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one can't compromise the writings
but writer can now do side work writings to supplement his income
and stay independent
he not ask much
just honest people to work /share with
the little circle not move with the sun
this is shifting very fast
the personal writer can accept anything
but the project has cut from past
it owes only writer
they had their meetings with the little circle
didn't really understood until it even not want it from writer even if he earn/finds it
- it not his task and they not want to burden the writer no more
it owes only the writer of past
and he has already let them go
the PVF project also free to stay/leave
the writer of future has no say in this
he is asked to send compassion from future
that how powerful the presence is
in 2017
writer only one who can change own past writing
adding/replacing the deserving/ deceptive
the future always moving it is
integrity is the way of this future
for those who already up on chewpi credits
their future need not outscore the past
the over credit will help
the couple of the year
I have this old watch
it broke some time ago
final gift from maternal grandma
as kid
i would wear shoe until there hole
grandma take me to fifth market buy new shoe
zhu ren zhang would hop up down back home
she also leave a few bucks in drawer
so me and frank eat noodle
$3 NT then = 8 cents US
beef soup noodle (no beef) is 5 NT
remember once frank want to try it but i argued with him because it too expensive
there joy in keeping it simple
the old generation helping the new generation
the young helping the grandma
no one requires anything
that the ancients way
and it still here
why ?
because it win win
abugee wrote the poem in 1998
he also a good writer
and only one in family suited for politics
be an outstanding candidate for US senator from CA
jim j chu
maybe the first pair of eagles simply emerged from pure space (energy)
that they were/are born into the world by its creator
writer's family always here
linked to this home
they the reason writer not need to compromise
he can wait for the conditions to ripe
writer can use all the outer help
neighbors offering more than they need to
yet asking all to get out of inner way
give us a chance
and the road will open of itself
it the results
northwest elevating all others
they no longer need the teachings
but still welcome it
zhong xiao
1975 class
where are they now ?
everyone wants a different way of perceiving own history
we going to first make up stories of them as classmates
then we make up where they are now
over loyalty also has its benefits
- friendship
they may lose something but then something else may come not expect
vice versa
it the sincerity/intent
it faith in that dimension where these values attract our future link
so it not about following person idea etc.
but staying link to what matters
for example
xiang fei
a certain classmate she lives near the old school and runs a family ramen restaurant
but we gonna say she is a movie star in taiwan
a local celebrity
she is not a kung fu teacher
but we gonna say she is - tai chi
and has dated jackie chan and jay chou
she want be remember as her favorite actress look alike
shift of perception
to go deeper
at time he distant from old circles
yet it same loyalty
chewpi travel
the chewpi bontsai society gather monthly
bontsai gardens they visit
models many in front the opulent plants
there outer/inner system
the outer system has no rules on how long the energy can remain
it has no rule if 100 year old need be same as 50
the outer is neutral as energy is neutral
but the inner system has a program
and the outer system created to reinforce it
writer simply following advise to stay distant from that inner system
this is ancient knowledge simply reinforced by our outstanding staff
every culture ancient believe/know people who live long
very long
they all have inner system which accommodate their outer body
if you in school and feel peer pressure to conform to their inner body image
then likely you want look like them when they 100
family circle link beyond time
the root is their common bond
it the feeling no one need explain
nor it need word
*everyone has inner kid circle
everyone has inner programmed circle
they may call it adult / mature
but that just what they call it
i call it false program if it not of benefit"
happiness when our inner kid is happy"
"if we listen to our inner kid
our chi flows more"
on 1 - 10
if inner density is 3 and outer 7
inner 4 outer 6
same inner/outer
but different field
that tai chi field
the goal of tai chi is immortality
in last twenty years
i have not had a cold
- ben
age near 70
tai chi teacher des moines
that it is possible for human ordinary to regenerate their cells
it is a science which long the taoist have practiced
the art of attaining the elixior
nectar of purification /golden essence
and immortals exist today
this gives hope to humanity
"modern dancing can be tai chi"
"you know
when the body and muscle obey"
(one with source of chi)
- tai chi master ben
the middle world
honey what party ?
it bar inside dragon gate inn
this circle entering 21st century
zhong xiao clan
there practice they advise go to
sit there just watch
eat vegetarian
drink only coffee/water
after few months
they notice you
then it time to go
- lao wan tong
the reverse i ching trilogy
has become writer's inner world
we first to experience the effect
- it easier to get younger when 40 than 20
there is inner world
there is outer world
unless you jennifer aniston
people like tai chi ben 70
can tell others he 50's
their inner is a world where they dont follow the same circle
sole panacea means resolve at the root
- micro/macro
begins at the root
- maybe someone no get along gradually get along but they no know why and issue no issue or even gratitude
and they never had to confront it
what they in common
the stronger third wheel
but they had first show you the effect
or why would anyone believe it can gradually be closer to our world ?
at this taichi ben age they all look same
but some can be acting and/or over 100 year old
if they simply shift energy
stronger mid wheel
they get younger
the 80's begins to look 70's
that inner movement of energy
got nothing to do with how old they are
"Throughout the body, the I (mind) relies on the shen (spirit), not on the chi (breath).
If it relied on the chi, it would become stagnant.
If there is chi, there is no li (force)
If there is no chi, there is pure steel."
tai chi classic
writer knows little but write what comes
one circle pushes force
the other create middle circle to yield
like drawing a bow
accumulating chi without the original circle being moved etc.
"it physics
eventually one side has to give
it takes patience"
- tai chi ben
if force enters clockwise
the opponent either fight it with force
or go counter clockwise
but if a middle can be created
possible for the middle go counter clock
against their seemingly clockwise
while the original circle remains still
watching the counter clockwise
and/or go reverse to counterbalance the middle
fong chi all stars
not all the stars
made it first try
they were not respected for their humor until the recognition of the all star game
it not because they are more funny than before
their level of humor has always been same
but it is because people didnt know they were that funny before they were selected to the all star fong chi team
frank chu was not picked first team comedy
during his first season in fong chi league
"they didnt know i was funny"
- frank chu
"are you as funny now as then ?"
"i believe so ..."
- frank
bellevue square
this weekend marks the 25th anniversary of
william su debut of
"zamo ni ga wa lua"
(woman you and me hot)
the crowd gather
but not all are there to hear william sing the classic
because this is 2019 bellevue
dr dean tsai and wife gao were there
he also 90's taiwan celebrities
taiwan country oldies
"honeymoon not same without you"
"the outer is like movie screen
the chi changes the dna
that why sickness cannot enter"
- tai chi ben
"so it a link to another ... field?
that people shifts into during meditation etc. ?"
"yes, you can call it a field
the guide is needed to open the door
after that it is easy"
- tai chi ben
energy with intelligence
the power of intelligence
that we can have smarter energy
there medicine for physical (outer) body
there medicine for energy body (5d)
modern time
we have outstanding outer (3d)
but little/fading of knowledge of energy body (5d)
without energy there no body
body reflect quality of energy
it the root
the energy body not subject to (4d) age
it can get stronger as 3d keeps reflecting the energy
whether our energy body gets stronger relative to yesterday is not subject to 4d time / age
even if 80
the root can get stronger day by day
month by month
year by year
what happens then to the outer ?
there less we can do 3d
if 5d is the imbalance
it will keep reflecting the energy
if 5d sustained (like hopis)
there less of 3d to worry about
perhaps much less
if inner balanced it is balanced
there nothing more
"this is happening because we are holding it down
- preston/colleen"
chewpi culture center
writer sends birthday greeting to friends/relatives
"you are truly an outstanding person. outstanding"
it like "hey you look younger"
you see outstanding in others
they will see it in you
they will agree and smile and wont ask why
and it always win win
the i ching is 4d language of the 5d
but its trinary knowledge is lost
- dr dean tsai
under false programming
4d believes it to be the 3d flow
yet it not believe the opposite
within compassion
4d aligns with 5d/3d
bring them closer
wu wei is the void
wu - chi the energy of void
they same
this the dimension before tai chi
the dance of yin/yang
the entire is the tao
- tai chi ben
i ching is the study of the chi
- taichi ben
the quality of your energy
you know it is fine this day
we can just look at you
age 70 you say
but that got nothing to do with your quality of energy
it is very rooted and stronger than last year"
"each day is new"
- ben chi smiles
yin and yang
diamond is denser than this cup
and this cup more dense than the water
and so
water is less dense than the cup
the binary is always present
that is tai chi
the dance of polarity energy
- ben chi
that very taoist
ben chi should be perceived as wuchi teacher
not just taichi
the missing third corner of tai chi
it energy of different quality
but it hard work
taken 30-40 years
- ben chi
"yes, that where we all like be in 30-40 years"
"so it not accumulating chi
once wuchi ?"
"enhancing its quality
may be a better term
chi is everywhere"
it busy morning at the chicken academy
somewhere in the hustle and bustle
an ancient tradition is revived
kelley the barista today
"much appreciated is thy to thee "
- a customer from portland
the customers nod in agreement
the hopi chi
there a spirit which one links to
it hopi in nature
it the impersonal
it like katchinas
sometimes it is with writer when he is in alignment and has the energy
as middle circle is there the way writer has middle with relatives/friends
because writer has skills
it allows access to energy
it the hopi inner world
and it the result
that reflects more energy to the outer than other empty
"it is all empty here"
- hopi tells writer at walpi
feeling one gets when in ceremony
there one being / flow within katchinas
they dance for hours giving out energy
then when break time comes
- personal rest on floor
then when dance time come
they get even stronger into night
inside kiva
impersonal energy got stronger
and they been dancing since morning
they known it since young
so it easy happy feeling
clowns plays their role
and three circles in one harmony
how to replicate it in 21st century city ?
we are beginning to open a bridge
simply shifting our 4d language
same code (english)
different flow (two way)
and it is having an effect
on creativity ...?
intelligence elevated
we are beginning to open a bridge
simply nurture our 5d power
same elements
different quality of power
and it is having an effect
stronger chi 5d ...?
chi of compassion
vitality strengthened
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
time a habit of perception
time moving faster because in our case
we are getting younger
- kevin
wuchi not change (non binary)
but the form it creates changes
- dr dean tsai
if wuchi energy cannot cease
then the forms from it just changes
if bored
want to not bore for oneself
want to take on feeling and help others
the effect are different
- master mei
if want liberation
want to leave the ocean of drifting
just want to help others liberate
then they live within different worlds
if you are lost then who is found ?
you just reminisce the old times and people
- mei
the black hole is deeper than emptiness
it is the emptiness of the emptiness
"three taste empty"
it is very full "
-master hu
the lens of compassion
from energy
it is all consciousness (inner movement)
from body
it is all energy
if looking from inside
it not a void
these being can see/speak from inside
for us looking from outside
wuchi means non-energy
beyond the forms
then there the void
"wuchi is before linking into forms
then tai chi appears"
- tai chi ben
if we 80 look middle age
we think it good
but if this world they live 200
then they think not
so it not about numbers
"take a deep breath in ...
enter this posture
when you want to laugh
it called "no laugh"
it will help neutralize our urge to laugh
- fong chi instructor
the legendary kung fu novel
pg - 13
20th century fong chi culture
"the year is 1975
the singer is teresa teng
place : zhong xiao ..."
- voice
starring shi wei chu
as principal chu
sho mei chu as grandma chu
frank chu as shi wei chu
mindy wei as sho mei chu
emily chu as actress bridget lin
jason chu as dr dean tsai
bing is the second most famous romance writer behind chong yao
when chiang visits
they better be ready to not laugh
july 20
scene 7
south bay
japanese restaurant
japanese tourists
"action !" - director
"my music teacher is a student of the great takomono sato ..."
- emily speaks with confidence
"who is takomono sato ...?"
- local asks
"you must not be a flute musician from colloquial japan ..."
- jason
sits next, speaks studiously
"he is but one of the most famous musician of 18th century japan ..."
- bing
the customer speaks so inspired
customers all nod
shi wei chu
birthday is july 20, 1939
like ...
if there a party in past world
and one couldn't be there
that way
then best way to simulate it is this way
it like passing on
everyone is past
yet some remains link
they all wish you best
dont look back
keep going
share your joy
taiwan and/or compassion and/or china
knowing him
not care of the attention b day
july 20
but to make tribute/gift
he would want us to speak for taiwan
debate international audience
on the taiwan issue
like ex girlfriend
cant just insist it
they do/say what they do/say
but there has be persuasive basis
for the world to agree
if this your own land
you speak up for it too
even if none of it here today
but we can send reinforcement to that time/place
dont let masks fool
let go adventitious
preserve the memory/frienship
lesson here
it compassion which shift perception
once one sees it as how he would help his brother(s)
then the perception of it gives the answer
and with it also resolution
i ching seminar with ben chi
- the art lost
it now can only go one way
(only symbols original
the words/commentaries are those of "experts/sages")
no one has authority on translating/describing the symbols
it the ones which acquire result from it who can say they understand its meaning
e.g. ben chi
- there inner/outer hexagrams (64 hexagrams of tai chi)
language ancient used to describe universe
" inner hexagrams (8 trigrams) the language of wu chi
- ben chi
- wuchi is non binary energy
"it can go clockwise/counter clock
up/down ; down/up ( etc.)
ancients discovered it because it can heal (at root)"
- ben chi
- i ching used by quantum physicists because the potential / flexibility allows for the description
- our task to de-code / re translate that language so it can flow reverse
- the art of it lost but not gone
maybe revitalized by modern science
and ben chi
64 hexagrams dont work in wuchi world
that not language here
it the eight inner trigrams
- dr dean tsai
quantum science can measure its effect
and conclude its existence
but cannot see nor measure it
- e.g. the black hole
- but it may be many times bigger than our galaxy miky way
" wuwei is the potentiality of it
so it the quantum field
it is the (buddha) mind
the chi it with is wuchi
they same
from wuchi manifest tai chi
and the 64 hexagrams
tai chi / wu chi / wu wei
only if link is lost (trikaya)
then it is ignorance (samsara)
- ben chi
the enire thing/movement is the tao
from wuwei
(the next movement)
it cannot be predicted
(that we can influence it)
the cause/effect different
- ben chi
tai chi which just moves
tai chi linked to wuchi
tai chi linked to wuwei
"that (movement within) meditation"
- ben chi
zhong xiao 1975
is world pg - 13
they speak same language
everything intermingled into one language
modern pop star
singing taiwan oldies
tonight show of taiwan 1975
hired actors ready to cheer and/or cry
legendary kung fu novel
zhong xiao baxian
the 8 zhong xiao immortals
pg - 13
the year ... 1994
group friends dinner
several zhong xiao classmates
and william su
eastside restaurant
owned by kai -starring jay chou
"gather the alishan circle
we make film
it'll be different and it'll have worldwide base"
- zhu ren zhang
"teng now famous director
but can he overlook the old feud with mr lin over xiang fei ?"
- table chen
that was in 1975
twenty years ago
you think they be over that by now
- zhu ren zhang
"yes ..."
nods do classmates
xiang fei was the one ... we made fun of
quiet and shy (chen jia xiang)
yet far from being bitter
we feel nothing but love from her
"we should all apologize to her"
- kai and teng
she shows up classmates reunions and we feel her fondness for past
- want all us to stay together
in that way, she is very special
that 1985 summer return to taiwan
the first time back - the happiest time
1975 忠孝
- 阿里山旅遊指南
是的, 很久以前
memories ?
yea there some
but we like the one we didnt remember
nor anyone could remember
until they read it here
like the memory of mr teng and mr lin singing
they both trying to sing to xiang fei
trying to get her attention by singing louder
the song was oldie
“i think it was
你儂我儂 ?”
- table chen
mr teng looks on
"yea, that song
now i remember"
- patricia
i was sitting right behind them
singing along
- 051401
that on the bus to alishan
- jiang yi der
that a long time ago
- 051415
chewpiland taiwan 1975
taiwan tonight show
fong fei fei/zhu ren zhang
am coffee welcomes taichi master ben chi
seminar on wuwei
wuwei and wuchi same
present spontaneous presence
and/or eternal root of taichi
we see it we can use it
perception (wuwei) and wuchi (energy) are the same
- ben chi
forms always moving even we not move
(silent/formless taichi)
they (sages) learn how to perceive it
like fine tune
and everything in the taichi world is in balance
- ben chi
ancient time
people lived in peace
took for granted the value of sages
until imbalance
modern time
then they look for the presence
- oracle
how many such sages we need ?
- ireland
one or ten not enough
1000 be enough ?
- writer
maybe 10,000"
- ben chi
zhu ren zhang and the tai chi world
bow with honor and respect
- 忠孝無極功
"The valley spirit never dies;
It is the woman, primal mother.
Her gateway is the root of heaven and Earth.
It is like a veil barely seen.
Use it; it will never fail."
- tao te ching
this talking about the wave
a mysterious middle (sambogakaya)
thin veil
from here
waves/form can be separated from form/wave
the form is not the wave
wave not the form
then vision is purified
we to practice kung fu on the wave level
conventional logic/newton physics
strengthen stronger circle by strong
in the wave field
it not same
inner movement is inner kung fu
outer movement outer kung fu
at wave level
there really no inner/outer
the wave kung fu
it not size visibility quantity of wave
but which wave is stronger
as a wave
all then gravitates
- zhong xiao
wuchi kung fu
the wave flute
the ones who can play it
the real flute wave
find teacher show you its use
the canyon of strange
many immortals still reside
wave/particle sphere
"it is world of yin ... the immutable ... there no free choice, in which everything is fixed
the secret of tao is in the world of th mutable , the world of light , the realm of yang
... is to keep changes in motion in such manner that no stasis occurs and an unbroken coherence is maintained"
- i ching
at ground there two forces
"the two fundamental forces serves to explain all the phenomenon in the world
Nonetheless, there remains something that cannot be explained in terms of interaction of these forces, a final why.
This ultimate meaning of tao is the spirit, the divine, the unfathomable in it, that, which must be revered in silence"
- i ching
"this force that binds that group of energy fields together .. the most mysterious force in the universe. "
wave/particle duality not exist inside wuchi
they have inverse relationship
once circle this way
one that way
once they differentiate
it is taichi
wuchi and wuwei same
wuchi is wave/particle inseparable chi
wuwei the void/mind
- ben chi
how adjust/fine tune wuchi/wuwei ?
it a wholesome quality
just (meditate) on it
- ben chi
so you able to see the wave/particle distinction
yea but sometimes it mixed
but once meditate
can see it
- ben chi
uncle ben lin of LA
that ben chi
one of the taoist grandmasters
quantum is one wave
compassion another wave
combined they create quantum wave which sends compassion
back in june :
"you mean i may not see you once there ?"
so it that same feeling
each stop we say good bye
"you may see her again"
- old lady zhu
future to past
we are fine
it had no past cares
and if future tells us we fine
happy b- day old lady zhu
we send compassion wave to them
across all times
tacoma 1984
"... the score card for the 1981 basketball championship"
- frank
"oh yea
what my stats ?"
- john
four points
2 rebounds 1 steal and a block ..."
- frank
"yes, frank chu ..."
- charles ba
"i have 5 tickets to william su concert
front row seats..."
- xian gu
wow ... how you get them ?"
- classmates
i worked as a cheering actress at the taiwan today show for them
exciting news
famous taiwan script writer/producer
ms zhang fang pi
introduced by emily- our pvf rep in LA
she wants me to write a factual fiction/biography on william su's life and career
we thank emily
pvf fans rise to cheer
the story begins with scene
when william first met ms hawaii taiwan
guess who introduced them ?
yes, frank wife/then girlfriend mindy
starring emily - jason stars as frank
it covers 80-90's
and the tales of his friends
scene :
"... she is ms hawaii taiwan 85 and 86"
- mindy
"wow ..."
- william
"and 87 ..."
- frank
la al born to hopi mother
raised in orient
they call him ah-fu
the character we like to insert into taiwan shows
starring dominic
the taiwan show covered 20 years
from her first meeting him
ended where she saw him again as spirit
"your memory cannot fail you
it depends where your heart takes it"
- a thousand good nights
if i were to add a scene
at begin the end scene should flash to her
like message from her own future
when i help someone solve a problem
i am often more happy than that person
- a thousand good nights
Season 3
taoist heaven
focus more on balance/harmony
less on enlightenment/emptiness
but there many taoist also buddhist
it not a religion that way
no rules nor leaders
it the way
rainbow body and compassion
replacing/regenerating the root
dont get pulled by second floor
seven billion world news
it like coming from bottom
the peak of winter
the spring begins
there is joy to the body
rainbow light/field is always here
that nature of sambogakaya
dont get too anxious
it old habit
it a caldron
family be the first two who we open the rainbow world to
once it begins
it a new world
they are saved
he answered our prayer
that field is not subject to the old ground
step by step
circle by circle linking in
we rise together
1975 central taiwan
1985 central taiwan
2002 cedar mesa utah
2065 hollywood california
2055 florida
2040 downtown new york
chewpiland calendar
as outer
all yet here
as inner
which way we go ?
in script
zhong xiao made deal with holy ghost
angel sent from neighboring heaven
zhong xiao send the codes into the human world where they seek his help
- through its network
zhong xiao made deal with john chu to what he seeks to help/protect family/friends
- zhong xiao is high tech and ask holy spirit to look after / help john chu
john chu agrees to write the message for fong chi and zhong xiao etc.
win win
three worlds
lower world - chewpiland
middle world - 21st century
upper world - zhong xiao
each own station/base
writer given tour all three worlds
he is chewey - the chief of an underworld base - chewpiland/the death hunters are the warriors
in zhong xiao - the advisor to the clown chief of the great zhong xiao kingdom - a quantum sphere
in this tale
chewey visits zhong xiao
greeted by zhu ren zhang
he is accompanied by a friend visiting from human world- john chu
the three are best friends from three different worlds
yet no one has seen them together
just always they talk of eachother visits
they remain connected no matter where each travel to
energy of compassion
ever since 2002
there an extra layer of energy
it the result
we call it compassion
it replaces/regenerates old energy
we only need to trust it
stay with it
it come from our future
an energy with a different basis
... the forces constituting the visible world are transcendental ones ... it transcends the spatial world, but it acts upon the visible world ...
an object is spatial... but it cannot be understood without knowledge of the ... underlying it
- i ching
the world can be changed/saved only through understanding how it moves from the "underlying" field and knowing how to use it
i ching is a map of the field using images as language
but the ability to "change/influence" the images is no more
what the hopis have - awareness/seeing the ground
- has been lost in i ching culture, perhaps because ruling empires dont want such knowledge used
without it, it is used only as predictions etc. - like gazing at stars - they may know what happening but cant do much to change it
they can see the field but dont have the language/formula to optimize it
ji gong is unique
he actually crossed the line
and then came back
pretends to yet cross line
and still stuck in samsara
like foolish and childlike
- he carries no burdens of a buddha
those who still stuck samsara but pretend otherwise
- they worshipped as above
and so weak circle not easy flow counter clockwise
the remedy for that is to cross the line and then come back
that coming back is the most rare ...
quantum physics making the field visible
but our awareness need come from ancient cultures which still preserve it
and then ... there need be a new language and study of how to balance the field
like inner feng shui
this a long term research, but it worth the effort
wuchi and/or compassion
wu (non) chi (extreme) - non-polar/dual energy
it similar to dharmadatu
wuwei is the perception of emptiness/compassion
it similar to dharmakaya
so the saying - wuwei er wu buwei
"non action yet nothing is unaccomplished"
with wuwei nothing is impossible
no inner effort is necessary
if viewed from wuchi realm - birth/death is seen very different
"As I see it, the completely unenlightened man believes there is such a thing as death and that death is tragic ...
The slightly more enlightened man believes there is an afterlife...
The next stage of enlightenment is to realize that life and death are both purely illusory; they have existence in the phenomenal but not in the noumenal world.
At a still higher stage, one realizes that all talk of life and death totally misses the mark."
- the tao is silent
if viewed from wuchi - there is no polarity and if know how to use the movements from within wuchi - anything is possible
there is no language to describe the reverse
the wheel can only go one way
they can use it to see what to come
but not to change movements within wuchi
maybe the art was lost ?
we not talking about magic spells
which is just using a set formula, like saying a phrase commanding a computer to react
but not speak/know meaning of the language
that what is unique about potential of i ching
if we have made improvement to this since
then we all getting to know the language
it paradoxical and multi dimensional
stay with it
"all the impure elements (earth, water and so on) both outer and inner, are spontaneously cleansed."
the william su tv show
gathering celebrity actors
e.g. starring jay chou as kai
emily and her just about fiancee patrick
star as zhang fang pi and mr zhang fang pi
- tv show production update
taiwan folk culture
"honeymoon would not have been the same without you"
a taiwan romantic folk song
(not to be confused with taiwan country song "honeymoon not same without you"
by dean tsai)
there a movie made of same name
- in our script
"wow... so romantic ..."
- studi audience
"the inner content contest"
there is only this day
this hour
how content can you be this next hour ?
little content (1) to very content (10)
it an individual inner and collective team contest
"we wake every day thankful"
"we have no complaints"
thankful compassion is still here
taiwan 70's
you got food in belly ; roof overhead
you can be content
taiwan today
even if all that and more ...
enough never enough
people city say i need more
hopis like me for my simplicity
there difference between speaking 3 languages fluently vs. growing up in three cultures/languages/inner movements
taiwan culture was 1/2 japanese
it was ruled by japan up to 1949
grandparents speak japanese at home
as inner movement - they very different
taiwan culture and language is between chinese/japanese
as for american culture - that is even more different
beyond that, even if one learns many more languages, they be rooted in the original circles
taiwan native culture told they second class
cultures suppressed- e.g. minorities
tend to have better inner humor
fong fei fei fans tend be child like type
many buddhists
the world of joy is within them
the pure eastern yin
writer tuned into that current
so when listen to 70's music together
it awakens in everyone that inner taiwan
she knows how to sing back to past because she from the timeless
lack confidence vs. confidence vs. something else
driving school student lacks confidence
after some years - have confidence
yet to a seasoned truck driver
he/she is neither confident nor not confident
they just drive
inner luminosity
"one begets two begets three
from three world is created"
- tao te ching
one is dharmadatu/vajrakaya/ground of compassion
the two are yin/yang
the third is dharmakaya - the mind which realizes dharmadatu - we call it compassion
i ching and/or compassion
from ground/third body
the 64 tai chi hexagrams are all same/seen differently
just different patterns within compassion
and because of that
the outer flows within compassion
they stuck inside false inner body view of i ching
the binary (yin./yang) has not a middle field for yin to return/yang to advance into
and the two forces not neutralized /self balanced
it like a mediator
dharmakaya intervenes in the conflict
both sides neutralized by it
i ching is the book (ching) of the easy (i)
it has way of making things easy by knowing how to harmonize from root/inner/micro
in newton world
patterns are set ; the past is set and so the future cannot be changed
i ching becomes a calculation of what to happen
- this not the original i ching
in quantum
everything is moving
past is now - particles not there until observed
i ching gives advise on how to move with it
wuwei wu buwei
when a situation not have solution in both polarity
we listen to fong fei fei
1850 b.c.
"when the fundamental nature of the ground of the natural great perfection has been established, and when its extraordinary path, characterized by a total absence of deliberate action and effort, has been understood, one comes, through training, to the primordial ground as it truly is"
- treasury precious qualities
it self purifying
"it is here that adventitious stains are naturally cleansed away"
clear the root
the rest (outer luminosity) takes care itself
within wuchi (non binary)/natural state
yin and yang displace each other in harmony
within two directions of movements
"the firm and the yielding displace each other within the eight trigrams (wuchi). Thus the firm is transformed, melts as it were, and becomes the yielding ; the yielding changes, coalesces, as it were, and becomes the firm...
there are two directions of movement, the one rightward, ascending, the other backward, descending ..."
- i ching (commentaries)
which part of the flow we are missing ?
e.g. if as inner we cant humble bc our male ego is rigid
inner not in harmony from natural flow
that why we created nba fong chi
how to humble the easy way
yin (yield)/yang(firm)/dharmadatu (little circles)
the yang/white melts into black through the little black circle /ground
;the yin/black coalesce into white through little white circle/emptiness
dharmadatu is more than emptiness
it the "emptiness endowed with supreme qualities (compassion)"
inner luminosity
one begets two begets three
from three world is created
- tao te ching
one is dharmadatu/vajrakaya/ground of compassion
the two are yin/yang
the third is dharmakaya - the mind which realizes dharmadatu - we call it compassion
goal of taoist body
(hundred sickness no birth)
(reverse old return young)
(heaven human merge one)
- dr dean tsai
he doctor of the skandhas body
game plan
so say you 80 and mastered 百病不生
it a state reachable by anyone any age
the ultimate medicine
then by 85 your inner still 百病不生
- the ultimate medicine
and if keep going
by 90 返老還童
- rainbow/diamond body
by 100
the rainbow body of great transference
in which one can enter/exit as rainbow
the ultimate medicine has many levels
the immortals
there no over nor under population in quantum world
no inflation no deflation
no birth no sickness no aging no death
all welcome
- dominique
ms quantum hopi
congratulations to dr. emily chu md
(zhang fang pi)
we proud of her
that's her boyfriend dr. patrick
"mr zhang fang pi"
she be working at stanford
looking forward to a wedding
mr and mrs zhang fang pi
emily/patrick engaged 6-3-23
"he is wise to ask and she wise to say yes"
- zhu tai ming
"yes ..."
- chu family
some one gonna break 4 minute mile
some culture gonna break the aging myth
why wait till one is 100 or just do it for ourself
we help them get to 90
we help them get to 100
quantum world is very profound
once crossed, we can be in all worlds
there no over/under population
if this works
you can thank those whom we write for
it just keep transforming
the perception and possibilities
that wave with antecedent cause vs.
this wave without antecedent cause
they both see same memory of am coffee/pm lunch
to that wave it happened antecedently
to that wave it not happen antecedently
the sphere of compassion has outer form and inner wave
the sphere of false programming same
they share same dharmakaya
just talked to parents FaceTime
to that karma wave they are certain age and part of aging cycle etc.
so they perceive things/life certain way based on the presentation of that wave
to compassion wave they also now part of
their inner wave continuously transforms into direction of optimal wave
time just means change of forms/shape/appearances - waves moving reflected into forms
the energy of compassion is same today as it was 20 years ago - it not older/younger
you just don know how it gonna happen
but can maybe see the what - e.g. 100th birthday strong chi of compassion
once merged into compassion wave
“you can throw all old ways of seeing future out the window”
- beef
abc circles
the aging wave is circle b
the inner body wave is circle b
that wave has yet to be challenged on a collective level in circle b
but maybe there now emerging
a new non body wave movement
- guardians captain
chewpoiland welcomes jason/zhu tai ming to seattle
the world of joy.the reverse world
the beings within are all very ... all knowing and magical
zhu tai ming's birthday 8-9 - he 25
chewpiland bay area rise to cheers
even if they reaches 100
this is how we will always see emily and jason
he ask how i am
"same old lake house. same old me"
the thing is ...
we havent seen them since entering canyon 02/05
and so this photo from 20 years ago also what we last remember of them
"maybe they already have children
there frank you close to there ; there frank you are friend with here"
- hu
we have a family here ; we have a family there
we wonder how they are
and whether we see them again ...
and so whenever get a chance -
we wish/send them joy and luck
are you certain it happened
are you certain it need be the antecedent cause ?
these are the laws of the universe
the laws of dharmakaya
the sphere of compassion
the above video
if we see clear from this angle
it just digital display /lights moving in present moment
there is no antecedent cause
he has a paddle not because he brought it this am
that just another movement inside his mind (4d)
like dream, the body just there
but if our mind is inside the video
then ...
so if someone can pull/shift your perception from that ... to this, what is predestined to happen in the digital display may change
it is possible to just keep going/living yet not stuck in same world etc.
that the qualities/laws of the sphere of compassion
reverse within compassion
i ching is study of movements of patterns
- movements of inner world
if programmed by false programming
it not optimizing its potential
the movement is present moment wave patterns and hexagrams can move/merge/change in 360 ways
there infinite ways e.g. time can move
the real masters of it would have inner movements which all patterns can harmonize with eachother with ease - then no inner imbalance takes place
but if we get stuck in programming of words
then nothing magical can happen
the hexagrams can only change horizontally and not transforming vertically/deeper
the inner movement becomes not deepen/spiral but instead recycling on same second floor
the ground /dharmakaya has e.g. 25 deeper levels
how can we , as inner, see future as causing/influence the past
get to the point - how as present can we make our past younger ?
"fong chi can traverse the inner network in reverse
without conflict with the forward flow
- it not illogical because it comical
our future, e.g. chewpiland websites viewers 8 pm
are saying to us ...
'wow ... so romantic"
- 7 :30 pm
they making us younger by doing that
and so we as present do same to our past e.g. 7pm
when i wrote "wow so romantic"
you get point
do that to yourself in past
then your life be filled with ... a younger feeling
say you see a friend
then as inner, you say to that friend's one hour past
"wow... so romantic"
, maybe by saying to others, for no reason
"wow... that is so romantic ..."
that the future code for sending good health to their past ?
the power of intelligence
if 50, is it possible for the power of intelligence to increase when 55 ?
if 80, is it possible by 85 to have more power of intelligence ?
that power is not to do with age - an inner body phenomena
if one has more of it ; one has more of it
it not necessarily "better" in that way we want/expect
e.g. better grades etc.
but the quality of ones intelligence
- wit memory perception etc.
undergoes an elevated transformation
the how we dont know
just that there is the possibility
we dont have much of it
we would need to find a teacher who has that power
the power of intelligence does not rely on outer forms/age and it has no limit / ceiling to it
like it billion to a we million is how we feel next to this intelligence
ground zero/compassion
with out inner body as veil
there never was a beginning
everything is just now here
what is in front
and that can all be new
return to inner zero ; "if they know it"
power of abundance
more people want help you in more ways
and/or power fo alleviate others inner suffering
are also quality of accumulation of this power
sphere of unlimited endurance vs. limited duration
different inner body sphere - different outer body
deepening of spheres vs. opening of chakras
they different - one is horizontal ; one vertical
say there 10 spheres of inner body
and we only at 5
then there much room to go deeper
百病不深 /hundred sickness no rise
is a sphere not as deep as
反老回童/reverse old return young
once reach certain sphere
it a different inner physics
rainbow body be advanced body sphere
say if evolved from level 3 body sphere to 4
they may not approach the cause/effect ; modern medicine paradigm the same
paying attention also to e.g. the inner/energy causes
bc they can see the relationship of 5d to 3d
with sufficient deepening of compassion
the spheres purifies of its own
the ultimate medicine is a deeper body sphere
maybe centurions secret is their deeper body sphere modern science paradigm cant explain it
taichi is art which takes one into deeper body sphere
ok ok my love
we will make this day the national bonsai day
a national holiday
- chiang speaks with authority
she hugs him
"wow ... so romantic ..."
- hotto club
what matters is that the body inner/outer regenerates
there a body sphere ...
it not about who what age place etc.
young and/or old
there only present/what in front
there that body sphere ...
we inching closer into it/the sun is rising
the clouds are dispersing/veil losing its pull
body consciousness vs. non body consciousness
both are consciousness
one feels compounded/divided
vs. one feels whole (so no chakras)
fool's luck
if collectively we can deepen into one deeper layer
just one ...
then everything from the previous layer not pull us anymore
then others will follow because it works
if individually just a few can go that deep
then everything previous layer will try to pull them back
not easy
one get pulled back forth
power of abundance
as inner
if get pulled by money
second floor be the current
then there inner wanting
call it greed or need - there wanting no end even when full outer
if not get pulled
outer is outer
do what need do
there more clarity in action
there there the reverse
the one which pulls money in
not just attracting but pulls with no effort
the rich begs to give you money
but you turn it down , even if needed, the same way they turn down people asking them for money
“sorry … maybe next time …” ”
that reverse
otherwise, one not inside current
if one is 30 or 50 or 80
it this present 3/4/5d dream/vision
each dream is self sufficient
there a past which caused this present
and there an expected future of certain years etc etc.
- the mental body 4/5d dream
if in dream at 80
choose between having a 100 beyond vs. accepting mental body limiting ideas/programming
- it just one's own inner movement
the next dream one could be in 20's
we are our wave ; not our age
if our wave is not old not young
our age is still what it is
zhu tai ming is a writer working with zhang fang pi on the autobiography of william su
their most recent additions to the classic :
"when williiam su sings to the taiwan ladies in 90's
the tears that naturally spring from their heart and soul ...
can not be measured in ounces
but in pounds
and when william married ms hawaii taiwan 85/86/87
the amount of tears of ladies crying cannot be measued in pounds
by in gallons ..."
- movie script
"wow ... so romantic ..."
- the hotto club
“當90年代蘇威廉給台灣小姐姐們唱歌的時候 從他們的心靈和靈魂中自然湧出的淚水…… 不能用盎司來衡量 但以磅為單位 的 當威廉與台灣夏威夷女士結婚時 85/86/87 女士們哭泣的眼淚量無法用磅來衡量 以加侖為單位……” - 電影劇本 的
age and/or compassion
each day a new 3/4/5d
so even if it 90/60 degree when should be 60/90
it not hotter/colder than expected
there no calendar
"in dream we find ourself at middle of it"
in dream/vision, the sun didnt rise nor will it set
the point is
dont let the inner calendar authority pull you in vision
if not that memory body then not that memory age - is a 49/51 inner counterbalance
zhu ren zhang as kid wanted to write a kung fu novel/movie/series
if old classmates zhong xiao gather ...
if can keep budget to basic movie from 70's taiwan
but start top hollywood stars as kung fu characters in taiwan culture ...
then it may have potential
if do well, we can share
if we can make money like it
we can create a middle circle with the "mainstream"
mr teng and mr lin will become actors and follow the xiang fei script
that the very boring movie
i know you never liked to study and we never pressure you do do so
but we also know you will somehow find a way to get there
- dad
they never pressured writer ; when we decided to go law school (the future just pulled strongly) - he wasnt for it ; but not against it ; just that he spoked to friends who advised him that getting job as asian lawyer was not easy back then - and he was right
once we went in - he was supportive and glad we on that path
they left me be and allowed our potential to blossom
knowing it a different path no matter how ordinary
at same time patiently watched and supported us
i always have walked solo path
even if outer others present
my family is my foundation
both in taiwan and america
it is their support which made this chewpiland presentation possible
for free
so we take this opportunity to thank him
and the family
they will be with me for a long long time
they all call me ah-joun?!
my very first name/taiwan name
this our own place
exclusively ours
nirmanakaya fields
where many share a mental world
so foundation is fixed/consistent
e.g. cant change that mountain
because others also dreaming of it
sambogakaya is inner court
anything everything can be changed
it just own simulation ; there no limitations
that the sphere of compassion/akanishita
eventually everyone here
sambogakaya retinue of xians to be
stays not young not old
that the real nature of the wave here
if old now, will gravitate into that chi
if young now, will also gravitate to that chi
this the programming place
we learn together to master this wave field within sphere of compassion
what is uneven within evenness
what is not yet within compassion within compassion
say parents in 3031 looks same difference to 2023 as we in 2023 look same difference to 215
that would be same possible
then their circle friends want to follow that current ; then circles and circles
100 years from now
we/they say it changed in 2023 when writer came down to help them in LA
the future waited that journey to pass back the needed knowledge
micro/macro like when turn 35
the tide must turn
the pvf wave
our body is a wave (49/51)
wave can be influenced, not commanded
e.g. a short story or joke can influence it more beneficial than mental body repeated commands/wants etc.
chi returning to the source where it springs vs.
scattered throughout
wuchi means non polar
it not energy because once seen as energy there is matter ; it not nothing because once seen as nothing there is something
yet there is movement within
and the 8 inner hexagrams the language ancients use to describe it
non elements underlying element world of 64 outer hexagrams tai chi
fire and water not polar within wuchi
yet they exist as non elements intermingled
"primal arrangement ... There are two directions of movement, the one rightward, ascending, the other backward, descending" - i ching
once tai chi
they are polarized as opposites
like before idea emerge as idea
there realm of possibilities of patterns where each idea exist but only as potential
- we cannot measure it from realm of idea/binary thoughts
but those who knows the field knows how to use it - non ideas
that same with non elements of wuchi
it what makes up the form
i ching not characters/words but patterns
the art of understanding its movement
it an understanding/art ; not ideas/formula
like humor - it an art/understanding
no machines can imitate it with formulas/rules
in that way we can never understand the nature of reality - it an art
the i ching is a study of the wave field - it not religion/oracle etc., just a study of root field
each patterns can be organized/ interpreted differently etc. etc.
ideally, the 64 hexagrams can freely move in/out of eachother. otherwise, the wave is blocked
and after awhile, if it gets set in as a program - what not able to flow/network then do not flow/network
then if only few patterns are allowed at root/brain wave, then it may feel like a blank state with no movement vs. if it all free flowing, it also feel like a root field state but with creative movement
the association helps with remembering number
if one studies it long enough, one comes to identify a number with each 64 hexagram - so if someone gives you a number to remember e.g. 463501
one can just associate it with 3 hexagrams e.g. pushing up (46) rising sun (35) beginning (01)
and then numbers becomes easy to remember
so for the root patterns which ha snot been used/flow, we only need to re-activate it at root level
get it flowing again so it can regenerate as it once did
how that is done is not/less through words/actions than it is through understanding
in other words, the patterns need reverse flow
but something/one would need to introduce the power of wisdom into the wave field
we ask for guidance
you get the point : the potential is there ; need be done from 4d/5d field
reverse within compassion
we elevate/transmute energy to be light body
descend/dissolve to be no body
our body becoming as light as it
it becoming as light as our body
that "it" can be small and/or big
dense and/or light
penny and/or hundred
we all know how to ... ascend to the light body
if one can do both ...
then maybe something else ...?
visualize being light energy of lotus born
is our body becoming as light as it
have you met anyone pretending to be 20 years younger
what about older ?
that be reverse/crazy wisdom
- calvin
in script
chu move into chewpiland chauteu cupertino
a 55 and over retirement community of outstanding people
why ? - to get younger
the chi of compassion
at the center of the black hole is a light
it consumes the dark as energy
the eternal fire is a gift
- hong jun
the light of inner luminosity
seen only within pure space
- manjushri
at center of light is a black hole
it gives the energy to the light
- 8 immortals
the eternal spring
it all happening as one 5d movement
no coming no going
- hanuman
how that light consumes the endless space is the mystery of the mystery
- the mystery of the mystery sage
that inner luminosity can be given not taken
"the sphere of compassion links into you
one cannot force oneself upon it"
it a gift - sambogakaya can mean the rewards body
- writer
deepening compassion for darkeness transforms it into light
how deep the compassion also how deep the consumption
- 04 writer
highest state tai chi is movement within silence ; kung fu it movement without intent
they move spontaneously with the inconceivable
wuwei wu buwei
taichi into wuchi space field
64 hexagram language into 8 trigrams
wuchi/endless space into wuwei /blank space
8 trigrams into trinity
wuchi is before taichi
our wuchi is our inner luminosity
taichi is the movements within wuchi
wuchi is wave/non binary form
so no dense no light ; no increase no decrease
it appears to taichi world as one unified field
zero state without coming nor going
within it, however, there are 4d movements which compliments 5d movements
that 5d is the inner luminosity
the inner luminosity is the sub stratum field of outer luminosity
patterns of inner/wuchi vs. outer/taichi
it the inner which reflect the outer
master the inner, we master what reflect outer
mastering here means to understand the interplay of each patterns
ideally, we want sub stratus to flow within compassion, whatever the patterns/movement
the chi an art, not a fixed formula
that taichi world like a formula - 64 outer hexagrams - movements of which creates the blueprint of outer world
but the wuchi world - 8 inner trigrams
is not a formula and it what underlie taichi
it involves wisdom power and compassion
it like wave kung fu
the outer movements are formulas
it the person behind it that the art
two same size people with same form
one with strong chi vs. one without ...
in sambogakaya, all same 5d - like all in same swimming pool
it the luminosity of spontaneous presence
the 4d the difference
wuchi field has no formula
there are the basic 8 patterns /elements which intermngle without conflict - within harmony
such so it seems still to the taichi world
like calm ocean within is robust in aquatic life
but maybe it can all be simplified down to the 3 circles - they may move as "it all one" but threeare distinct
e.g. yin is not yang is not empty
it is the interaction which creates movements
william su said it best
"if you from taiwan you dont abandon your root ...
they need people like us to bridge with the west"
if this taiwan inner kung fu masters
they should unite against the inner seige
lets talk kung fu - inner kung fu
the yang kung fu is intact
add some mucle and beard tatoo outer
it accentuates the yang chi inner
but real secret of internal chi is the yin
that art lost
akido founder smiles and say his chi body feels like water/woman
makes no effort seemingly to overturn ...
only 100 pounds and 90 years old etc.
he know the yin of blank space
some old masters still have it but only if they have access to wuwei
it the result
the one with yin no need yang appearance
yet once you see them their inner chi is soft/gentle yet more firm than those half their age
they practice the paradox
using the inner yin to create the spontaneous yang that cannot be seen
wuwei mean not doing yet all doing
it reverse
same with reverse old return youth
it the inner yin
that hidden in east, far east
the real result is can your chi be stronger than 30 years ago ?
if it is it is
if not it not
not how many trophyies fighting outer
the reverse light is mentioned in ancient texts ?
fong fei fei is the secret
we listen to her every day ; if you can hear the blank space yin within
but the kung fu masters' pride get in way3-20
point is :
reverse 5d has reverse 4d
the kung fu masters are
1) not playing into this
2) meditating/listening in on music hoping to strengthen their kung fu
3) get the reverse of it and played along ; even getting their students to listen ; knowing the reverse spirit not just in music but the playfulness of it ; if they wait till next year, it may be still funny/goofy but it not reverse
do we inner age because we outer age
and/or vice versa ?
what if it a vision body ?
try to change perception with same paradigm vs. change perception with new paradigm
within compassion
the cycle/mental body can be transcended - so inner birth never happened as antecedent cause - there a state without mental body
it need not be inside blank space/rock house
but just enough anchor to not let the current pull
hey you look younger
dont go the other way
they all think we joking on not going other way
but for once we serious - it dead end without a sign
river is like time
bridge over it the blank space view
if on bridge watching others carried by current
they may think we moving not them
like hey you look younger
in simulation which 3/4/5d preset ; if attached to any of it, may want something to be different than what it is
it paradox - more content/no need it
more it changes into content and then something we want either we have and/or no needed it anymore
as inner, when young the spiral goes outward
vice versa when momentum exhausts at turning point
but it need not be that way ?
blank space is beyond pull of both movements
as outer, it is what it is
as inner, no need wait until clock returns to 12 to reset
even if penny reaches beyond dollar and to $100 - it still must return to zero
so the "immortals"/$100 still feel future turning point vs. in blank space there no future
future is a direction within the present
keep expanding
turn around and take care of within first
3/d aging
based on an endless space program
e.g. 35 and 65 different within program
vs. 3/6d aging
not need to based on same program
35/65 need not follow old program
3d/7d no body no aging
35 same as 100 same as 10 in blank space
blank space has no center/periphery/direction
the art of keeping the 3d/6d enduring is based on knowledge of 7d
so long there 3d/6d there can be 3d
it how long they can keep up 3d/6d
without 5d/7d it wont last ; may seem forever to other worlds , but it relative
without 5d/7d there be feel that there be inner old in future, even if they can keep display outer young ; and vice versa
in vision, is aging first inner or outer ?
as inner - image of old person in future
like it already set like stars moving
as inner wave - an old wave being consuming the person until they become alike
it is not yin/yang ; not a thing
also involves the mind
- ben chi
on the immortal chi
dharmakaya is inconceivable
that it a byproduct of "involves the mind"
those who can create it e.g. ben chi
vs. those only able to tap into it
involving no effort, origin, or thought
no vibration and no intention at all
- uttara tantra
he 75 with no/little wrinkle and rosy aura
his teacher william chen is 90's and still teaching
his other teachers live past 100 and "exited peacefully"
it a lineage thing - last of the mohicans
elemental space chi
quantum space chi/wuchi
blank space chi/one chi