ; vibrate nor not vibrate ; compassion as luminosity also has same qualities


- that its vibration is empty / its emptiness can vibrate 


- it is therefore unborn and unceasing the way sunlight is not created nor cease relative to artificial light 


- yet it can purify the false programming energy the way sunlight brings light to dark


- this luminosity is seen by very few ; only when it makes appearance/manifests can it be seen by outer


- compassion as energy is the luminosity before the world of form

- compassion as sphere is the indivisible union of ground wave and appearance



non-dual union


to the ground of compassion

the two places/time movements are of the same present memory wave seen as two kayas/bodies

happens within same timeless

we both see the same timeless essence

of compassion

it all here as one timeless empty wave 


"Free from dying, it is the attainment of peace

in this sphere the demon of death cannot roam 

the state ... of uncreated nature has been fully pacified since beginning less time  ...

it provided the most delightful refuge"

- uttara tantra


inner death is seen as inner movement



universal compassion

from home basethe two visible / illusory kayas are there for others benefit


"supreme nirmanakaya cuts the stream of physical existence, but from the time of having reached buddhahood onward he will display manifold different illusory appearance as they are fit to train all sentient beings. Thus the continuity of appearance"

"they possess ability provided by the support ... of miraculous powers, on the basis of which the appearance of the visible kayas is displayed. 

​- buddha nature

a body emerges from rainbow light

it also returns to it

people who can are buddha born

it not matter how they were born

human or buddha

but once realized

their body is buddha born

it just a shell 

after enter another world

your form may be different

they dont experience same human born body

​it depends on level of maturity

​some can get pulled by the human born wave

and suffer along with it


it not matter how i was born

​it only matters now

my body emerged from the light

​- master hu


"so this rainbow body is like you cant see it yet you can see it  ?"

"because it very like ... it can instantly just appear in front of you to see and in an instant it can suddenly disappear

because it is a  natural phenomenon 

- master hu


root of pain fear of being laughed at


the essence body not need energy body

if it does, then the memory wave would never dissolve


from essence sphere appear as body of light

seen by other worlds

yet without leaving it


traveling one world to another

through portals etc.


from essence sphere

memory body wave is samsara born 

it not the cause of what emerges from ground

compassion wave is dharmakaya born

it is not caused/subject to the memory wave


gradually more of our wave be compassion born like clear spring


memory wave born

recycled water 

until all is purified



the sphere of compassion (2)


- compassion as sphere is the indivisible union of ground wave and appearance


- for those without realizing of essence, they can only see the wave and appearance


- for those without perception of the wave, they can only see the appearance as similar to their form


- those who can see the form can consider themselves fortunate


- those who can link with energy of compassion can consider themselves very good fortune


- as a sphere / the world of compassion, it is beyond the elements which makes up false programming sphere


- it is only here as benefit to others as the essence is not of this world and neither are its manifestations 


- because it has compassion as essence as basis, the sphere does not cease with the relative/illusory kayas ; its luminosity returns to the essence


- whereas false programming energy and form ceases once its basis is no more


-  those who can see energy of compassion can be purified by the world of compassion 


- those who can see the essence  of compassion will have a new basis 


- with the new basis, they will gradually have three bodies – essence/energy/physical – rather than two


- under false programming, the two memory bodies cannot merge ; without emptiness, they remain divided


-  whereas the triple body of compassion cannot not merge as one sphere


- compassion as sphere is the indivisible union of ground wave and appearance




the body of compassion (1)


- the body of compassion has a basis which has no relationship to the false programming basis


- it stands on a different ground 


- as inner movement, the energy body of compassion  cannot be defined ;  “there is no actual border”


- because its subject is the essence and so its object has nature of emptiness  - empty luminosity


- to separate out the separable,  once essence/ground is realized, it is not difficult to distinguish between the body of essence and the trapping of memory body wave


- that it the wisdom essence which brings out the unevenness to  be purified naturally  


- “in evenness, the occurrence of unevenness is arising from evenness space” 


- one with realization of ground can see memory body wave as separate from compassion wave – that seeing itself is sufficient to transform / clear the old wave


- the body of compassion has a basis which has no relationship to the false programming basis


every matrix has a central intelligence/main frame which is all seeing/omnipotent, yet compare to the source, it is no different than any ordinary manifestations / rupakaya


just they from machine

we all programs created from source

​the only difference ... we can link to it


sambogakaya the code of nirmanakaya

dharmakaya is beyond code and program

sambogakya code cannot be perceived by the memory body programs

yet it operates same space within compassion sphere which never leaves you even if within other spheres


from source

it all rupakaya whether this  or there

but if deepen to it

then we be at the matching rupakaya

we can reach new insight and the rupkaya shifts and/or

we can goto a rupakaya place where we gain insight​

a middle circle also possible ?


source can enter/exit every field

we entered through the source ?



rupakaya is the active side of compassion​

the outer luminosity of luminosity

emptiness the passive


from source it all rupakaya whether this  or there ; but if deepen to it

then we be at the matching rupakaya



there program for every possibility

​such body program can change shape in any way ; present itself in any appearance

compassion intelligence also different basis - it arrives at insights without ideation


it not matter what the label is

e.g. age

only what the present code is

codes from source very different than codes from binary memory


we not pulled by future

we invite the future here

we know we are a vision body

yet from dhamdadatu all is vision/program

we are all programs within programs

the programs which can link into compassion ...

they programs within compassion 


"the unpurified, the both unpurified and purified, and the utterly purified (phases) ..."

​"it embraces (those with) faults ..."

​"the dharmadatu in all beings does not suffer the slightest pollution ..."

​- uttara tantra

to compassion

​that all second floor cycle

​what is impure can be made pure

and vice versa

but the ground/compassion cannot be tainted nor purified 


everything in universe is live


we may not be there as present 

but it all moving/happening now



false programming body / trap

the wave hunters to hunt it​

take back power

every time that insight what we consider outer is actually inner ...

points earned

humans get stronger

vice versa when we get pulled by false programming wave 

- tug of war

may the force of compassion be with you

- wave hunter instructor

not easy to separate out inner/outer at first

the tax wave training help us anchor deeper 

using this to clear deep root memory wave 

is it inner or outer ?

what was dormant is cleared out vs. accumulate it and it'll project later onto something else

separate out the adventitious - it not us

the perfect medicine

best way to help self is to help others

decide whether it inner or outer

and stay with it

​- wave hunters


emptiness and/or compassion


in lucid dream ;  the difference is the awareness of emptiness 

it then has different basis


emptiness the eternal option to everything certain

are we certain it happened ?

not saying it didnt ; just whether we "certain"


if remember coffee am

that present memory is inherently empty​

can be implant along with idea it was just now 

did it happen ? if this dream

is it the cause of this memory? and/or

does it have be ?


that in vision

our vision bodies dont exist outside memory wave


in dream

from one view

we are here

there is our physical body

we also have energy body

from another view

the brain has personal 3d/4d/5d


self appearance

upon reflection, it all self - appearance

past two years be a flash without the writings footprints

the luminosity is always here

with us forever wherever


the personal appearances are like dreams

those who we see only when seen

unaware/purifying/purified phases

we purifying


wisdom of imperfection

purified within compassion vs.

imperfect within compassion  vs.

purified within second floor  vs.

unpurified within imbalance


more important to stay within compassion


in script

they have advanced technology

regenerate / made new body with ease

pill which makes body perfect

yet there those who not use it

they say it is

perfection within second floor

they dont need it

these are those with advanced inner tech


visible (5%) vs. dark matter (95%)

appearance vs. luminosity

at first appearance is 95%

the more luminosity

the more the light shines from own ground

the code of new energy body is different from old code


wha happens if 10,000 self sprung lights emerge from the ground ?

every time that insight what we consider outer is actually inner ...

points earned

humans get stronger

may the force of compassion be with you



the code of compassion


- codes of compassion have different basis from other codes 


-  patterns / codes inherent within the program are what determines the inner movements


- codes which has defined boundary and direction creates appearance which has boundary and direction


- codes without boundary or direction can also have same appearance and movements


- the difference is that one is not subject to the other ; same plant different quality of root


- the codes within compassion sphere have different programming potential 


- its basis has no relationship to the other programming basis – “not even a single atom”


- codes of compassion have different basis from other codes 

The Heart Sutra

The Bodhisattva of Compassion, 

When he meditated deeply, 

Saw the emptiness of all five skandhas
And sundered the bonds that caused him suffering.

Here then,

Form is no other than emptiness,

Emptiness no other than form. 

Form is only emptiness, 

Emptiness only form.

Feeling, thought, and choice, Consciousness itself,
Are the same as this.

All things are by nature void 

They are not born or destroyed 

Nor are they stained or pure 

Nor do they wax or wane

So, in emptiness,

no form, no feeling, thought, or choice, 

Nor is there consciousness.
No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body,mind; 

No colour, sound, smell, taste, touch, 

Or what the mind takes hold of, 


Nor even act of sensing.

No ignorance or end of it,
Nor all that comes of ignorance;

No withering, no death, No end of them.

Nor is there pain, or cause of pain,

Or cease in pain, or noble path to lead from pain;

Not even wisdom to attain

 Attainment too is emptiness ...

- the buddha


 the triple body and/or compassion


Saw the emptiness of all five skandhas


​- skandhas are inner movement


skandhas are subject to false programming 


​"the five skandhas — the aggregates that compose our whole mental and physical existence. 


the skandhas are said to attract suffering  since they come into existence  due to ... karma and mental poisons ...​a human being ... will invariably experience suffering by the mere fact that he or she has a physical body

once they have directly realized emptiness, do not have real skandhas themselves ...

​- buddha nature



"human" born body subject to skandhas

​skandhas are second floor code/sphere

without awareness of emptiness

it believes skandhas/physical energy body  to be the code/basis

emptiness / ground sphere

compassion born body

it has own way of viewing "our whole mental and physical existence"


the heart sutra

as inner movement

outer movement is empty

inner movement is empty

and then from that state of emptiness

compassion code emerges of "our whole mental and physical existence"

sambogakaya not subject to second floor waves


like wake in dream ​that extra layer we awaken into

​there really no this or that

yet there the appearance of form/body

but without the skandhas as veil


​heart sutra the most outstanding  ; 

​not just the wisdom

​but from that state of emptiness

the buddha sends compassion 


human body with compassion code

​vs. human body with false programming/skandhas


as inner movement

​are you certain you have a body ?


skandhas is memory body wave

​in dream

skandhas is the body in the dream

and/or what we experience as the dream 

once separated from dharmadatu

the body still there

but without the skandhas as veil


skandhas programs subject to disintegration

even though energy never die

skandhas creates a memory wave of a body which stores energy to disintegrate


essence body not need energy body

​skandhas do not have essence body

and so it creates own false basis


after life / present moment memory wave of a place where memory body can go after disintegrating


am coffee like a dream to compassion ground

​there is no physical body beyond what is here

- here and here as memory of am 

but to skandhas there a memory body 

as though as it exists of its own

- here and there this am


if 10 minute nap a dream of ten days

​did it happen ?

the waking body does not register the dream

yet it remembers the ten days

while the dream body/skandhas is no more/seen as second floor



Form is no other than emptiness,

Emptiness no other than form. 

Form is only emptiness, 

Emptiness only form.

sphere of compassion / sambogakaya free of skandhas

it has own way of relating to the form

own understanding of physics

within its own sphere as wave/appearance 

the sphere can enter other worlds

so the body is never separated from it even when out there


ground densley array adorn

body wave feel not that different from it

top and bottom chakras same place

- different root


once own ground

can have own story/code

e.g. sphere of compassion


" The word space is used because the dharmadhatu is like the body or realm of empty space where different things, like clouds, birds, and airplanes can fly around without obstruction.


Likewise, dharmadhatu is the essence of things—empty and inconcrete—where all phenomena such as trees, houses, mountains, oneself, other beings, emotions, wisdom, and all experiences can occur openly."


in hologram

no need of the energy body yet it there


"consciousness came from mind

mind coming from alaya

from alaya, all kinds of thoughts

will come, just waves of the river"

- lankavatara sutra 

that consciousness of the elements

3/4/5D - are not inherently real/exiting


separate out separable


we want to view space as only outer

"space is the outer
everything else  the inner


that space which contains the consciousness is the ground of compassion - dharmadatu"

- new matrix (3) 



here this body image is just replicated hologram designed to free us of the adventitious memory wave body

it wont let us get attached to this energy body -that it not really fit the essence body and lack that certainty of basis 

the old energy body wave not same as the essence body wave

yet they are at peace

form/formless/no form


younger older etc no matter

this is temporary and it a hologram/shell


formless is not no form

just as genderless is not female

​physicalless is not no physical


the memory body wave cannot enter/has no relationship - "not even an atom"

the consciousness of five senses cannot see it - like dream body cannot see the bed we sleep on nor the partner next

"you dont see it yet you do"

So, in emptiness,

no form, no feeling, thought, or choice ...

- buddha 

physical/energy/essence body

the  form feeling etc. we see here - they are not our essence body

essence body not need energy body

separate out the separable


Nor is there consciousness.
No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body,mind

- buddha

as inner movement

the consciousness, eye ear nose tongue body etc. we see are not needed

without skandhas as veil - compassion body/mind/speech is what remains


Each world corresponds to a mental state or a state of being ... A world is not, however, a location so much as it is the beings which compose it ...


paradise is where there no  memory body wave

- wave guardians


paradise is where memory body wave can be separated - become immune to it

- wave hunters


​"if no (without)  high no low

​no immortality no mortality


All things are by nature void 

​They are not born or destroyed 

Nor are they stained or pure 

Nor do they wax or wane...

- buddha

chewpi mara laughs at zhu ren zhang

"ha ha ha

you cant play the flue

no one ever heard you play the flute

you must be no good at it

you are a flute loser

ha ha ha !"

- chewpi  mara

zhu ren zhang

looksth to horizon

​speaks slowly yet with great pride

​" ... not when you're the best ..."


​you are useless as a flute musician

​ha ha ha !"

​- mara

​looksth to horizon

​speaks with pride

"useless is not no use ...



we all return to source/compassion

but there the pure vision vs. everyday impure vision path

"At the same time that our visions dissolve our physical body also dissolves because it is just one manifestation of our impure karmic vision. 

Our normal everyday impure vision has the same source as the Thodgal pure vision - and now both equally dissolve into their source the Natural State. 

There is a single Base, the Natural State, but there are two Paths - impure karmic vision and pure vision, and two Fruits or results - Samsara and Nirvana. 

- lopon tension namdak

on the path of vision

the long train track

it is afterwards the same as before

this is dharmata ever unchanging

- uttara tantra

the faults, however, do not truly exist

they are merely adventitious and able to be removed

... it is same as it was before unpurified phase, it does not undergo slightest change

- buddha nature


imperfection within compassion


purified within second floor

once it is within compassion

the ground been reached

​future did not cause the past

purified did not arise from unpurified


this pvf begin to have own energy matrix 

it has manifest own code

yet to manifest form

​this new energy matrix can replace our old skandhas ; it trinity so effect different than old binary skandhas


the wave of trinary different from wave created by binary

​different qualities of elements


we want to have highest standard for separating memory body wave

not just what we need to drop off for our time

future needs us to clear out their adventitious 

​they send us their compassion waves 


we like to extend our gesture of peace with the power which governs this world/vision/culture and society

- the hopi book club

we only need to separate it out

otherwise it stays in backpack

e.g.  21st century body

there need first be memory wave body to have 21st century history/duty


body and/or compassion

if this only vision

there need first be memory wave body to have 21st century history/duty

in other words

there an inner movement/ memory body wave which believe itself to subject to birth/death etc. - skandhas

it not mean we wont pass on etc.

just that once separate out the separable 

memory body is inner movement /adventitious


even if let go of what can let go

separate out the separable 

we still have a body - essence body 

it natural state free of skandhas


if this a vision

or you find yourself in one

then what/who is in control ?

we need first see it as not the old world


this is not 21st century

even your body is a vision

no matter how similar they appear

there is no relationship between them

no one there can do anything to you 

yesterday in here did not happen 

but only within your memory body 

and if you know how this place works

then you can be free of it 

- vision quest instructor


"suffering comes from having a body

without body (無身) how there is suffering ?"

- tao te ching

this a profound statement


nonbody not same as not having a body

without memory wave body there is no memory body wave to suffer ;a body free of memory body wave has no memory body wave

it not mean there is no imperfection

as perfection is defined differently

 just that free of memory body wave (karma) there is no memory body wave 

what happens if there is no memory body wave ?

if only essential remains -  we dont know yet


inner and outer movements not obstruct eachother

the inner not like/dislike the outer

the outer cannot pull evenness of inner

since the old memory body wave is not there

energy (inner) and outer (physical) bodies are together - then from that state of emptiness

a new body



to attain this state, we need to view the entirely of memory wave body 

its outer most boundaries - as awareness

the inner most false programming

- as discriminative wisdom

​like view house from outside  - sky view

once we able to separate it

 we dont need it ​- it only there when seen ...

anything is possible in a computer generated world

- frank

if just spoke with him

did it happen ? ​appreciate his candor

if he shares memories of coming to tacoma yet he not that frank  because "it may be in different world"

"or that in vision/computer reality there nothing beyond this moment

​after we turn off computer/i chat

there only what is here 

- john

yes that also can be true

- frank


in vision/computer hologram

​that his body exists same way as our body - only when seen 

outside of that

empty space fills with compassion


john seeing memory body of frank in own vision


we seeing memory body of john and frank 


in vision

21st century is the memory body 

in lucid dream our body can be seen as the entire dream


to define memory body wave is tricky

as our language is based on skandhas

if we say it is everything we see and sense

that would be to exclude the beauty of seeing/sensing

if say it wave which cause suffering

then the second floor which not of it would not be included

- chu office


there no one here ; not in that way

no one here,except the medicine/essence field



we are still watching battles of chewpiland years

did they/our past held its ground

did we stop the wave here ?

- death hunters 2012/2017/2020


from essence the memory body wave is there only when seen


like outside the merry go around

like bridge over water watching current of memory body wave rushing one way

but if without the essence

memory wave remains the ground

there no other basis to view the body but from inside cyclic existence 

moving with current/time like river

can purify it but not get beyond it

​new memory body wave replace old ones 


there only this day

it / they cant do anything to you this day

we have won the battle for this day

one day at a time

if can be victorious tomorrow

then next day also same potential

see/separate out  second floor energy

this would wipe out more than just this wave/hoax

do it with intent of helping others and future 

- wave hunter


"no spoon no table no room"

in vision/dream

it is not the spoon that bends

it is only the memory body wave


as an inner movement

the spoon wave is empty

the same way the body wave is empty


ground floor/essence body

spoon wave/second floor

the world of forms/spoon

we can spend 20/200 years in here

and nothing need change outside​

the ground is akanisitha​

so dont leave without the realization

what we see is not our essence body


"Free from latent tendencies, you’re inconceivable. Saṃsāra’s latent tendencies,
they can be conceived.
You’re completely inconceivable—Through what could you be realized?

Beyond the entire sphere of speech, Outside the range of any senses,
To be realized by mental knowing—
I bow to and praise whatever’s suitable.

- nargajuna


"this place you own it

it yours to use"

potentially there no government outside the vision but ourself/appearance

and time can move reverse​​



we can be the creator of this vision​

"The nonbeing of all beings—This nature is its sphere. The mighty bodhicitta seeing it Is fully stainless dharmakāya,



to see emptiness from memory wave


see memory wave from emptiness

if we 20% essence 80 % memory wave

then the 80% cant conceive the 20%

"you not see it yet you see it"


"There are no eyes, no ears, 
no nose, no tongue,  no body, no mind. 

- buddha

vision/ lucid dream there two senses

e.g. in dream the previous breadth is illusion/memory wave​

what eyes saw previous also memory

- second floor

"as the abode of qualities ...  it is the cause for visible objects, which are non-arising, to be seen, for good and pure speech to be heard, for the pure secret ... to be smelled "

- buddha nature

Do you think that's air you're breathing now?



we humble to the memory body wave

false programming / improper conceptual activity 

"likewise skandhas elements and senses

are based upon karma and mental poisons

karma and poisons are always based upon improper conceptual activity"

​- uttara tantra


july a good month - a breakthrough of perception

there two layers of time

two layers of eyes/senses

this hologram specific to writer

we own it / sphere designed

only those he allows can enter


like 25th century sims game

characters believe it real and memories are all inside the character's memory wave etc.

did they happen ? since every moment is a new character with same code etc.


it confusing at first if not know

but if can enter anytime

it a good place to relax

- john

you close to that point now

- la lady


the essence of compassion

"Do you think you can take over the universe and improve it?
I do not believe it can be done.

The universe is sacred.
You cannot improve it.
If you try to change it, you will ruin it.
If you try to hold it, you will lose it.

So sometimes things are ahead and sometimes they are behind;
Sometimes breathing is hard, sometimes it comes easily;
Sometimes there is strength and sometimes weakness;
Sometimes one is up and sometimes down.

Therefore the sage avoids extremes, excesses, and complacency.

- tao te ching


it all one flow

and the unifying force is emptiness

it one flow relative to each other

​neither arising nor ceasing from each other



ni sa pu bi li de san wei zhen ye

that mantra master hu gave me to open third eye in late june

1850 bc

earth matrix museum 

once return

they ask

"what it like to have skandhas body?"


"it somehow try to make sense of itself because there no other option

since enough others agree

it makes sense

even though they have mainstream science which tells them it just energy/wave

the skandhas cant make sense of it"

returning from ancestors simulation of 20/21st century

wow ...

tell us more


and then the skandhas become separated from original energy body

it then creates own memory wave

a self enclosed code which replaces the energy body and keeps it at distance

calling essence a myth

and the skandhas the real

people see him in writings

but writer not him - just messenger

they then may resent/jealous etc bc writer not have capacity

writer tells them he didnt ask/seek it

writings just came

it wise to separate writer from the words

writer never claimed he has that compassion/ability

and knows it beyond his understanding

but the comedy is his


skandhas fear dissolution without a basis

false programming has no essence as basis

skandhas needs itself (memory body wave) as basis

without it the skandhas are lost

the essence hasd no relationship to it

the cloud creates a mirage

with clouds clear ; the mirage has no basis


skandhas body is like a shirt/uniform

have to wear until no more

even if upkeep perfectly

it is artificial light


they wont let go of it

only part dont want

- calvin


so if i say good bye to this vision

what am i really saying good bye to ?



- calvin smiles


skandhas cannot deal with paradox

the fundamental rule of movement

essence can - the movements integrate

non polar/all inclusive


​essence can also be a continuum


there are two simultaneous realities

this one and that one

this our sambogakaya

those who are here

very fortunate


new matrix (6) we asked future guardians (we today) for help to exit that inner control​

we read into it and send reinforcement

and those who obstacles then would need to deal with us now



2020 talk to 2010

what we 2010 concerned about is of future ​

it/they cant do anything to us this day

and if 2020 we say we fine​

then what remains is adventitious disguised as our future​ 


old layers drops off one by one

spirals into the center essence ​

it not subject an/or not subject to newton world

it is neither balanced nor imbalanced

it cannot be made balanced nor imbalanced by atomic world


for newton - there imbalance and it try balance it from outer

for compassion

it not try balance the imbalance

river coming link with ocean changes


returned to riverside snoqualmie first time since this photo last year

we have been shown the ground

we have coded it

the raw state 

the potential has been realized



naked awareness is primal wisdom

power of beauty​

the earth medicine


knowing everything directly, she always remains totally fearless of anyone, no matter of whom...

she is unimpressed and not daunted (by others).

her mind being one-pointed as to all phenomena ...​

- big butt buddha lady

reading from buddha nature


"The three fires of death sickness and aging are to be understood in their given sequence 

as resembling the fire at end of time, the fire of hell, and an ordinary fire"

- uttara tantra

end of time (3d) - reflection / creation of 4d/5d

fire of hell (4d) - improper conceptual activity

aging (5d ) - recycle chi runs out 

fire within compassion  (6d)


trickster bringing fire back


3 circles

we have the medicine - rise

we have the guardians - constant

we have the marketing team


something blocks 6d from link to 3/4/5d

easy to see now

"someone/thing is taking advantage of it from behind"

to wipe it out

we need get to the root/cause

- guardians

just as our past e.g. 2017 no match for their past 

their future (today) no match for this (us)

even if they just as strong today

'it just matter of time"



as inner movement

chewpiland matrix cannot be destroyed burnt annihilated

it has no form no place no time etc.

john j chu is a memory wave

yet he and chewpiland inseparable 

becomes formless - free of 3d memory wave 


the eternal earth

new 3/4/5 d

emerges from 6d

it can look same and/or not

there no rules 

it'll keep transforming until the right 3/4/5d fit


seems to have entered it ?

at the falls ?

courage mountain trail week before ?

then arrived home village at the falls 8-18 ?

"you entered in july"

- la lady

compassion eyes/vision begin to open


non body dont really need sleep

can just be anywhere outdoors etc

essence/non body not need physical body

still getting used to it / to let go


non body and/or compassion

it emptiness endowed with compassion

it physical/body  endowed with "that" compassion

how can body be both empty/death and physical/living same time ? 

how can compassion have a body and no body same time ? 

how death have a body with compassion same time ? - massauw


Once their minds are cleansed completely,

They have gone beyond saṃsāra’s depths.

They rest calmly ...

Never straying from the inconceivable Buddhadharmas without reference point...

From their bodies, without effort, Light rays are beaming forth, And open wide the gates for those...

- nargajuna

non body and/or compassion (2)

"There is that dimension where there is neither earth, nor water, nor fire, nor wind; neither dimension of the infinitude of space, nor dimension of the infinitude of consciousness, nor dimension of nothingness, nor dimension of neither perception nor non-perception; neither this world, nor the next world, nor sun, nor moon. And there, I say, there is neither coming, nor going, nor stasis; neither passing away nor arising: without stance, without foundation, without support [mental object]. This, just this, is the end of stress "

- buddha

that language of trinary

there neither a body nor no body etc.

body and/or no body is second floor


the sense faculties ... undergoes a complete change of state once emptiness is seen directly ...

buddha is no other than the nature of mind when purified from all the adventitious stains ...

nothing else further needs to be achieved

- buddha nature

compassion what remains once we "purified from all the adventitious stains"


"so ... there is no heart in the formless world?


there is not 

yet you in your body 

- hu

that how it is

dont need to eat or sleep 

- mei


you are where you are

and what ever it is it is

there no place/situation where (compassion) is not

it'll just take you there


no death no dirt no decay

so the game is to purify the memory wave of all the adventitious stains

the power of compassion

helping others in other worlds/time past and future overcome this wave


if we just doing it to purify oneself / get out


the  night lost ; no matter how dark alone lost, if he was doing it to help others cope with that inner current

it makes it easy ;​ spirit/future cheering


like airball championship game victory

we'll look back and see a turning point - phil talks to sheila

it may coincide with we conquer the inner side of that wave


neighbor steve from the new heaven/earth

he knows it 

he came here to help  

pastor shen ?​

"all the saints are still alive"

that they next/parallel to us



new body and/or compassion​

- he walks and is no more

that person is walking , suddenly entered the new heaven/earth - so no more

-  there be a new body

in new heaven/earth - but we dont know what it is/cant conceive it​

-new body is  with christ

lose old body ; the new qualities appear


if we can we should help

we are fortunate to have this

- steve​

amen god bless you

- chu


energy body of compassion is one energy

here there everywhere​

no energy body compassion but in reside heaven


possess energy body of compassion but reside outside heaven


pure yang is the intelligence/emptiness

people who can think both ways​

pure yin is a mystery

rainbow spring /non dual energy source 

false programming yang is one way

false yin is weak 


you play the flute ?

- steve

combine shen/newhart  - that steve

oh no ... i am but a humble beginner waiting to learn

- zhu ren zhang bows 

i've talked to people all walks

(something is behind this)

we better get going

counter balancing force 

- bison shaman

this place like programming plane

we can deal with the waves here

but they on other side cant



they cant enter 

your writing gets through

it may influence others


we here to fix what can be fixed

not to take anyone any heaven

- that others task


new body and/or compassion

"So, in emptiness, there is no body, 

There are no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind. "

- buddha

within emptiness

no butt no poop

no vagina no penis 

no death do dirt no decay

- buddha butt

second floor body not apply to it

but it can use it


his place formless

dont need to think about it

(old inner body)

you should learn to use it

- hu


separate out the separable

as inner

anything relying on physical body as final basis is second floor - it not compassion

"in emptiness ... no body"

because no physical body as basis

no one reading because physical body is not the basis

it happened to that second floor which energy body/mind has physical body as basis

not to this​

it cannot enter/register to compassion - the energy of compassion  body


different inner possibilities​

we need not change the cause (past)

 just its influence on the effect (future)​


no ugly no beauty

no sickness no health

that the power of beauty

the new heaven/earth body is not the old heaven/earth

so it no heaven no earth no body



wu(non)ti (kaya) 無體​

three kayas and/or as one non kaya​

no essence no energy no form

​​the spontaneous presence is the essence body / non body / natural state

- more real than memory body

unborn and unceasing

most would not know how to even if in it

may the writings be a guide/beacon 


four visions as:
the absolute nature becoming manifest
the experience of increasing appearances
awareness reaching its greatest magnitude
the exhaustion of phenomena in dharmata

- ​

we all return to source

just matter of how and when

"There is a single Base, the Natural State, but there are two Paths - impure karmic vision and pure vision, and two Fruits or results - Samsara and Nirvana. "​



just exploring other culture paths​

we stay with 04 original writing

deepening of compassion takes us into world of joy

no dzogchen no vision

they all secondary if without compassion

if they same they same

if they differen they different​

we where we are and compassion never left ​

now feel it own programming world

and we can change everything 


you at the top here

- la lady​



boundless compassion vs.

your consciousness is boundless


no female/no maleboth equally empty​

no difference between fashion

- to the ground

if it does matter, then it not empty/non body








central message this weekend -

future vague on this meaning

no this thing ...

- it could mean new earth so no this thing


- as antidote/counter balance

"So, in emptiness...

no form, no feeling, thought, or choice"

no sickness no health

so no this thing


- we wiped it out 


- "something we dont know is behind this "

that it has a purpose and is not naturally originated


- all of above



as inner

dont give word/ name too much one way pull

call it a memory wave


try this long weekend

for one night inner movement pvf only

stay in chewpiland like the writer

reverse i ching


stay in the media webpage

which current we in

is which current we in

hour to hour

tug of war​



real sambogakaya cannot be stained by skandhas

it the energy/code of dharmakaya

everyone within is fine

in vision/dream

like sims game - the 100 year old house they inside is only present digital wave

each character has a brain which interprets the signals yet there is no brain

each character has a heart which beats yet there is no heart


in spring if were to write essence body 

couldn't conceive what it be​

now have tangible basis to relate to​


in vision if we dream we in hotel

we never checked in  nor did we not - both not apply

if there ant bite - there no such cause nor no cause 


"without place there no body"


in dream/vision

"the place is the body

body is the place"

- am coffee customer 

the western buddha 

(his nickname for our show)


in vision/lucid dream

if we see a city

the city is the samboga - body/place

the samboga-body is the city

in such paradigm content is fluid/not solid

we can change things here 

whereas we couldnt there/before

"this place you own it"

"learn to use it"​


in script

we use buddha butt lady as leader

each sambogakaya there a leader

conquerer of vision 

and a retinue of few who can see it


if they can reverse the movement sambogakaya

they can reverse nirmanakaya

"the art of using it makes each sambogakaya distinct "

- western buddha

we to study this


it the result/effect


"i was trapped


nowhere to go

there was no way out

the situation was hopeless ..."

- chu 1984

as he reads from a prepared card from pocket

"... so i got out"

- chu 1984

as he puts back the card into tuxeto pocket

phil hits the drum

audience laugh

universal rule should be that if one has sufficient compassion

they can exit freely/get out

like sims game

there is a digital body on screen

why must it go forward ?

because the programming

not because it way it must be

the characters / body just digital movements

but it has nothing to do with past as cause​


in other words

how can we free of this body limitations ?

if we seek answer within the outer of the computer display

the computer program always there

the skandhas has second floor as ceiling/ground


the medicine field vs. relative antidote 

quantum vs. newton medicine​

all sufferable energy is second floor wave


to exit just for ourself


bring as many out and then to send reinforcement


here only this moment yet it always here

spontaneous presence is always here

presence is unborn yet there can be a body


in vision

everything about this body and its senses is simulated brain wave


sims game

consciousness as within each brain

3/4/5d without 6d


consciousness as entire screen/content

6d with many 3/4/5 d


am coffee a different present reference point

we remember it from that reference point 


if vision ends

the world will just vanish ?


just the old memory wave


then what remains is the same

yet without memory wave​

the body is the same body

yet without the memory wave


what the body sees is a world beyond the memory wave​

before and after the memory wave

already here this body is



so chewey the emerging 

writer the descending plane

writer returns alone

perhaps until  last mile

making it the best mile

chewey exiting with classmates

perhaps first mile

making it also same quality

non body means non duality of body

we learn non dual thinking

non dual body we like to learn

non dual body

require able to move reverse and emptiness

so it also very creative​

if we not practice using the patterns

the patterns uses us - nothing new​​

so we need to learn from guides

"you should learn to use it"


there different pattern/energy movements for each parts of physical 

it a new/ancient science 

we to maintain fresh clear river flow

not just to treat symptoms of stuck/old energy


The wise are impartial; They see the people as straw dogs. The space between heaven and Earth is like a bellows. The shape changes but not the form;

- tao te ching

hologram like bellows

form within space​


ultimate medicine

the part of us within

cannot be tainted​

- phil


compassion the ultimate virus

it eats up death yet nothing happens

- that term the future compassion already occupied​

they different elements inner and so attract different elements outer​

there different reasons for why things are the way they are for these people


because we have compassion for those exiting and confused

those returning have compassion for us and makes it easy

vice versa - those who manipulate others fear


if this dream/vision

our new 4d need not register the old 3d

"don't even think about it"


3d ways can only be short term

no matter how perfect

and if not develop panacea now

there no better time

this timeless and conditions gives time/support

if there past/future imbalance

the bucks stops here  ...

- buddha butt lady


our weakness the strength

what makes weak circle strong is real strength


"the buddha butt clan ...

do not laugh"​


fong chi 2020

to the essence world

this not real

to the energy / physical world

the essence world is real



power beauty is the ultimate medicine

it makes everything easier and easier

and easier ...

power of abundance is non-body

here there everywhere

the body is now 6d

there only one movement

it moves in different directions

silence the dharmakaya

there one within compassion

a matrix without along with another one without

when they merge into compassion ...



union of opposites

there 3d 4d 5d and 6d​​

if it need to have someone

to realize the natural ground

then we yet empty


dakini a representation of an energy unique

it both empty and passion

the two waves intermingle 

- a third wave

one element/movement



the element free of influenced by five elements​

e.g. milarepa sitting in cold

disappearing into light

so if dakini with all that beauty and passion

comes to anyone

they either walk away or join

a few may just sit and watch

not moving either way

6d body

one movement

everything else not real

6d a world either wave and/or form

call it quantum /sambogakaya if it same

otherwise it not​​

it wave when it wave

it form when it form


eternal present

waves one world/movement

and if there paralell worlds of it

it form when form

wave when wave

so it can be seen as form by many worlds

yet it same wave field

emptiness and/or compassion


waves never cease

and is spontaneously present/without cause

it one movement

wave and/or form just different perception

yet there no form without wave

and no wave without emptiness

with emptiness there unique quality we call compassion emerge to transform

something new​

otherwise it like a sims simulation

merry go around


same emptiness/compassion

different forms​


the forms change

not the wave of emptiness


"past 15 years been inside between place

maybe want to gain this knowledge "​

- mei​

"it be like reincarnation"

- phil

"but it easy

like just walk through door​

depends on your intelligence

most of details you wont remember once there, like start over

but you maybe able to recreate chewpiland and/or link it 

knowledge you gain here can take with you

start as baby

but this world magical/not limited

dont need eat etc.​

may grow and remember yourself very fast

- mei​

our view is ...

there no time

that not future to us but co-present


if you become buddha here

you take that with you

- mei



10. Entering the Marketplace with Helping Hands


Ragged and bare-footed, you approach the market and the streets.

Even covered in dust, why would the laughter cease?

The bees and buttterflies are happy because flowers have bloomed on a withered tree.

- the 10 oxherding

for the benefit of all sentient beings

04 notes we been faithful to it

universal compassion would create this space

allowing others to pass through

it all a journey

the forms change not the empty wave

the more empty the wave

the less difference what next and what was


three spheres same empty wave

it all here now








this means ... john chu didnt die

he disappeared ...

the energy world holds ground

and so ... we can go back ?
























As long as space endures,
as long as sentient being remain,
until then, may I too remain
and dispel the miseries of the world.

- dalai lama

"being made from elements" means that there are many phenomena in terms of visible things, sounds, odors, tastes ...

As oppose to that, the form kayas are not made from the elements ... the sambogakaya and the nirmanakaya

- buddha nature 

ultimate medicine is a current

not of the elements yet with it

"one may wonder whether they are other than the dharmakaya. They are not, since the dharmakaya itself holds power or ability, a multitude of qualities ..."

- buddha nature

it not the energy/form we can see / feel which creates the effect​​


as inner

if no fear of death

there no body​

no body no death


in script

we use teresa as our character

modern medicine not apply to her 

her angel body dont work that way

she looks same age as 1993 when we first met


if we use our ordinary 

inner map of body

formula not match the reality

the fundamental premise of our reference point breaks down

otherwise the skandhas will justify its perception 

she changes shape

the body is not solid to her/him and therefore it has no body , just change shape/appearance​

the vision logic cant include her yet she is here


in script

like padmashambhava rainbow body

this is world of compassion

body created/direct mirror reflection from energy body/light and not the cause/effect of next/previous body memory

they show it to us in person

change shapes /visions  etc.

they dissolve into light

yet if they can return back into form

then the premise of what body is cannot stand 

e.g. how can there be ant bite here

then dissolves into light

and when re-appear same ant bite 

or ... no ant bite ?

- they not caused by the ant nor not by it

teresa not of the skandhas

it not about aging skandhas way

is she dissolves into light and then reappear as same body next day

the yesterday body did not age into today body

and even if she didnt dissolve

she still not subject to the skandha 


the character, starring buddha butt lady

inspired by 18th century japan go master

hiroyuki misagawa

as pro never been defeated

like chess grandmaster

she started to lose to everyone

go to tournaments just to lose first round

making others feel good

- she tells her students

maybe what going on is 1850 bc returning to past through us

so a two way current


now the mystery ...

what happened to john chu 2005 ?

in script

 john chu entered parallel world

they cant find the person/body​

giving vision of what is to be

and what need done​

he reaches the 

the 1850 bc village of the 04 notes


dont rememeber passing on

they say it different 3/4/5 d

yet dont feel the fundamental changed - same 6d

they say 3/4/5d changed again

and it feels so

but dont feel any change to 6d

even to this day

same place write from

same feel

we know it not same 3/4/5 d

but we now also know we not 3/4/5d



this transfer station

one will be home

one will return into the journey

yet they will keep help eachother


so there really two journeys here

both advancing same time


new matrix 8

return home

this compassion

there some possibilities ...

we look for the door home


remember ask leroy once

how you think we exit this world?

image of space ship appears

writing not preclude that possibility

another planet

been inside the ship


this dream ends and we remember nothing except the vague imprints

- like reincarnation


wake as manjushri

within his own sphere

same light body of enjoyment

which past cannot register/effect

he remember everything like a dream

and can simultaneously act on past with compassion



we already different 3/4/5 d

just a conscious shift away


someone explains how body works and what tech they have etc.

and all packs drop

the new body 4/5d already here

we have code and empty wave present

john chu lives on in a new 3/4/5d 

it pulls others like mind in ...

they first need to have a new 4/5 d

from a vision


then the new sky/earth (3d) welcomes them

maybe it is a new planet within earth


new matrix 9

the new sambogakaya

world of compassion

here dark world  we get closer to source so it future

we helping another world we from - 21st - so it past

yet they 3 different spheres

within this moment

there a space that has no body

there a same space that has non body



every culture different


william su once on a magazine taiwan

top 10 sexiest men

this from pvf fact checking staff

was this before he sang the song or after ?​

if before, then it the reason why song popular

if after, then song the reason why he on the list

"william su" the tv show

will combine characters from different shows

it a parallel present world which beyond time


we (descending) needed to come this far to link in the rotation

"now it easy to enter and exit" - hu

and also this place

it has skipped out  from past - it not here

(like how pvf website not affected by chewpiland websites

past like a building block

but "you dont need to look past anymore"

- la lady

past 3/4/5 d cannot effect present 3/4/5 d


yet we here not yet dissolved into the natural state

and we (future 1850) need not us (present /dark world) to do anything for it - we free to go​

"you travel alone for a reason"


just matter of time/always knew it be her​

this to do with kiva ceremony ?​

matriarchy society


inner patterns and dna patterns are both patterns​

it the result

if it can be influenced

then there a code we can access once reach the ground


in vision, each image/slide we witness is a pattern/code/slide

by time we see/interpret it

the patterns are set

by time we interpret it and fit it into our screen pattern

what we see already made

there first the awareness of the field

there the code/language​


then there the application of it​

then it be the only science


the code lacking energy

energy lacking the code​

the synergy benefits all​


"when i help someone solve a problem

i am even more happy than them"


the "door" is to allow free rotation

it within the space which is here


we all equals

show us how to return to him

yet free to go


formless now part of us

"yet we still have a body"


if we dont help who will ?


she wise lady


"this tip of iceberg"

"they can give us a cure for everything "


am coffee customers

on return of ancients from parallel space


writer just a messenger/helper

 he not the one with the power

"he came only as a witness to the light."

there is a circle ...



"william su" the tv show

will combine characters from different shows

it a parallel present world which beyond time

in dream/vision

different 4/5/6 ds rotate

different reference points​

yet same space

that space is zhong xiao /1850 bc

dream of arriving airport 

exited there crowd waiting buy train ticket

was pleased to hear they say train to seattle

as though flown from toronto to vancouver

it felt like india 


past 6 months dreams of flying, hotels 

this first heard familiar word seattle

like it a  just few hour train ride


we ready to wrap up and/or start new

we ask for guidance/help

the new 5d/6d energy

our 4d has adjusted to it

so new 4d/6d

3d is adjusting to the new energy

if there a new 3d/6d 

then the entire what body senses

including its own image is the new

even if it first look same

separate out separable

memory wave like luggage no need


being purified vs.


focus on purifying others and be purified

what would compassion do ?


we need to purify what is here today now

there this day 

the buck stops here

the purification day

the circles cross

that day is here

everything else not that day here

refuse to compromise

the sphere of compassion 

if we can do that

that future is here

then what happens next 

and how to help world

return of ancients

etc.​ be just details...


so if six months ago we 15 percent in

maybe we 20 percent now

that is real progress

there sphere there/there sphere here

we all have link to compassion sphere

otherwise we wouldn't know what it is

the part us in compassion sphere

same difference

the part not of compassion

same difference

it how much of us in which sphere which makes us truly distinguished


There is this day

God gave us this joy

If comedy is like sugar that makes bitter ok

Joy is what makes it sweet


"Then I saw 'a new heaven and a new earth,' for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea...'

- bible

john's book revelation my favorite

"first 4 chapter says everything"

- steve​

about new heaven /earth 

there is a different sphere they can go

- writer ​

john was given a vision of what it like inside the throne

- steve​

he wrote it from experience

not faith

- writer


1850 bc be like the era when abraham

"all the saints still here"

they not behind us past

but in parallel present  

"jesus would bring an army

when return"

- steve​

he better arrive soon

because this just preview of what  to come unless the dark world changes


"Someone is speaking
But she doesn't know he's there"


the great imperfection

reverse of ultimate medicine is minimal imperfection

wise to have pg-13 imperfection within compassion

the reverse current need to flow


timeless dont mean no time

it no mean time either

if there is time

there always this time

it no mean no merry go around

it no mean merry go around

always going around 

yet not moving from same space


not moving from same space

yet always moving the world is 

"not a single atom" means the sphere of compassion not subject to any wave

any patterns any atom of inner movement


bonjour je suis la très vieille dame française vivant jeune femme en 1785



the legendary kung fu novel

its time ...

- snoqualmie falls



hopi prophecy similar to jesus

but more time specific

the two helpers should have arrived

waiting on the big brother

we not certain who he is

just that there such being

who can change things

in way none of us can

he may not be what we hope for/imagine

he is just here 

we know because his people already here

hopis maybe showed a few to us ...


he makes us look good/receive credit

while humbling himself


explain that one more time


paul said "to be absent from the body and to be present with the lord"

- steve

you mean 

one moment you here

next moment you not ?



i like the wave/matter example


he can appear from light body into form ?



“a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."
​ bible

because we have own ground

we not as influenced by previous ground

we influence the previous second floor

they cross our line when we in theirs

we can cross their line when they within ours

they change here middle circle

they change there

that quantum entanglement

if we can read about two worlds same time

why cant there be three


abundance is when there no inner need of the body

may every being attain the dharma body


it a new world

new sky/earth

the great spirit taken us in

didnt take the christian route

but we have relationship to jesus

- dont know if this destination yet

- next door?

but we the messenger if he wants us to write it ?


you crossed in july



so ... this the kingdom ...?


that world is no more

that old john and steve is no more

(passed on)

"he is a new creation"

- steve

he knows from experience

not faith


so jesus not look same as painting ?

no, there a different version from different culture


you mean in this world there is one jesus yet we all in christ ?


that he can appear in any form because he not of the flesh here

this world not of the five elements

"from now on we regard no one according to the flesh."


there a peace never felt

yet outer conditions look same

to let us know that it the spirit 

a spontaneous shift of perception


Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

john 3.3


Isaiah 43:18

"Do not call to mind the former things; pay no attention to things of old.


Revelation 21:4

there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away."


Hebrews 8:13

He has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.



So from now on we regard no one according to the flesh. Although we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, the new has come into being.


2 Corinthians 5:17

the four powers create the world

they are qualities not elements

they have qualities of the elements and more

create same appearance as elements 

yet not subject to them


power of abundance

no inner need of body

since this

"house not made with hands ..."

the body is inner

not born of elements

the source of the qualities is the inconceivable/mystery/essence​​​​​


this being can be anyone

can just appear in front anywhere


he can be everyone/thing you see


why not more people meet him ?


what would then be the value of faith ?

- bison shaman


this place middle between final stop and destination

we already arrived/exited home port


dharma rain

how much can we collect ?



if not need inner body

and this "house not made from hands"

then no need this 3d inner movement


going beyond is also stay link with it


vision has compassion if it easy to see it a vision


if the old world also vision like yet only allow to be seen as solid

they both share same ground

two paths - same destination/origin


once return source

stay ground yet create a physical/energy body


no awareness/memory of ground

return to second floor/samsara


stay natural state not return

delinked from old world


return with extra layer/middle wave station 

sambogakaya which stays with physical 

- it can wave and/or form 



return without link to it

physical  and energy bodies split

only wave or form/ merry go around


that the people here dont need you to take care of


it a logic i yet understand ; but if so, it is comforting to know

the logic may be that if this eternal heaven ... "So from now on we regard no one according to the flesh ..."

- including our own


as inner

no need to fix the old 

if the new field replaces newton time

flesh is something physical and continuous


in vision

something is there only when it there

then once it becomes a wave

it not flesh but a wave


a fire not made of elements


we the messengers of that power

we write the words and pass along the inner images - it the feeling of it ...

that power is our future  -as collective


body just shift of perceptions

if just this perception

just this body

within compassion

one moment you within that "view point"

next day wake up and see it in way never seen before


if old person think the body will never regenerate etc.

that view may never change

but if they shift into another view

where body not seen as flesh

what happened to the old view/body they dont know​

after awhile

they know it happens but dont know how​

he flame of compassion

a fire not of the elements

it not rely on other inner fire

the compassion consciousness

an intelligence not of duality​

it knows how to use it

and not be used/consumed by it

compassion is most fluid 

the mystery of compassion

is its silence


"without self there is no other"

may seem logically easy yet the most difficult to explain

if this world is all one being

including everything everyone

then our own body/thoughts also same one

so there can be no up or down

good or bad ; body or no body

here or there etc.

there only one

"So, in emptiness,

no form, no feeling, thought, or choice ...

- buddha 

"no death no dirt no decay..."​​

because it all just one

there cant be death because there no birth

need to have two to have one

but if onside one

- there no two nor is there one​

"not even an atom"

- uttara tantra

like honey cant divided

like air cant grasp it

because it one


then what happens ?

Nor is there consciousness.
No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body,mind

- buddha

if say someone here then there two

and that not logic of one

so no body is here even if some body is

there always one - eternal

even if everything else is not

"The old things have passed away; behold, the new has come into being."


it all one/compassion


if fire /light all there is

there no fire 

no absence of light /no darkness

"if no chi, there is pure steel"

no inner need of energy, vajra is pure steel

"that (inner) fire we know as fire is of skandhas

it not the real inner fire"

- vision conquerers


there a realm/sphere which is beyond 3/4/5d

we call it compassion

just a word

second floor fire vs/ ground fire

they not same - not even an atom

particle vs. non particle

it is one compassion


it all one/there always three

if inside loop/without awareness

there is three but they are divided/wall

subject/object/the other


from ground trikaya/indivisible


energy / attention go together​

reverse/forward forces flow in harmony/without obstructing​

otherwise what we see has already happened

are we/have we given enough attention to our own reverse force ?


inner movement and/or compassion

as inner

anything which can happen to this body is inner movement

in vision/dream

there is no this body this world beyond the inner movement

in vision/dream

what is not of inner movement/ground is not of the same elements/sense faculties/second floor


new body is yin/yang/empty

this body just one circle

so it may seem more yin if we yang

see body as second floor ;

in dream, the elements and sense faculties not the ground​

even if we change into different body/reincarnation

it is only change to second floor

the ground remains unchanged

gender is body ; the difference is only to second floor

not the ground​

there no way to visualize/conceive it using our old body view ; can only trust feeling of what it be​

it is neither older/younger not weaker/stronger etc.

not this not that - all that is skandhas view/paradigm​

we gradually understand the sambhogakaya/ground body - it body inseparable from dharmadatu/ground

like math

once go beyond simple addition/subtraction

there infinite possibilities


"the election there was this part of the vision​

teresa in her 40's, knows it a vision 

so knows nothing is really happening except to her vision body - which is just a simulation

yet this day she goes to work

watching the news on screen​

it a computer generated show she been told"

- script


whatever it is our future already overtaken it​

that current ​if we receive it

we first build it up within

then share with others/past​

we follow/go compassion


there two spheres

memory body wave/compassion wave

memory body form/compassion form


the new sphere can look same as old

it the feeling

it can take any shape to further compassion

we already in/returned 

the new body can look same

yet its qualities keep shifting

we can not conceive the new body with the old view


it not about how future body relate to past

- "it state of mind"


as inner movement

is it possible ... for the elements to be as fluid as water ?​ that it tangible wave

it one compassion element which can simultaneously firm soft moist air etc.



the sense faculties/five elements

they divided / separable from eachother

it one element so nothing rise/cease 

just intermingling of one element


as inner

if sky is above poop

then there is an inner body

- the poop yogi

Their source, dharmodaya, is the pure realm, the abode of all buddhas and bodhisattvas, the place of bliss, the place of birth; it is not the place that discharges blood, urine, and regenerative fluids, i.e., the vagina. Source: Stainless Light,

- wikipedia/pureland

the empty body

there no seed no fruit ; no beginning no end


'It consists of the single space of realization"

- longchenpa​

our body body

it is collective , not yours no more to carry

as inner, there is one essence body

yet in many forms - we all same body​

it just one

this body dont work same as others

happens for different reasons

just let it be​

"Is one who, like the sky, is separate from reasons."

- uttara tantra


we've entered the quantum state


1989 / 1985/ 1975 etc. are parallel worlds

not the sequentially/already happened 

what we see was that memory

there are infinite number/possibilities

quantum state not subject to that memory


for writer

compassion the lucky word


if am coffee

there here there

we here thinking we had body there

there here here

we here know it present memory

the ground also there /here

yet second floor memory it not register to the ground body

may know the memory even more clear

yet it here here

there no memory body registering it here

just memory of it here


the past not stick in this world

like if just played SIMS game 

maybe even same two hours here/there

but the events of game

the memory body of the simulation

not register to natural body

"not even an atom"

- buddha nature


if past memory body  then future memory body wave - they not necessary


energy/physical body viewing empty


empty body viewing energy/physical

- july​

difference is discernible yet change is gradual

"you have gone past half way"


if this vision

there no election nor government

only the newsmaker

and if in vision they ask us

about  last election 4 years ago

there not a four years ago


"faith is higher than knowledge"


we agree

that ultimate medicine - faith


"so the shift of sphere is really what it talking about

we may not even know at first

- john

what happened to old john and steve ?

we dont know/care

- steve smiles

because we here


in vision, if it has control of five elements
even if we know how it works
all we left with is faith

non body and/or compassion

"no body no here

no here no body"

means being here is the essence body

the form is secondary/second floor


it the result

if there was questions

then there no more doubts

- gyaphal

we trust the path


this quantum world

there no limjit on how many can enter

limitless land


so it not a place but space with a place ?

(empty space yet a place within -

without place there no body yet there body and place within same space)


a place where can gain enlightenment there

- gyaphal


step by step and remain independent

so they can have faith/knowledge of journey

i've been through this before

- writer

yes guide them into it

shambhalla is a realm

one need not be enlightened to be in it

yet it a place where buddhas (teach)

there different levels within it

- gyaphal


quantum compassion vs newton compassion

-that same compassion ; two different realm/spheres

neither one is better etc. - just different

 all are compassion in own ways

sometimes compassion brings us this sometimes that


"without place there no body"

in dream/vision

"the place is the body

body is the place"


emptiness is also called ... "dharmadatu" "the unborn," "space of the appeasement of all mental elaboration," "the great middle," "the great gesture," "the great perfection"

- buddha nature


"there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away."

"no death no taxes"

we to have faith in this future


1. first know it a vision

2. detach from it

3. have faith we can change it

"you need not wait for it to change

now you can change it from within"

- la lady


1.  that the old inner movement of body

e.g. with a boundary and substance like feel

- is not useful and/or not match the new reality

2. once she be free of that perception barrier - even the place/body (entire phenomena) is an inner movement - with boundary and substance feel

- is also not useful within the new sphere

3. use avatar -to timeless the two same time

that korma not sequentially after  

 if shifts into korma the body then korma the place  if focus on airbender the place then the body follow/comes with it


so if focus on no death no tax "place"

then a non body would come with it

and/or focus on a non body  (not flesh) then the place is there


you get point


he among wisest ever


everything 3/4/5 d is pre set 

but if we shift into sphere of compassion

new 3/4/5 d also pre set

maybe that the only way to change what to happen ?

in script

in vision

as teresa enters her 40's

begin to realize that this is a vision body

and her old body is no more 

it is not made of same substance - not flesh

and that the body is not separate from the place

subjective like dream

"you can use it to your advantage

and not be subject to the rules of old body

 - a friend tells her

she begins to inquire into the possibilities

 into a deeper understanding


the hidden option

for teresa

she knows the body/place she is in

is only transitory/vision like

that there greater potential of a new body/place

that the body/place she is in is not her destined place/body - she not stuck with it

that it is meant for her to change/use it

knowing that is very good news for her

that as she enters her 40's

she has a very strongt faith of a different future from what she has been programmed and what her friends see as their future

she also knows that the world she is in is "getting old" " - running out of a viable future

and she has been shown an option to share with others

that as a team

we get there together


energy body of compassion 

she knows that she will attain the non body

- what comes with it she not care


The White Island, also called Sweta Dwipa, is the plane of radiating light ...

the White Island is secret and hidden from the mortal eye...It is the original, eternal land."


"self driven cars ; will it it there"

"there non body ;  no need sleep / eat​"

we to have faith in this future


"feels like we home"

we have entered

there no more realms to enter

this is the destination white island ?

the illusion which remains is exclusively ours

we only need a helper to explain the functions of this place

this current body/place is an illusion

like addition/subtraction math

it is limited

your ancient  friends all here

they of different "place"

we of different "body"

we have much to learn

we bow with honor and respect


like taiwan to america

his english vs. the people 

he not know how to use anything 

but the future , including his own

warmly welcomes him

stay humble

fellowship with people


samsara body/place is only vision/imagination

it is no more

- gyaphal


so john chu is just word

otherwise the 3/4/5 d all new

and so are the "body/place"

we already here as inner


"the body is compassion

there no limit

everything we do is compassion

it need not be form or formless

it need not be non body either

whether forward/reverse/no time

vision and/or non vision ; dark/light

this body/place is compassion"

"the single most important decision any of us will ever make is whether or not to believe that the universe is friendly." -einstein


this vision body/place not ours/us

even if they look familiar

they all just one being ?

we just the empty body/mind watching

part us attached is memory wave body

even the smallest details are pre set

like high tech sims game

the ground watching second floor/wheel

not mean it real and/or not real etc.

just that if it a vision

we can change it/our own field

we no need change it

only to follow future


if future chewey tells us he ok

needs nothing from our body/place

 - not a penny or an atom

and we pvf here and now

then what left is the adventitious


sky as background/place

cloud is the body/mirage

that a good parallel of the non body

within endless space


rainbow body is incorporeal

form is not the substance


The abode of buddhadharmas Fully bears the fruit of practice. This fundamental change of state Is called the “dharmakāya.”



Free from latent tendencies, you’re inconceivable. Saṃsāra’s latent tendencies, they can be conceived. You’re completely inconceivable— Through what could you be realized?



Beyond the entire sphere of speech, Outside the range of any senses, To be realized by mental knowing— I bow to and praise whatever’s suitable.



In this manner of gradual engagement, The highly renowned children of the Buddhas, Through the wisdom of the cloud of dharma, See phenomena’s empty nature.



Once their minds are cleansed completely, They have gone beyond saṃsāra’s depths. They rest calmly on a throne, Whose nature is a giant lotus.


Everywhere they are surrounded By lotuses that number billions, In their many jeweled petals’ light, And with anthers of enthralling beauty. 



They overflow with tenfold power, Immersed within their fearlessness, Never straying from the inconceivable Buddhadharmas without reference point. 



Through all their actions of outstanding conduct, Their merit and their wisdom are complete— This full moon’s surrounded everywhere By the stars that are its retinue.


Through empowering their eldest children, They bestow empowerment on them. 



Abiding in this yoga that’s so great, With divine eyes, they behold Worldly beings debased by ignorance, Distraught and terrified by suffering. 



From their bodies, without effort, Light rays are beaming forth, And open wide the gates for those Who are engulfed in ignorance’s gloom


It’s held that those in the nirvāṇa with remainder Into the nirvāṇa without remainder pass. But here, the actual nirvāṇa Is mind that’s free from any stain. 



The nonbeing of all beings— This nature is its sphere. The mighty bodhicitta seeing it Is fully stainless dharmakāya, 



In the stainless dharmakāya, The sea of wisdom finds its place. Like with variegated jewels, Beings’ welfare is fulfilled from it.

- nargajuna

in praise of dharmadatu


we are not qualified to write commentary on such outstanding artifact

written  2000 years ago

talking about same phenonmena we talking about today

and no one yet to match the eloquence of description​

we bow to the writer


"you entered a new state"

it only looks same for now

people who we see there same time we are

they know you know them


"they have no root to grasp onto

so cannot find you"


non duality of elements is one element

"it a mental state

yet our body is in it"​

we humble to it


relative to the ground/dharmadatu

a vision is second floor

vision is an inner movement


we not there yet/still purifying

but if purified enough

then can rest calmly own field​

"we may need to return the seat"

"go where we can see clear and then advise ?"


that seat "is a space" 

there no center/periphery

so it springs out many directions

return to same source/field

like blossoming lotus

cannot be stained

enthralling beauty is top ten sexy


the power of compassion

the compassion current is the medicine

they not moved from seat/see inner movement as  inner movement

free of vision, which has set reference points

we get to choose


deepen/accumulate compassion

it matures upon moon reaching full

moon full when it matures

it overflows with compassion

"where there compassion there joy"​​​


current of compassion

stay with it


if call it nirvana then there an opposite

the ground not stained by second floor


the essence

the sphere/field/space of compassion


the white island

the ultimate medicine


"there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away."


"no death no taxes"

we to have faith in this future


this space our own

there no one at bottom of it

in the new script

"we to reinvent ourselves into the new physical"

- mic

the new language reflect the new energy

two ways same time

one plus/minus one is not two/zero 

there only one

the synergy is called



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