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"The power of  force is insignificant compared to

the power of compassion"

Page 2


There is three types of change

Sequential change ; Cyclic change ; And/or no change

We cannot stop the clock from moving forward 

 That is sequential change

But we can continue to regenerate

Like an old tree

That is cyclic change

No change is the field which lies under

"Counting that which is going into the past depends on the forward movement. Knowing that which is to come depends on the backward movement"

"When ... they (the complimentary) are in motion, a double movement is observable : first , the usual clockwise movement, cumulative and expanding as time goes on, and determining the events that are passing ;

 second, an opposite, backward movement , folding up and contracting as time goes on, through which the seeds of future take form. To know this movement is to know the future.

In figurative terms, if we understand how a tree is contracted into a seed, we understand the future unfloding of the seed into a tree"

- The I Ching 

The time has come to remain quiet

If we can understand how the future is contracting into the past

We can understand how the past is expanding into the future

What is over contracted is expanded

What is over expanded is contracted


To make cyclic change possible when off balance

Understanding the middle is necessary


They come to take something not belong

Then something belongs in their future

returns to nothing in their past

Maybe that source of jealousy  ?

Not that others have more

But something belong that we do not have 

We talking within cyclic time 

But if we are talking  within sequential time then

"Sometimes undeserved misfortune befalls a man at the hands of another, as for instance when someone passes by and takes a tethered cow along with him. His gain is the owner's loss. In all transactions, no matter how innocent, we must accommodate ourselves to the demands of the time, otherwise unexpected misfortune overtakes us."

- The I Ching

It becomes an off balance  zero sum game

once we lose link with the deeper fields of time

How to play their game but not of their time ?

future to past  deprogrammer

if future 2027  says to 10 years ago that it is all ok

then why past need worry of future ?


"if there is no harm in future


why worry of past ? "


past/future ordinarily they gain distance with movement of time


in a hologram like star trek and/or a dream

the first/last shape likely a blob of  energy circular

then the binary dance  


that first/last  is one  whole 

and the gateway to something that not of that energy/shape

to realize the non dual ground from binary is peace

to influence the duality from source is power

it the middle between emptiness/energy

that also foundation of deep healing


before there something there nothing

before there nothing there something


you been there before

so you are the bridge back

- calvin


it is the same point yet different energy projected

different forms yet same point reflected

 it be one dimension with many worlds doors

and not many other dimensions


 in chaos (in the world before phenomena , that is before the intelligible world) the foundation is laid"

- golden flower

on the intent of compassion

if future is clear

past is clear

then  there nothing left

what is here now

new outer science to discover unlimited energy

similarly, inner science to discover unlimited chi

maybe they parallel

which one more important depends on who we ask


with enough compassion chi accumulated

the inner energy of body merges into primal ocean 

with enough insight

the inner idea of body is deprogrammed


"anyone can talk about reflection, but he cannot master it if he does not know what the word means. What has to be reversed by reflection is the self conscious heart, which has to direct itself to that point where the formative spirit is not yet manifest ... strive for the form which existed before the laying down of heaven and earth. 

- secrets of the golden flower

on the point of reflection/projection

the one movement is  simultaneous



when... every shadow ... disappeared

this is refuge within cave of energy

where all that is miraculous returns to its roots. 

one does not alter the place

but the place divides itself. This is incorporeal space where a thousand places are one place.


one does not alter the time, but the time divides itself

this is immeaurable time when all the aeons are like a moment"

- secrets of the golden flower


from the root

if one not divided by this inner movement

then it the "refuge within"


not subject to the projection/reflection of that inner movement of energy/light (past/future body)


loyal people attract loyal people

it the inner imprint

movement of energy is inner/outer



paradox of nectar of purification is it sought from teachers/spirit at  some of dive places

we go them and humble

not they to us

we like to learn


... discover that something within you which is behind the mind

solve that great  problem and you will solve all other problems

- ramana maharshi


that something within us behind the inner movement is clearing everything

 it is not subject to that energy

"...  is an invisible cavern; it has neither form nor image. ... It is the place which harbours the truth, the altar upon which consciousness and life are made. It is called the dragon castle at the bottom of the sea, the boundary region of the snow mountains, the primordial pass, the kingdom of greatest joy, the boundless country ..."


- hui ming ching

ancient taoist text on longevity


we call it the middle world


writer and taoism / budhism

is that he a scholar and not enlightened

qualities may appear but they of beings near


 the art of ceaseless reflection 

(this the weak circle)

 no projection

but the ground spontaneously manifests


"if it vibrates from emptiness

the energy not be tainted"

-master hu

"it the effect, not the cause"


so that medicine is scientific ?

very scientific ; but it also of spirit

like technology created by spirits

- doctor hu

why haven't we heard more of it ?

in old orient they talk of it

"it has be realized to be used

first they practice compassion"

- hu

"cant it just reach everyone if it here there everywhere and all times ?"

"it has to be realized

that how it is"

there state where old gyaphal need not be sequentially after young gyphal

- gyaphal


​there trinity emptiness

from which "anything possible"

- master hu


the root chi has power of intelligence


that people chi is out of balance


bifurcating from root 

aging too early/mind too agitated 

"earth  has cycles

but chi is chi

if it clear it clear"


"it two way motion

there spring below where chi emerges"

"because it has no bottom

there two way motion"


body and/or compassion

compassion can go two ways

denser and/or lighter

so nirmankayas return

increases our intelligence of physical

our physical get smarter  the smarter physical beings we learn from

shiva/massauw/padma same yet different

difference is their long lasting fan base are different

just their presence  

makes the difference

"vajra means non duality of space and wisdom ; appearance and emptiness

and are free from decay and separation"

- the sole panacea

"emptiness is called vajra"

- the vajra peak tantra

"all obscurations are purified

so vajra cannot be harmed by obscurations"

- the sole panacea

"the nature of vajra is that all defilements

are purified and nothing can harm it

it is self arising wisdom, the deity of deities

penetrating everything"

- the tantra of the expanse

hard, solid, not hollow

indivisible, undisintegrating

unburnable, and indestructible

emptiness is called vajra

- the vajra of the peak tantra

"the joint action of these balanced opposites brings order into the whole situation, and naturally everything goes well"


there point four powers converge as one taste -the power of compassion


the middle world is physical enough that it can enter it

spiritual enough that it can enter to it


if one recognizes or is instantly aware of it in the way that lightening strikes, all the cause and result of the suffering of samsara that exist from the past are purified by themselves, unlike purifying with great effort as in the tradition of the common vehicles

- the sole panacea

earth water fire wind

these four elements gathering in substance are the support of consciousness  ...

which are called casual form

- the sole panacea

it explains at root

"mind's nature is clear light "

"all stains of duality are cleansed, and all nondual wisdom is expanded. therefore it is called the buddha"

- the sole panacea


"all faults and qualities of samsara ... can never affect the vajra emptiness ... the self radiance or self appearance ...

the empty essence wisdom .. is an unceasing manifestation of compassion  ... like lotus flower stainlessly blooming .. from mud but without stain of mud , which is nirmanakaya buddha ...

"therefore, in the self phenomena of nirmanakaya buddhas, there is no separate duality of an object to be tamed and a subject who tames ...

according to beings phenomena, nirmanakaya buddhas abide until samsara becomes empty, effortlessly granting ... sindhis to beings"

- the sole panacea

they most rare

the purification and/or

the compassion of physical

reverse world riding our world be to each take seat - give that word enjoyable counter


e.g. death hunter ; poop hero

"poop = earth (soft) water (fluid) fire (heat) air (aroma)

 it is emptiness which vibrates"

- mrs poop hero

"what is impossible becomes possible only when you understand that there is no tomorrow at all , psychologically speaking."

"what is possible becomes impossible once we realize there is no tomorrow at all ..."


within space a spontaneous arising

reverse it be

a spontaneous return to space


the heaven and earth in harmony

within compassion

compassion energy cannot be divided

it can be all places same time 

it ceaselessly reflect onto the outer


the canyon spirit never cease

- tao te ching

it cannot be found

yet it keeps one strong

- mel

it is not inner/outer/emptiness

tibetan calls it the white island

- hu

as inner - here/there/everywhere else

same difference

​"the fourth time"  timeless also a place

rich/middle/poor as inner empty

that fourth the real abundance


​similarly ...

​lack/money/no lack an inner trinity etc.

​you get the point of medicine


if past/future clear

what in middle is adventitious

"not of inherent nature"

stay with it


keep going ; dont look back at the adventitious


"compassion is the beginning/present/end"


compassion which vibrates

compassion which not vibrate

dharmakaya (essence body) 



sambhogakaya (enjoyment body) - the energy body of compassion

nirmanakaya (the body of  transformation)

- the physical body of compassion

there much ancient text they yet to share


(world of compassion)

is the outer luminosity of the essence body

there is an inner luminosity known only to those ones viewing from inside

the awakened ones (buddhas)


"the fair interior of the mansion of the vase"

(the world of joy)


from essence
it is oblivious to the energy body 

dharmakaya cannot be tainted

classmates bow with honor and respect

1-10 心肝寶貝



 Compassionate healing


within compassion, what false programming terms as sickness or disease is merely restriction of free flow of senses. Since senses makes up the physical world - or it can be said that the world of free moving energy contacting the senses - it is only false programming which restricts, and thereby creating discomfort, of the so called  physical body. Within false programming, this restriction is given a label, a classification, as though such classification has any real meaning. Classification is useful only for the purpose of relating and describing a certain physical symptoms – it itself has no energy and real power, i.e. just a word and concept to describe what is really just a restriction of senses. 


Within compassion, senses are not restricted because there is no false programming to hinder its free flow. Like the world of atoms, the movement of the physical flows with the world of compassion and reaches its intended images and shape and purpose. Within false programming, a hindrance to the free flow of senses is not attributed to a false programming deeper than one’s awareness, but instead given a certain classification to describe the discomfort of so called body, or one’s experience of the physical dimension/senses. Once a restriction to physical movement is given a classification, the free flow of energy ceases because the possibilities of movement of energy within such classification is very limited. 


label of restriction of senses/imbalance of body can be useful to describe its characteristics and reflected physical attributes, but if used to classify and identify such label as a certain solid fact, then false programming has grasped the senses within its control, and the rest of recovery is subject to the laws of such programming – one would require, for example, to take a certain drug or act in certain ways in order to relief oneself of such discomfort. Within compassion, discomfort/disease of the physical is merely restriction of natural flow of senses. If such restriction is given back to compassion, then the imbalance re-balances itself.


For example, a certain sickness such as cancer is merely the senses being restricted in a dimension deeper than one’s awareness and also beyond the awareness of so called modern science. Such restriction is within deeper layers of false programming. If one were to be identified by this label, then this identification becomes one’s personal history and is given life as though this label has a certain reality to it, when it is merely a blockage to the free flow of senses. Free of such label and concept, the body then has a chance to return to compassion. within compassion, such label has no meaning and symptoms related to such label are merely indication of deeper imbalance, or rather, one’s inability to resist the patterns of false programming.


Immunity is really one’s inherent ability, and/or developed ability to combat false programming. Within false programming, one is programmed to believe such immunity to come from something tangible and solid within the so called body. With this programming deeper than one’s awareness, one is subject to the laws of this false programming and real immunity is restricted and limited – one is programmed to believe, for example, the longer one lives, the less such immunity. If one were to subject to such programming, then one must necessarily live such pattern within the holographic like world – like a programmer installing certain codes into a software. Once one chooses within deeper dimensions to subject to false programming’s code of the rules of body, then one necessarily lives by its rules.


No matter how much one tries to rationalize that it is merely false programming dictating the rules of body, that without such programming, the body lives in very different possibilities and rules, one is still subject to false programming’s description of the physical until it can be displaced by one’s power of compassion. without such power reaching such depth to challenge the depth of such false programming, such rationalization is merely an intellectual exercise. Only until one intends from deep within to free others of such false programming, or having the courage to simply let go of all concepts dictated by false programming regarding the body, will compassion be activated to intervene within this deeper level of programming. 


Within compassion, there are no rules with respect to the body that one must abide, just as there are no rules to one’s thoughts. Potentially, just as there is intelligence which reverses, there is also senses which can reverse, leading to reversal of, for example,  physical aging. This, however, requires very deep and powerful compassion, and must spring from sole intention to benefit the happiness of all sentient beings – world of joy. 


Gender within compassion


there is psychological gender discrimination and actual differences of physical characteristics which can be generalized as different gender. Such psychological gender difference is false programming. 


within false programming, psychological gender discrimination is used as a powerful means of manipulation, creating the root of personal desire. Within compassion, such psychological differences do not exist and gender differences are merely playful aspects of nature to compliment and create beauty and harmony – there is no sense of lack or need or craving here.  Within false programming, the interaction of such opposing tendencies create craving/personal desire, while within compassion, they merge to create harmony and transformation.


Physical differences of so called gender is merely one of various compliments created by playful nature of compassion, our original nature. Once they are contaminated by false programming, a new form of gender discrimination is created and gender takes on a new importance to uphold the control of false programming. So long one identifies psychologically with a made up false programming term of gender, one actually distances oneself from the real meaning of one’s real gender. If one is free of such discrimination within one’s limited mind and lets go to compassion, then real meaning of gender emerges and continues to transform. Within compassion, there is no conflict of gender, only harmony. Here, relationship takes on a different meaning.  

Compassionate power


False programming takes power away from compassion, limiting it to merely a feeling. Thereby when many refers to power of compassion, they are referring to just a sentimental feeling. Without false programming, compassion is intense power, the most potent power there is. Most understand the gentle and nurturing side of compassion, but few understand the assertive and power side of compassion – it is best reflected to the writer by the passion of freedom.


Fortress of joy


One does no one any favor by not being joyful. It is actually lack of compassion to be not joyful, as joy is the best quality to liberate suffering and transform the slow frequencies of humanity. False programming would like to limit joy to only special occasions and at times makes many guilty to feel joyful, especially when others are suffering. Free of false programming, there is abundant joy which is ever transforming and expanding. 


Everyone follows joy, including false programming. If one were to be fortunate enough to touch real joy – not false programming’s idea of joy, which is merely surface senses being stimulated and requires external conditions – but real joy, which is unconditional and is a very deep compassion, then one is truthful to oneself to hold tight to this root and allow it to re-emerge. This fortress of joy is unshakable and has power beyond anything in this world, yet one’s connection to it at beginning is likened to few little kids defending a straw house against the massive army of false programming – but if compassion is sufficient, the fortress will hold and solidify, and then expand.


To enter the world of joy, one must become proficient at laughing at oneself, which will increase one’s ability to make fun at others within joy.


The fortress of joy is becoming visible to humanity.

Kumbaya My Lord

writing pad :

(excerpts from eternal fire)

A day later, chewey went camping with the hopi book club in a very remote spot in hopiland, a place they called the parle vu fransue?! camping spot:


Celena, who was singing the parle vu fransue song: “parle vu fransue!? Parle vu fransue?! Parle vu fransue!!??, parle vu fransue??!!, parle vu! Parle vu! Fransue???!!!”


Chewey: “where you get that song?”


Celena: “I don’t know, I heard Leroy singing it, and I just start to sing it myself”


Chewey, to Leroy: “where you get that song?!”


Leroy: “I don’t know, I saw it on lisa’s t-shirt and heard her singing it and I just start to sing…”




Darrell: “yea dude! When life is up, parle vu fransue?! When life is down, parle vu fransue?!”


Chewey: “huh?! What are you talking about?!”


Preston: “you know how everything has a polar opposite? Well, parle vu fransue?! is what links the opposites.”


Colleen : “all patterns are different, but take away the judgments, they are all parle vu fransue?!”


Geraldine: “parle vu fransue?! That sounds nice!”


Jeremy: “the best way to attract what’s best for you is to accumulate joy, so … parle vu fransue?!”


chewey: “me no understand!”


Leroy: “either way, you become parle vu fransue?!”


chewey: “even a caged chicken?!”


Lisa: “wherever you go, you end up parle vu fransue?!” 


Voice: “7 billion people and yet we are here, that means we have parle vu fransue?!”


Chewey: “hmmm … that is very interesting indeed…”



Next day, the hopi book club took chewey to spend a night in Walpi, the ancient, timeless village, still operating strong without running water and electricity



chewey woke up the next morning, as he was walking out to see the sunrise… 





season 2


ma ma  is sho mei lin chu

ba ba is shi wei chu

every time i say that - mama and/or ba ba

they get younger

from this place we ceaselessly  send they receive

the ultimate medicine

from/to past present and/or future

from this future

we see each their 100th birthday

we to humble to that future​

- john j chu


zhu ren zhang


鳳飛飛祝你幸福Coden Official Audio MV

 shenrap miwo is linked to confucious

medicine and/or compassion

ultimate is emptiness

compassion is medicine

compassion coming from emptiness

so it a good name

it not just transcendence

but it helping others same time



dharmakaya cannot be tainted

the best way to stay with it

once sufficient understanding

is to keep sending the medicine to all

it will first go through those we love/closest



we hope we have reached a sufficient basis to help others

then we be advancing into it

whether we have sufficient of it

we dont know

but you can all help us send it



above song is to send 幸福 (xing fu)

good fortune health happiness

that also the nature of dharmakaya


it is ultimate in that

once new sphere / layer realized

anything is possible

we just need know how to use it

"It is afterwards same as before

this is the dharmata ever unchanging"

- uttara tantra

these faults, however, do not truly exist

they are merely adventitious and able to be removed

- buddha nature

we only need remove the adventitious

it originally dharmakaya

no death sickness aging

the original sphere always here




if an old tree is regenerated/purified into new

its history cannot change that fact



if imitate the flow of this home

it sends to the parents then family

they also people of dharmakaya

we can see them as buddhas/satvvas

they are at the center of this sphere

this is a middle sphere

they from dharmakaya

the way to help someone improve is to see their future as good fortune healthy happy (xing fu)

- i see no suffering - dr hu

he sees their dharmakaya


seeing them what collective would



we want to perceive a future with xing fu

within multiverse

we choose which future to link into


if learn how to help/take on others suffering within compassion


then we dont suffer

- it a paradox

e.g. 94/5 and/or 05


trust the great spirit

just stay with dharmakaya no matter what inner thoughts

the great spirit takes care rest

it needs not our deliberate effort

we only need write what comes


energy body/medicine

teachers showing us the ultimate medicine

a field of light available to all

it cannot be contaminated and always here

all need do is to align mind/body to it

- that takes faith at first

but if many also see it , it be easy

if we only rely on outer antidote

there be even more fear / reliance

no matter how advanced

but if it is balanced by inner knowledge of dhamakaya

that they dont really need the outer but can use it

the two creates a balance

age and/or compassion

if 20 now thinking i am 50

if 50 now thinking i am 80


50 now thinking i am 20

80 now thinking i am 50

what difference ?

just an inner movement

25 and/or 50

1992 and/or 2017​

as inner what difference ?

50 and/or 80 

what difference present inner movement​

the inner reflect outer


50 year old trying to tell others 35


50 year old saying he is 65 and/or 80

one a feeling of inner older

the other draws joy and laughter


one day future they will live 150 like our 80

 they will likely first reach 150 before they believe 150

- it a collective (subconscious)  inner movement

but we can first believe 150  before we reach it outer 

- it a reverse inner movement​

by that time we know we 200

these days they cant talk ancient taoist terms and or bible believes without saying first it not modern science predictions

for some that how they remain same and/or younger

it quantum physics / science

"and you have to believe in science"


"reverse aging return youth"  - ancient taoist 

regeneration of the root)


the power of beauty

qualities dont have limits

it can deepen forever/accumulated

it the nature of physical /body​

like billion to our million

if we two million then one million issues no more​

it can be accumulated

like intelligence abundance and silence

potentially the body inner/outer inseparable from deepening beauty and it self heals regenerates​


first realize its potential as yours

and then work hard to accumulate it​

how to more accumulate it ?​ we here to learn 


each day they get closer

the body/mind begins to get younger​

the skandhas replaced by 

the power of beauty

- which is spontaneously always here​

there is regeneration

it like forests snoqualmie

it has sufficient power of beauty so always green



imagine if that is our inner world 24/7

then it not difficult to see regeneration and renewal

we heal someone just because we want to accumulate power of beauty

not because they need our help

so win win



wisdom body is a body which has a mind​

a mind with wisdom with a body which has mind​

a body with a mind which has wisdom to stay link to physical 


they know theoretically and from some people ​

that the most impossible is possible only when impossible​

if we can think of it, it has a pattern

if we have to reverse everything

then everything can be reversed​


but how ?​

the future already knows ?​

then we dont care the how and what​

just that it is that future

writer same place the rock still here

we all here​

we all fine

- the no fear rock 

to/from your own future 2031

to/through  this website

"(your name) is the best !"



sho mei chu is the best !

shi wei chu is the best !

we humble to that future


1990 (chewpiland)


you are fine

start from end

Peaceful seated Black Manjushri

the ultimate medicine

Black Manjushri (Tib. འཇམ་དབྱངས་ནག་པོ་, jamyang nakpo,  Wyl. ‘jam dbyangs nag po) is a wrathful healing form of Manjushri used to remove inner and outer obstacles.


Manjushri Mantra Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhi

as inner

we waiting on this accumulation of the power

our observation

this current ultimate medicine

is getting stronger .... and stronger

once it over flows ...

we will all have chance to keep building it

it just make one feel safe no matter the

inner movement

and it has a purifying effect

like if we can just stay in this as long as possible

it is accumulating and self purifying

once it ready

the current will take us places and bring us helpers 

at first it a ... faint point far away yet here

like 10 percent 

2008 spring

now we more of it - like 40 percent

- an inner sanctum


the ultimate medicine

it effect/logic is like love

can be accumulated and it makes difference​

like savings

just build it up

it'll know what to do


so if we observe it from beyond vision

then witness (6d) no need get pulled by vision content (3/4/5d)

it a shift of view

so if can stay anchored, then future we keep  self strengthen - not pulled by the higher megawatt power etc.

if airport is 80 megawatt

inner body based thought is more

there many levels

we always learning



something  stained then less/unstained

vs. dharmakaya is same pure before and after

the stain was an illusion

it never happened to the ground

there is no body to be pure/impure

that the power of compassion

not just that we saved from death ...

there is no death​

it is just a vision/dream


original energy 

whether it is stained or pure has much to do with cause of inner / outer imbalance

when there no way out ; there the hidden option​

as inner, the quantum / compassion energy body takes over

replacing the second floor

then it something new​



separate  the false based memory from entering the cause /pulling

the inferior element is separated

"The inferior element is not overcome by violence but is kept under gentle control. Then nothing evil is to be feared. But care must be taken not to let it come in contact with those further away, because once free it would unfold its evil aspects unchecked."

- i ching

there only this day. it the direction of the inner which determines the future​

first separate out the inner "inferior element"

slow it stop it​

the guardians / no fear rock gatekeepers keeping out the second floor inner influences from pulling



collective we as society want go direction of a future which is  fun and interesting​

keep the second floor second floor

- the pandemic hunters​


as inner, help them best by start from end

- you fine​

and refuse to compromise your link to that future


we all pass from one bardo to another

but it need not be from to the inferior elements

it would not be compassion

there those refuse to pass on until they all  fine ; then they just pass on

that is reverse of modern thinking

- dr dean tsai



powerful sorcerer can simply touch  /say something and the  mark is healed/disappears​

this done by knowing the cut did not precede the mark, so the new image/memory need not include the cut - the new/ dharmakaya cannot be stained

new image replacing the old



if it all of the mind

then all cause and effect are inner movements

In the bardos we’re “forced” to relate to our mind simply because there’s nothing else. Outer world is gone, body is gone, so mind becomes reality."​

- online


"very good ! very good !"

- beef

start from end

the ultimate medicine


stay with it


stay with ground and all defilement, inner and outer, are spontaneously cleansed​

"all the impure elements (earth, water and so on) both outer and inner, are spontaneously cleansed."



it not what we think which creates karma

"for such practitioner, thoughts arise in just same way as for ordinary people . but it not the mere thought, in the moment that it arises, that accumulates karma .


it what we cant think otherwise

that creates second floor cause

"It is through the continuous profusion of thoughts, and the clinging to them, that beings are fettered in samsara"



then there no karma/antecedent cause

second floor loses influence

"the situation is different, however, when the duality of apprehending mind and apprehending object is eliminated ...



if see inner as inner and not as outer (concrete)

inner second floor loses the pull

"if ... does not cling ... thinking of them as existing in a concrete manner (thus straying into side of appearances) ... if the mind is not attached to them ... the link ... is severed ...


"all the impure elements (earth, water and so on) both outer and inner, are spontaneously cleansed. And the level at which phenomena are exhausted in ultimate reality is reached"

- treasury of precious qualities​​

that is very good ! very good !

wisdom of compassion


compassion is the most powerful yet misunderstood

it not the niceness/guilt trip society has suppressed the word into - yet everyone understand what it is

the advanced people we see - they talk of it but they dont follow it - not like a donkey follow a carrot

they just speak of it as though it a nice word and act nice when they need - believing their practice is superior

then their development not progress easily and it with ceiling

they may accumulate massive power and magic - but the magic of life not there - then they need to take control over it

within compassion,  whatever it bring us is within compassion - that is simple but profound statement

we been following it over 15 years 

but we dont really know how else to show it others 

- they misunderstand it as outer movement

and wont follow it as inner either because they dont understand or they already stuck in another way of thinking 


lost within compassion

within compassion, being lost is not good/bad

only whether it within or outside compassion

just like  anything 

within compassion

it gets better and has learning purpose

we need not want to get out - you get point

same with pandemic within compassion

it not whether it over but whether it deeper within compassion

it not whether we exit samsara or have wisdom

but whether it within compassion

a kid within compassion is far superior than an old wise man who not within it - they not within it because they not follow its flow because it just too simple


i ching should be not whether a hexagram is better/worse - that prediction

but how to deepen compassion of each hexagram/pattern

then it same 64 patterns we will experience but within better quality


unlike dharmadatu etc. - they reached buddhahood

- we will never attain/understand compassion - like million never reach billion

but we always trying and it always helping

it the source of life/joy

only innocent mind can follow it


our dreams been one o being lost

but more more it lost within a nicer and nicer place

fancier and better hotel

nice seaside resort/neighborhood etc.

and it like we now there but looking for that place/home

still lost but within compassion


Living rainbow body of great transference-2.jpg

if sun rotates around you ... where is your body ?"

- reverse i ching (west)

where is the body which is subject to birth sickness aging and death ?

"you must be born again"

john 3 : 7


in vision

there is no outer body

- so there is no body

the inner body we see is not necessary

it is an illusion

an inner movement which we are subject to

what we are trying to say is ...

without that memory chip as inner body

we would still have a body

but it not a conventional one

if can separate it out

would not be subject to the compliments of that inner body

both individually and collectively

we then not be bound by the needs/desires of that inner body


if not subject to the timeline of that inner body, we may age differently than those who do - slower and/or faster and/or something else


as inner

fear illness/desire health and something else


lack confidence vs. confidence vs. something else


driving school student lacks confidence

after some years - have confidence

 yet to a seasoned truck driver

he/she is neither confident nor not confident

they just drive 



any binary/duality movements is necessarily pre-determined , whether vision/simulation/bardo

once it splits from non-dual field/source/wuchi

the movements/taichi already set

maybe it can be neutralized in wuchi/nondual ?

not with its polar side - which is binary

but abiding in the dharmakaya

then it something else


there 3/4/5d causes

there 3/4/5d medicines

medicine buddha/ultimate medicine is 6d

dharmakaya cant be stained

wisdom is knowing how to use it 

defilements do drop away if remain in it

the real experts is help making defilement of others drop away while remain in it

- the research team gather those who can stay in dharmakaya/source - maybe as collective they can make drop away collective defilements




without inner body

there no sickness/health, it something else

no male/female, it something else

no death/living, it something else

It the energy body not the 3d display
Reason energy not regenerating is it not linked to source
Clings too tightly to mental body wave
The inner not seen as inner
Outer not seen as outer

there no need for the inner body

"The firm conviction 'I am not the body' destroys identification with the body and thus frees one from the miseries of birth, disease, old age and death."

- ramana maharshi

even if reside in endless space

unless this realized, the immunity/freedom is only extraneous


the inner body is the veil

"the thought 'I am the body' is veiling it. If you give up this thought, the 'Atma', which is always within the direct experience of everyone, will shine forth."


After the sacrifice of the 'I am the body' idea your anxieties will end, you will attain the continuous experience of the Self, whose nature is auspicious tranquility and you will live as the ever risen sun of true 'jnana', the Self that shines uninterruptedly.

The thought 'I am the body' is the deceptive device that makes us desire the world as though it were real. Thus we believe that we are entrapped in this powerful snare of bondage.

The world appears only due to the confused belief 'I am the body' which is said to be the 'maya' (delusion or ignorance) that projects names and forms.

- ramana


inner body is the antecedent cause

 As long as you have the feeling 'I am the body' you are affected by the consequences of the actions you perform and you have merit and demerit. But when you know that 'I am not the body' where is the question of doing?

The ones who are 'caught in birth' are those who still nurture the 'I am the body' idea, whereas the ones who have torn apart 'the net of birth' are the 'jivanmuktas' who have the firm conviction 'I am not the body' while still physically alive.


"no inner body" counterbalances "inner body"

then something else emerges

When you persist with the idea 'I am not the body', after some time, it too shall vanish and you would abide as the pure expanse, the space of consciousness. Then, fear would cease completely and tranquility will prevail.

- ramana maharshi


"this kind of body (body consciousness)  is what we got ... (skhandhas) ... "

"it is never going to be totally comfortable … never satisfied ...

so we just kind of accept that, knowing at buddhahood we’ll get another one (circle a)"

- thubten chodron

in vision, body consciousness is what created the body. if it is rooted in false programming /antecedent cause as basis, it will never feel satisfied nor enduring​

buddhas have a different body consciousness

and so a different body

how to attain the vajra body consciousness ?

in vision "this kind of body (body consciousness) is what we got ..." , so long we see this inner movement as outer, 

"it is never going to be totally comfortable … never satisfied ... so we just kind of accept that"


as inner/in vision

are you certain you have a body ?


widom of compassion

in this consciousness

we see no suffering

it a choice we can make vs. getting pulled by memory we see

 you get the point

the world of compassion is a world perceived by circle of people who refuse to compromise - they see no suffering

"Total pure perception is the unique preserve of Buddhas, who never experience anything as impure ... impure perception has no effect on the actual purity of the mind's nature ...

As long as one is apt to apprehend suffering, suffering appears"

- treasury of precious qualities

body and/or compassion

- body has inner/outer

inner adventitious creates outer skandhas  body​

- the outer is not the inner

"the appearing objects of perception are not, however, the mind itself"

"it is an important mistake to declare that "all appearances are the mind"

- treasury

- the outer is a ripening of the inner

"outer phenomena is nothing but the ripening of the mind's propensities"
- treasury

like dream the present outer we see is but the past ripening into memories/visions

inner reifies into outer/yin coalesces into form

- the inner is pure even if we cant see it

without the veil of that inner body

 the inner is originally pure and remains pure 

the outer skhandhas  is the effect of the inner adventitious /veil

- no outer lifting of veil without inner

so we first create a premise :

we need to uplift that inner veil

conclusion finding :

"it is just this inner movement we need to take care/focus in  on ... "

- chewpi news



immunity inner from inner skhandhas body is best natural defense



see inner body as second floor

in dream/vision/simulation

like upon waking up am 

if seen body/place as one consciousness vs. subject/object

then the imbalance naturally  balances itself

"the situation is different, however, when the duality of apprehending mind and apprehending object is eliminated ... all the impure elements (earth, water and so on) both outer and inner, are spontaneously cleansed. "


free of the root of body based thoughts

all inner movement is natural based​


even if see ant bite mark five second ago

then close eyes - that is present memory ​

if see that, then that inner movement of cause 

not get to first base​

the inner karma body not given momentum

it begins to get neutralized



if have more discriminative wisdom

the false inner body can less pull​


we want to get to root of the inner/karma body

not just to make it more pure

but to separate it out

to be free of it even if it try to pull



stopping /advancing into that inner binary body 


2019 writer meets master hu at casino to talk dharmakaya

he no gamble but observe - eats only veggie noodle - he not belong there because he not pulled by it​ -  maybe writer no like to win

so no need to get that winner feeling

the customers pulled by the inner casino body

- their inner body takes on the inner casino body


that the inner pandemic 

it (inner casino body) has nothing to do with outer (casino)

yet it  (inner casino body) is part of its customers inner movement

sometimes they see someone in that environment not pulled by it ...

their inner body may be less pulled by it too


this applies to everything - each has own inner casino body ; own outer (casino)

every classification/name of symptoms/antodites has own inner pull

outer is what it is ; inner not necessary/just a name


discrimination between the outer of the inner movement (inner body/present memory/4d) and the outer body (5d)

then that 4d inner adventitious body cant get on first base /not given fuel/neutralized


the body we see is the outer movement of our inner second floor movement

the inner second floor movement we see had pulled us

inside an inner binary loop

after awhile

the outer can only flow with it

then inner can only flow with outer

etc etc.

once separate out using discriminative wisdom

the same inner second floor we see less pull us​

we less inside that loop



for there to be fear
there must first the inner body 
- no body
for vision to have power/effect over our body
there must first be inner body
- no body
for our body to age in vision
there also must first be an inner body
- no body​

if inner seen as outer

then subject becomes the object

creating the subject/object duality​

dont let it get on first base

- no body



what is possible becomes impossible once we realize there is no yesterday (as cause), as all, psychologically speaking


- baseball game has bases ; at first false inner not on first base, then somehow it got on

- if there is inner false body there outer

if outer then the new inner be same

if inner then outer ; it merry go around​

the cycle of samsara/rebirth​​


- if what rises is not false inner body

but something else​

then no snake get on first base


-  step at a time. we to focus on not the outer

but stopping the next inner false program from rising to first base ​ - then outer takes care itself


- we first see clear the root of it

that the inner snake is not the outer snake

then we not get pulled - it then not get on base​

the outer snake fades like mara​​


once we see our inner as inner - we see outer 

not the outer of the inner fake vision

but something else



habit of perception is countered by repetition of its opposite

"Unless the 'I am the body' belief is present to some extent, there can be no possibility of having the thought 'I am not the body'. Understand this paradox while doing the practice ('sadhana') only then would both ideas disappear.

- ramana maharshi



see inner as inner 

the "i am " is an inner movement

the body we see is an outer movement

so "i am" (inner) not the (outer) body


separate out the separable

we slow/stop it at inception 

the inner body that is created by inner movement is an inner movement ; and inner movement is not the outer movement

otherwise inner movement of a one way current body ripens into outer movement

for next hour, can we neutralize it e.g. 10 times ?

- vision hunters 


the lens of compassion

"Total pure perception is the unique preserve of Buddhas, who never experience anything as impure ... impure perception has no effect on the actual purity of the mind's nature ...

As long as one is apt to apprehend suffering, suffering appears"

- treasury of precious qualities

without the "i am the body" thought as base, there is pure vision

in newton world

patterns are set ; the past is set and so  the future cannot be changed

i ching becomes a calculation of what to happen

- this not the original i ching


in quantum

everything is moving

past is now - particles not there until observed

i ching gives advise on how to move with it


close our eyes and whatever mind sees is inner movement ; let me know when you (what your inner sees is) an outer movement


if you do not waver from the natural state

all qualities of the refined sense powers are gained

- ​

settled in the dharmakaya ... good thought, bad thoughts ... therefore there is no need for antidote

in the expanse of awareness - and this is a great wonder - they (defilements) collapse all by themselves"

- jigme lingpa

clear the root. the rest (outer luminosity) takes care itself

in vision - the illusion/appearances (apprehended objects) are from another illusion /appearance (apprehending mind) - inner body


"the link that joins the apprehended object to the apprehending mind is severed"

- jigme lingpa


the ultimate medicine

- the outer is the past ripened 

the inner is the present past

"all impure samsaric phenomena are the display, or subjective experience, of the ordinary mind ... all the phenomena of nirvana, the buddhafields, etc. are the display or self experience of primordial wisdom ...
they are not different, for both are grounded in the principle of dependent arising

- treasury of precious qualities


- all within the field of waves
"Everything is a wave "

- particles is a condensed wave

"the electron is also a wave

...  electron wave typically has a very short wavelength. Thus we cannot resolve the up and down motion of the electron wave unless our measuring device is very precise."

- online

- they can now measure particles as waves

With quantum theory, we find a beautiful unification: instead of there being two fundamental entities (particles and waves), there is only one fundamental entity: waves. All objects are waves, though in some approximations this wave might look like a moving ball; i.e. a particle.

- online

- waves are fundamentally empty

without waves of false inner body 

there no inner body to be found, even if one looks for it

"once the emptiness of all phenomena has been realized, no impurity is found, even if one searches for it"

- treasury of precious qualities​


the wave of compassion


"Everything is a wave "​

"waves are fundamentally empty"​

"without waves of false inner body 

there no inner body to be found"

it may be the future to measure 3d body as wave and able to neutralize it 


"i am a woman

i have no male ego

my male is ego is no more"

- the (your name here) male ego


"you know why you not have a care or problem in this world ?

because they all  come from the male ego

and my male ego has vanished"


circle abc

am coffee and the cup is here

am bakery and the bread is here

to circle a - it didnt happen/nothing happened

to circle b without mental body/anchor in circle a

- it is certain of only the 3d display of the cup/bread

it sees the 4d memory of am coffee/bakery

but knows it need not be the cause

- are you certain it happened/need be antecedent cause

to circle b of mental body's mind

it sees the 3d display as its body

and sees the 4d memory as proof of the reality/antecedent cause

- so it sees the 3 slides as one way flow etc.

coffee/bread just pg - 13

its memory/antecedent cause need not be neutralized

but many things/memories do


are you certain there is/was a pandemic ?​

point is : we can neutralize its circle b wave from here/now - guardians chief


counterbalance within compassion


""... grounded in fate, so fate may in time also bring regression/ But if ... an upward movement is initiated in time, this movement is strong enough to counteract fate, should the consequences of fate set in before these precautions are taken."

- i ching​

we neutralize it circle b before it reflect as display




"in vision

the body - e.g. the heart - is a light display

only to the mental body’s mind does it seem solid"

so why our mental body sees inner as outer ?

same reason why it sees itself as outer

“the i have a body idea”


pt is, it is the luminosity which forms the heart 

once we see it here

it already beats in energy world

so it not a solid thing - our body

if it fine in luminosity/inner world

it fine in the reflected pond/outer display

vice versa

this is a new science

passed on to us by friends 

it has potential to resolve things at root 


outer is what is displayed

it happens/reflected naturally/spontaneously as product of the luminosity/inner world

- like how dreams just happens​

as an inner antecedent cause

nothing we see as inner movement at present moment need be an antecedent cause

and so we say "are you certain it happened?"


now we have a paradigm

everything happens first in the wave world

then cause/effect of  luminosity takes on new meaning


luminosity cannot be destroyed​

but mental body does expire in wave worldbut we are not the mental body


if we can 

1. keep that inner fire/luminosity going

2. alter the blueprint of that wave body from basing on memories to something else/compassion

then we have potential to master the wave body

it just a wave

but it the blueprint  of the form world


right now we seeing a inner body which seems solid

but once we separate out inner from outer body

we know that inner body need not be solid like outer​

so we remove first false programming

- that inner body must be solid

the mental body 4/5d


the 3d body of 5d compassion​

the yellow light body

it originates/comes from a different light field

and so has a different  wave movement 

with different wave sphere - a different 3d display

the second false programming :

that the inner body can only move that way

that the only blueprint of inner body​


the ultimate medicine


Everything on earth is subject to change. Prosperity is followed by decline: this is the eternal law on earth. Evil can indeed be held in check but not permanently abolished. It always returns. This conviction might induct melancholy, but it should not; it ought only to keep us from falling into illusion when good fortune comes to us. If we continue mindful of the danger, we remain persevering and make no mistakes.


As long as a man's inner nature remains stronger and richer than anything offered by external fortune, as long as he remains inwardly superior to fate, fortune will not desert him.

- i ching

from here

future can return to help us

we need not say much, just to listen in

the present will be future and read from it

from here

we want to be able to keep everything in balance before they take place outer

we do what we can now ...

For in the hands of a great master no material is unproductive; he can find use for everything ... It is during times of prosperity especially that we must always be ready to risk even dangerous undertakings, such as the crossing of a river, if they are necessary. So too we must not neglect what is distant but must attend scrupulously to everything

 Theses are ...  ways in which one can overcome the hidden danger of a gradual slackening that always lurks in any time of peace. And that is how one finds the middle way for action.

- i ching

when it good/not outer, we no go up/down inner

we see first sign of imbalance on wave level

we gather as circle to neutralize it

 "... knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world." (I Peter 5:9).

each person has own situation

but if we do it for the people who also going through same - inner and outer

and not just the mental body attachments

the power of ultimate medicine activates

then we rival "anything offered by external fortune"

and "fortune will not desert him"

- it cant get past us

no choice ; nothing to lose ; we gain merit effortlessly

- ultimate medicine 201

each student who can stand own ground gather to create a wave for all to share free

we may and/or not need it now

but "we must always be ready"

you get the point :

by time we can balance it on wave level

they are already ok

the above song is healing and soothing

a collective wave from future we to receive here

they using the song ?

and writing to link into common ground

the ultimate medicine/dharmakaya cannot be stained

one has had 5 years looking at it

our confidence/faith in it is becoming indomitable

e.g. that new matrix 11 cannot be moved 4d

that spirit is that too 5d

"you only need to trust it"


it a vision but it has a purpose

"it happening somewhere"

 easiest to deal with it now

it may/may not happen to us now

it may/may not happen here now

nothing to lose to neutralize it here now

the ultimate medicine/dharmakaya cannot be stained

and deeper one is within it

the more immovable the power of ultimate medicine

by improving/strengthening the 4/5d

we make it easier for the outstanding 3d healers to practice their compassion

thank you


in vision nothing has happened until observed

and so as inner we see all compassion

- the ultimate medicine 201


getting a small bush leg cut at pt defiance 5-12

this ideal scenario to analyze the bush cut/ant bite using our paradigm

power of silence/dharmakaya 201 finals


we not certain it happened

- in vision, we see the appearance of the body and bite

we have inner memory of the bite/cut

that is all we can be certain

"are you certain it happened"


if we wake from dream/nap

to our real body

that bush cut did not happen

it just a memory present


did it happen to our dream body during the dream ?


we not certain it happened


did the ant bite cause the ant bite memory


no, there is no ant

the two (cause/effect) is same present memory loop


but i see an ant bite/cut now here


without mental body and its memory

you also see a display of same ant bite/cut

but it has not the same antecedent cause 


view it this way  :if entering vision/simulation 

vs. exiting vision

if entering consciously like  virtual reality game

then one sees a 3d body with ant bite/cut

 one is that body and bite is the cause/happened - is the new 4/5d memory package presented

but our inner dont really believe it

you get the point 

a change of perception can change everything


the 4/5d sees only one way flow of that memory

so convinced it the only explanation of that memory

- that it happened - otherwise "what else could it be ?"

is an mental body inner voice which repeats/blocks our attention from looking another way


if had dream of a friend in far east city

upon waking, the event didnt happen

that friend not in the dream/that ant not in the dream

it need not be our antecedent cause


once we wake up

this ant bite/cut not happen to him/dreamer

it wont be there

then if he and friends upon waking gather to ask us here in the dream the question :


"where did that ant bite/cut come from ?"


we answer - one has memory of that ant bite/hike cut

but now we know it vision

we cant say for certain it happened


how long has it been ?


in vision/dream, we find ourself right in middle of it, a 3/4/5d package deal

with somehow a memory / belief that the memory we see of how it happened ... really did happen

so "the how much time ?"

we dont know

just that it is here in the 3/4/5d now

and we know the sensation/memory of it are just inner movements

so what really created the ant bite/bush cut display ?

we dont know

and same way , what really created this body we see ...?

we dont know


if players just entering the simulation :

the above questions may be answered differently


did it happen ?


not to me nor the 3/4/5d character base

it just a present memory the character/mental body has

it just a memory -  need not be the cause


how long has it been ?


it hasnt happened until we step into the dream/game

so our answer is - we dont know


- power of silence/dharmakaya 201


neutralize the  the 4/5d antecedent cause current

slow/stop it

it 4d de-coding and repetition

follow the "friends upon waking gather to ask us"

like good 4d movie

the display/screen is the 3d

they fixate our attention only on the memory/story 4d - we see no hidden option (our real body)

they use sound effects maybe even vibrations to manipulate our 5d to make the ant bite feel real - there a sensation that pulls our attention to it/we get pulled by that inner movement/cycle


we also know that any sensation or memory comes from the mental body program - and mental body is an inner movement we often confuse with outer

it that inner which senses an illusion as real


in other words, this 3/4/5d movie is an inner movement

discriminate the real 4d  from game/fake 4d  is easy at this time

our mind still in circle a entering circle b

at this time, we know the mental/game body 4/5d memory is just a 4/5d/memory that comes with the 3/4/5d character

- it not us even if memories/display looks same and our emotions/sensations keeps reinforcing it

discriminate the real from fake is easy at this time



it the quality of luminosity/inner which reflects, not the antecedent cause. but if quality if dictated by antecedent cause - that the quality which reflects 


close eyes and can see only inner body

open eyes and see same inner body and the 3d mirror display but if we confuse the 4/5d to be that display

then the inner becomes outer

point is : if we can discriminate the inner/outer

we can master our 4/5d and thereby the 3d display

- but not the other way


for the next hour,  all the memories, present past or future e.g. the  vision/memory wave - have no pull over us - then we stopping it

we gain momentum into it

shaping the wave in our favor

if we can pull it - the mental body wave

not it us, then we advancing into it


e.g. the flute melody pulls the 4d of mental body

asking good questions of mental body does same

not entering nor exiting

not seeing it as real or unreal

just standing in its way inner


it not whether it good/not but whether it within compassion

e.g. ant bite and bush cut are within compassion

it taught us other things we otherwise would not know



are you certain the  e.g. your premise happened?

it a present moment 49/51 counterbalance 

and maybe best way to help the waves of the premise ?


​e.g. if small knee sprain

that knee sensation is energy because in vision, there no body

it a 5d negative energy we no want that is all vs.

there a mental body  ; it has a 5d knee sensation which has  4d antecedent  cause ; they believe mental body past cannot be altered by present

so first need see it for what it is - a present inner movement ; a negative energy which needs removing ; not something which has an actual past/antecedent cause

without this knowledge, we be purifying while leaking/allowing negative energy as antecedent cause to get back on first base

with this knowing/understanding

we may have bush cut scar, but what does that have to do with present mental body 4d memory ?

then as inner ... we no need inner future effect 

we no need inner past cause​

we only need to remove that negative energy 5d

which is there in present​

how to remove that negative energy

is micro/macro

e.g. hanuman mantra removing negative energy

it is important to discriminate between mental body's mind, which is just a small part of inner movement vs. the inner movement​


in vision

there no organs because there no body

what we see is inner

created from a false foundation

which makes an inner ground into outer

that ground is not seen as what it is - inner

will create all these illusions

you get the point

how to neutralize the mental body ground ?


if lucid in dream

this earth we see is vision/dream

it not the real earth/ground

if there knee sprain

there no body underlying it

it just negative energy felt within mental body


once we can 4d stop it

we lessen the leak/antecedent cause

and if we can also find the optimal way to remove 5d negative energy 

then doing both may lead to reversal of state where leak/purification is greater/lesser than increase/decrease ... into a state where

leak/purification is lesser/greater than increase/decrease

the chi of compassion



the purpose of CA vision may be to find the wisdom/4d coding to deal with such events/situations

it may not be happening here the way they are experiencing it other worlds

but the wave of it the same

can exit/change vision body/world  at 35 or at 120 healthy ;  no need get inner old/young

it not an inner rule here

 no need inner/outer imbalance


Hanuman chicken yoga sutra


1. You must have the firm conviction that 'I am not a chicken'. The thought 'I am a chicken' is the deceptive device that makes us desire the world as though it were real. Thus we believe that we are entrapped in this powerful snare of bondage.

2. You must have the firm conviction that 'i am not a chicken'. The world appears only due to the confused belief 'I am a chicken' which is said to be the 'maya' (delusion or ignorance) that projects names and forms.

3. The delusion that causes the name-and-form appearance to be seen separate from 'swarupa' (Self) is that which insists that the world is real. It begins in the primal ignorance 'I am a chicken', so you must develop the firm conviction 'I am not a chicken'

4. The thought 'I am a chicken' is the real original sin, it must be removed so that it does not rise again. Thus you must have the firm conviction that 'I am not a chicken'.

5. You must have the firm conviction that 'I am not a chicken'. After the 'I am a chicken' ego has vanished in those who enquire earnestly, they forever shine as the Supreme reality.

6. You must completely abandon the 'I am a chicken' idea, only then would you realize the unceasing, ever-present bliss of the Self. Hold onto the firm conviction that 'I am not a chicken'

7. The idea 'I am a chicken' misguided you to believe the chicken to be your dwelling place and its attributes your true nature. Now, know that 'I am not a chicken' and a finite entity does not truly exist.

8. Have the firm conviction that 'I am not a chicken'. To believe that 'I am a chicken' is just a dream-like appearance through forgetfulness of your own true Self, the reality, the fullness of consciousness, which is everything and nothing.

9. By having the firm conviction 'I am not a chicken' through the destruction of the 'I am a chicken' idea you will turn into a true devotee, 'jnani' (realized one) or chicken god

10. Only he who has freed himself from the 'I am a chicken' idea by the development of the  'jnana' ( knowledge) that 'I am not a chicken' is a true   'Brahmin' (dweller in  Brahman) and a true  sanyasin'  (chicken renunciate).

11. Everything has arisen with the 'I am a chicken' idea, now focus your attention on the idea 'I am not a chicken' and hold on firmly to it and everything will disappear.

12. When you persist with the idea 'I am not a chicken', after some time, it too shall vanish and you would abide as the pure expanse, the space of consciousness. Then, fear would cease completely and tranquility will prevail.

13. The thought 'I am a chicken' is the primary cause and basis of all other thoughts. Unless this thought occurs first, the appearance of the many external chicken objects and the accompanying chicken thought that they are apart from oneself will not occur.

14. In deep sleep, when the 'I am a chicken' idea is absent, the world does not appear nor do other thoughts appear. When one wakes up, it is the thought 'I am a chicken' that rises first.

15. In this thought 'I am a chicken' there are two components, one is 'the chicken', the other is the 'I' (or 'I am'). The chicken is something that appears and disappears. It keeps changing all the time and is dependant on outside materials such as food.

"... while man sees what is before his eyes, God looks into the heart. Therefore a simple sacrifice offered with real piety holds a greater blessing than an impressive service without warmth."

- i ching

the sincerity is more powerful than intention


we ask for help

no need outer words ; people here are very knowledgeable - they already been waiting for us to ask

we trust dominic



at the center of the black hole is a light

it consumes the dark as energy​​


at center of light is a black hole

it gives the energy to the light


it all happening as one 5d movement

no coming no going

 Blank Space Notes



"blank space body has no future

if we inner see one it not blank space

"what is impossible becomes possible when we realize there is no tomorrow at all ..."

blank space also has creative/receptive but they are intertwined /inseparable so view from outer it one
yet from inner
it like male/female forces intertwined
cant say the duality not exist nor exist

Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female  ... then will you enter the kingdom."
- gospel of thomas (Saying 22)

so from inside blank space
the two forces divide then returns to one ; it is multiple yet it is one ; that the base movement of the universe
always moving yet unchanging ; contracting/expanding same time  without the adventitious interference ; the forces balance out to evenness/zero


it an act we know

but there a compassion purpose to it - to code it so to make bridge between the impossible and possible

it the spirit alone which can regenerate the root

and/or give a new spirit/body and/or clear the root 5d obstacles

a shaman can be the middle/bridge

but ultimately it between them

anything is possible

if the will is there to battle

the courage awakens the spirit

it can help to turn the tide

once inner root is restored/begins return direction

then outer may gradually show progress

"... Therefore he returns to the way suited to his situation, where he is free to advance or to retreat. In the nature of things this will bring good fortune, for it is wise and reasonable not to try to obtain anything by force." - i ching



there is no body to have immunity/no immunity ; imbalance/balance 

circle a is free from/not influenced by circle b/c​

without mental body, there is no mental body "birth, disease, old age and death"


"having realized ... the nature of (dharmadatu) just as it is those of understanding are released from birth, sickness, aging and death"

- uttaratantra

dharmadatu itself is free of birth sickness aging and death - how much we can realize it is dharmakaya 

the svabhavikakaya is when it all blank space

- 7-23-24

there a technology which measures the body waves

the field of origin of 3d body

if this is clear, they dont care about the details


they also have knowledge on how to neutralize the imbalance wave

point is :

unlike rainbow body and quantum travel etc.

this technology is very practical 

it be the new quantum science



to blank space, there is no future

- no past cause/effect

how to skip out of the old loop


in quantum vision

past does not exist until observed etc.

"are you certain it happened ?"


in 6d vision

thoughts not there until observed

memory not there until observed

forms not there until observed

emotions not there until observed

are you certain it need be there/happen ?

if neutralize 6d then maybe something interesting may happen to 3/4/5d ?


It the energy body not the 3d display

Reason energy not regenerating is it not linked to source]

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